Torture By


*Autumn POV*

AJ, Tre, Fred and I sit around playing Spades. We've been playing for about an hour and have the radio on.

"You know, I thought this would get rid of the boredom but it hasn't," Tre says.

I nod. AJ tosses the cards down.

"You know what? I'm so bored I could go lay down and take a nap." AJ looks over at me and Tre.

"And what are you girls gonna do?"

*Tre POV*

I look over at Autumn and shrug my shoulders

"I don't know. What about you Autumn, you have any ideas?" I ask her. She sits there for a few and I can tell she's thinking about it "Don't think so hard Autumn, there's smoke rising out of your ears" I tell her and laugh.

She slaps my arm

"Shut up girl. Lets go to the mall or something Tre"

"Hmm now that sounds like a plan"

I tell her and start to get up

"The mall? with out me?" Aj whines.

"Well Aje you are always noticed when we go out and I end up getting chased by girlfriend hungry fans"

I tell him and he laughs at me

"Ok, your right but you better take security with you, just in case"

I look over at Autumn and roll my eyes

"Yes dear, I will" I tell him.

He smiles at me

"Thank you"

He says and gives me a kiss and heads to our room to lay down.

"Your welcome sweetie" I tell him. "Ready?" I ask Autumn.

"Yea let me say bye to Fred"

"Ok, cool"

I tell her and go out to the hall and wait for her

*Autumn POV*

I go and find Fred cussing because nothing is on tv. I laugh at him and he looks up.

"Hey, Tre and I are going to the mall."

"Okay. AJ going?"

"Nope. I guess we have to take Marcus with us and well, that will be tons of fun."

"You and your sarcasm. Well, why don't I go with you two?"

I frown.

"Why don't you go get a tattoo or something? I just want to hang out with Tre. I'll take my phone with me."

"Alright baby. Be careful and pick me up some good cds. OH and if you will play that one Stained song for Trelyn. AJ once told me she loved it."

"Um, okay."

I kiss Fred and go back out and tell Tre I am ready. We head out of the door and Tre grabs a set of keys.

*Tre POV*

After I get the keys I have to call Marcus at home to let him know that he gets the full enjoyment of being mine and Autumns escort for the day. I dial his number and it takes him a while to answer, when he does it sounds like I woke him up

"Hello?" He says very sleepily.

"Hey Marcus"

"Oh hey Tre, something wrong?" He asks me yawning.

I laugh

"No nothings wrong. Aj wants you to go to the mall with us" I tell him.

"Umm ok sure." He says uncertainly

"Something wrong Marc?" I ask.

"No, not really. I was just hoping to catch some sleep before I have to fight off women later tonight." He tells me.

"Well why don't we do this. How about you sleep and we go to the mall?" I say to him.

"But won't it piss AJ off?" He asks me.

"Not if he don't know. Besides we can stop at Mcd's on the way back, he forgets everything once you announce you have Mcd's to eat."

He laughs

"That's true. Ok, but try NOT to get chased by fans" He tells me

"Hey now, that was NOT my fault. If a certain someone would of been able to keep their voice down I would of never been noticed" I tell him pouting.

"Yea, ok Tre if you say so." He says laughing.

"It's true! Bye Marc" I tell him and hang up.

"So uhh Tre what incident is everyone talking about that you got chased by fans?" Autumn asks me.

I roll my eyes and look at her.

"Me and my cousin went to the mall." I tell her

*Autumn POV*

I look at Tre.

"Your cousin?"

"Okay so it was AJ. He saw a hat store and started freaking out and yelling. Then the fans heard us and well, we got chased." I laughed.

"Poor Tre."

"And the worse part about it was I ended up dropping one of my shopping bags and some girls stole my stuff."

"That wasn't nice."


We are at the car, or should I say cars, trying to decide which one to take.

"Hey, I am gonna grab Fred's cds. hold on okay?"

Tre says okay and I grab a few of them. We decide on the convertible and get in and head off. I put in the Stained cd and turn it up. A look of horror comes over Tre's face once Aaron Lewis starts singing.

*Tre POV*

"AHHH not that song!" I practically yell trying to turn it down, turn it off, throw it out the window, something!! Autumn is looking at me with a combined look of amazement and humor on her face "what?" I snap at her.

