On this day in P1atter History...

   "There's a train leaving the station for a destination called "our new way of being""


Subject: The train's leaving the station: an invitation

Some of you were not at the meeting on 5th February at the Sheraton Needham.

Here's the invitation I spoke of. Feel free to call me if you want to talk it over.

The invitation

There's a train leaving the station for a destination called "our new way of being" (Onwob). I am going to be on it and I invite you to join me. I'd appreciate a reply by Monday. (Yes or No will be fine)

To help you decide whether to join me, I'll tell you a little bit about three of Onwob's most important features. (There are more, some of which we will build together when we get there). Here's a brief snapshot of the top three and we'll explore them more fully on the journey.

Personal responsibility

I am responsible for my actions and the consequences that flow from them. In particular the culture exists in the conversations in which I participate- it is not something imposed from the board or the ET.

Authentic communication

The place we're leaving behind has a culture of "already knowing". I already know that we can't exceed the budget. I already know that we are resource limited. I already know that it can't be done. I already know that..<fill in your own already knowing>. This is useful because I don't need to waste time checking. It's also useful because I don't need to talk directly to these people who run my life by starving me of what I need.

In Onwob we have a culture of listening. We communicate directly with the person. This takes time. And it's time well spent.

Total engagement

This invitation is for participants (team members) only. Observers, reporters are not invited. Participation means "I am part of the solution and I will work with the rest of the team to create the solution."

If you want help to understand better what this place is like before you reply, ask one of the attendees or me. I'll be in the Norwood office Thursday and Friday.


[page 1 - the open letter] [page 2 - a request for a meeting]
[page 3 - forward, an elaboration] [page 4 - a request for another meeting]
[page 5 - first apology] [page 6 - a resignation]
[page 7 - an admonition] [page 8 - more disappointment]
[page 9 - even more disappointment] [page 10 - yet more disappointment]
[page 11 - another apology] [page 12 - missing invitation]
[page 13 - condemnation] [page 14 - yet another apology]
[page 15 - a plea] [page 16 - response]
[page 17 - more correspondence] [page 18 - the train]
[page 19 - inquiry]

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