"Well uhh what was all THAT about?" she asks me.

"OHH I hate that song with a passion" I tell her She says and I can tell she thinks I've lost it.

"Ok, sorry I freaked." I tell her "I am just way sick of that song. I tell AJ that everytime he plays it and I know he plays it to torture me"

I tell her pulling into the parking lot at the Florida Mall

"Ohh ok. I guess that's why Fred wanted me to play it for you" she tells me.

"Fred told you to play it?" I ask her.

"Yep he sure did"

"You do realize your mans going to get it, don't you?" I ask her smiling

"Well if he knew you hated it, I guess he deserves it." she says sighing. "Then again....want some help?" she asks and we both laugh.

We walk into the mall and shop for about 3 hours when I start feeling hungry.

"Autumn, wanna hit McDs now. Pick something up and take it back to the guys?" I ask her.

"Yea, I'm hungry and I think we have enough bags of stuff" she says.

I look down and we each probably have at least 8 bags and I have to laugh

"Yea I think we bought enough. Aj will be happy though because I think half of this is his" I tell her.

"Well that's your fault. You shouldn't buy for him, he enjoys shopping too much"

I laugh

"That's true but I can't help it, I love buying stuff for him. Anyway you can't talk, you bought stuff for Fred too." I remind her.

She looks at me and then laughs "True True"

We head out to the car and head for the closest McDonalds

*Autumn POV*

"So what will Fred want?"

"Ah he won't care as long as it's food. Get him the 2 cheeseburger meal. Get me the Grilled chicken meal. You know what AJ wants?"

Suddenly Tre gets this smile.

"You know, why don't we do something mean to AJ."

"You are gonna mess with the guys food? Oh that is so wrong."

"How can I mess with something I'm not gonna get?"

"OHHH you ARE asking for trouble! But, hey yeah. Go for it. I could use some humor. But remember it was your idea."

Tre starts laughing and orders the food and we head back to their place. Fred greets us and we start throwing our bags in his arms.

"Thanks for helping us Fred," Tre says.

"Damn, I didn't know I volunteered for this."

"Well, you have to pay for making Autumn play that song."

Fred looks over at me with a "a little help here?" look.

"No way baby. You are on your own."


Tre and I laugh.

*Tre POV*

We get into the house and head into the kitchen

"Aren't you gonna get Aj, Tre?" Fred asks me.

I look at Autumn and smile


I tell him and start passing the food out. I know Fred and Autumn exchanged looks and I ignore it.

"OHHH food, cool. I thought I was gonna waste away waiting"

Fred says taking a bite into the burger.

"Oh please Fred. I do believe you could of went and got something to eat." Autumn says to him.

"Well I kna buft I didfn't wafnna"

Autumn looks at me and I look at her and shrug my shoulders

"I don't know. I never learned the language of the cheeseburger only the language of the double quarterpounder"

I tell her and we all laugh. We are eating in silence for a while when I get this idea.


I say and she looks at me and sees the gleam in my eye

"Uh oh..yes Tre?" She asks.

"I have an idea"

I tell her and I stand up and grab my fries and head out of the room. Autumn stands up and follows me

"HEY where ya goin?" Fred yells.

We both turn around


We tell him and he throws his hand up in the air

"Fine fine"

And walks back into the kitchen but then changes his mind and follows us.. We get to mine and AJ's room and I open the door quietly and we walk in. We see Aj sleeping peacefully and I grin and pull out a fry

*Autumn POV*

"Um, I think Fred and I are gonna stand out in the hall and watch because my laughter will wake him and when he finds out..." I stop.

"Alright." Tre whispers.

I go back out trying my damnedest not to laugh loudly. Fred goes to say something but I put my hand over his mouth.


"What is she doing?"

I whisper back.

"We are gonna torture the poor boy. Just watch her and try not to laugh."

"And how am I suppose to keep from doing that?"

"Eat your other cheeseburger."

"I can do that."

As Fred eats his cheeseburger, we watch Tre as she tiptoes over by AJ. I am hoping she doesn't get caught.

*Tre POV*

I walk over to where Aj is sleeping and looking at him.

'He looks so cute' I think to myself 'can I do this?' I wonder and then turn and look out the door and see Autumn and Fred standing there 'oh hell yea I can' I think as I turn back to AJ.

I go to his side of the bed and take the fry and move it under his nose, nothing.


I do it again and this time he sniffs the air and I almost laugh but stop it before I do. He settles back down and so I move the fry under his nose again. He moves his head towards me and smiles. I continue moving the fry underneath his nose and all of a sudden he starts talking in his sleep

"Hmmm fry" he mumbles "Me want mcdonalds" he continues.

I am trying hard not to laugh but it's very difficult. I move the fry under his nose again and all of a sudden he moves his mouth to the fry and bites. I move the fry and my hand out of the way so he doesn't bite them and he frowns in his sleep.

"hmmm hungwy"

Aj groans while rolling over onto his stomach. I can't take anymore and have to leave the room so I can bust up laughing

*Autumn POV*

As we watch Tre hesitate I begin to think she is having a change of heart. But she begins to move the fry and I have to bite my lip and tongue to keep from laughing . Once we hear AJ, Fred and I have to laugh. The more I watch the more I want to laugh. I run downstairs just so I can start laughing. I am wiping tears from my eyes once Fred and Tre join me . I look up at them and we start laughing again.

"OHHH that was priceless," Tre says.

I smile.

"You know, we really could torture him," Fred says.

"UH-oh...Do I even want to know?" I ask.

"Tre, what meal does AJ usually eat?"

"The Double quarter. Why?"

"I'll be back in about..hell I'll be back."

As he waks out, Tre looks over at me.

"Ya think Fred will protect us if AJ finds out?"

"Yeah. Besides, we can always tell AJ he was in on it and while he yells at him you and I can run off." Tre laughs. "Tre, you think I can put some fries under AJ's nose?"

"By all means, yeah. Just be careful because he might try to bite your hand off."

I laugh and we head back to the bedroom.


"Yeah Autumn?"

"We are awful!"

*Tre POV*

I start laughing

"Well is it awful or is it EVIL? I can't remember." I tell her and we laugh. I hand the fries to Autumn "Ok, enjoy. Be careful though cause he will try to bite or he might wake up and that wouldn't be a good thing" I tell her

"No, that wouldn't" She says as she walks into the room.

She gets over to Aj and gets a fry and moves it under his nose and again he sniffs but then he smiles

"Baby, I want a fry" he says in his sleep and I laugh.

Autumn is holding her hand in front of her mouth so she don't laugh out loud. She gets control of her laughter and moves the fry once again under Aj's nose. All of a sudden his hand shoots out and grabs the fry. Autumn yelps out in suprise and we watch as AJ actually takes the fry and then eats it.....sleeping! She looks over at me and we are both wide eyed and she walks out of the room

"Tre did you see that?" she asks me looking back at AJ.

"Yes I did. Now I know the boy has it bad...he sleep eats"

I tell her and we both laugh and go wait for Fred to come back

*Autumn POV*

"The sad thing was he called me baby!"

Tre laughs as we are standing in the kitchen.

"And who exactly called you baby?" Fred says as he walks in with a bag.

"Fred, it was the scariest thing I have ever seen! Worse than Justin and JC's hair!"

Tre busts out laughing. Fred looks at me puzzled.

"What happened?"

We tell him about how AJ grabbed the fry from my hand.

"Well, you girls are gonna love what I am gonna do."

Fred shows us the Double quarter pounder. As we start up the steps, Tre stops us.

"Okay, this one might get him up so we have to make it quick..but also fun."

Fred and I watch as Tre gets every set of keys and hides them in her purse. We then start up the stairs. Tre and I agree we are gonna let Fred have some fun this time. Tre whispers to Fred.

"Be careful. He might go for your hand."


"OH," I say, "don't be shocked if he calls you baby or something. Just remember don't kick him or something and ruin the fun."

"I'll try not. I'm not into a guy calling me baby."

Fred walks in and Tre and I watch with great interest.

"You think he can keep from cussing or kick AJ if he does call him baby?" Tre ask.

"I sure hope so. But if not, we need to run really fast."

Tre giggles a little and so do I.

"Shhh" we both say.

*Tre POV*

We are watching Fred as he takes the burger from the bag and moves it over to AJ. AJ stirs in his sleep and mumbles something we couldn't understand. Fred looks over at us and smiles and then he takes the burger and puts it right under Aj's nose. Aj sniffs and sits up in bed, still asleep

"Tre..I want mcdonalds"

He says out loud and Autumn and I laugh. Fred turns to us to tell us to be quiet when AJ grabs his arm

"What the...."

"Durst what in the hell are you doing in my bedroom? And why are you holding a hamburger under my nose? TRE!!" AJ yells and we jump.

Fred is in shock and we walk in the room trying not to laugh

"Yes baby?" I ask him.

He looks at me with intense brown eyes

"Don't 'yes baby' me. what's going on? and why is a man in my bedroom standing over me with a hamburger?" He asks me and I couldn't control it anymore, I bust up laughing. "I mean I wake up and instead of your beautiful face I see his ugly mug. What are you doing? You know...I want McDonalds" He says.

*Autumn POV*

Tre sees I am about to burst out laughing so she steps on my foot.


I am hopping on one foot and think Tre better come up with something good to get us out of this

"Well, I didn't want to tell you AJ but we wanted to see if you could tell the difference between a real Double Quarter pounder and a whopper in the wrapper. And sadly, you failed."

Fred tosses me the burger. Aj sits up.

"Autumn, let me see that."

"See what?"

"The burger in your hand."

"Aj, I would love to but, um, I don't want to see you freak because BK is in your house. I know you endorsed BK but..."

AJ comes towards me and, scared, I toss the burger to Tre. Tre looks at me shocked. Then she tosses it back to Fred.

"Fred, give me that..NOW!"

Fred tosses it back to me and we start tossing the burger around like a football and playing keep away from AJ. Tre gets it and throws it out the window. AJ is now mad.

"Damnit, now I want McDonald's. I'll just get my keys and leave and get me 4 of those things."

AJ runs past us. I walk over to Fred and hit him in the back of the head.

"Why did you throw it to me? You could have thrown it to Tre."

"HEY! I'm not getting AJ's fury."

"Well you should it was your idea. You drug me and Autumn into it."

Tre's jaw dropped.

"Fred, I didn't tell you two you had to do this. Besides, we would still be having fun if it wasn't your fault."

"How was I suppose to know ..."

"Guys, stop. We gotta get downstairs and make sure he don't get his keys."

*Tre POV*

"Oh he won't get his keys" I tell Autumn.

"Why not?" she asks me.

I smile and pick up my purse and open it and reach in

"Because I have them, remember?"

I say to her as I dangle them in the air. She starts laughing and so do I when we hear AJ pounding up the stairs again. He comes into the bedroom and looks at us

"You know Durst you are a good friend but to have you standing in my bedroom...well freaks me out" He tells him.

"Uh ok. Sorry dude."

Fred says looking confused and walks out of the room.

"Autumn, why don't you go keep Fred company" Aj tells her.

"Well sure, ok."

She says looking at him and then me.

'Uh oh' I think to myself when I feel Aj's eyes on me "Hey Autumn, why don't I go with you" I say to her

"NO!" AJ says suddenly "You...Tre stay here" he tells me.

"Well umm okay." I say and watch Autumn walk out. I slowly turn my head to AJ and he is smirking at me "What?" I ask him.

"Give me my keys, Tre"

"Keys?" I ask him.

"Yes, keys. I want my keys."

"I don't have your keys baby" I tell him.

"Yes you do and don't baby me. I can't believe you did that?" "Trelyn Wilde don't act innocent with me. I've been your boyfriend for a long time and I know better"

He tells me and I hear laughter coming from the hallway

'note to self: slap Autumn upside her head' I think as Aj is moving towards me. "Oh now that was really nice to say Aj, I'm wounded" I tell him

"I want the keys. Give me the keys and I'll make you feel all better" He tells me.

"As tempting as that is..I don't have your keys. Why do u want them so bad?" I ask him.

"I want McDonalds. I crave McDonalds. I need McDonalds, I must HAVE McDonalds" He tells me.

"Umm baby...get a grip much?" I ask him

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