The Skeptics Prayer


"God, I don't know whether you even exist. I'm a skeptic. I doubt. I think you may be only a myth.

But I'm not certain (at least not when I'm completely honest with myself).

So if you do exist, and if you really did promise to reward all seekers, you must be hearing me now.

So I hereby declare myself a seeker, a seeker of the truth, whatever it is and wherever it is.

I want to know the truth and live the truth. If you are the truth, please help me."


The "Skeptic's Prayer" is a scientifically fair test of the Christian "hypothesis", - that is, if you do not put unfair restrictions on God, like demanding a miracle (your way, not His) or certainty by tomorrow (your time, not His).

The demand that God act like your servant would not be a scientific fair test of the hypothesis that there is a God who is your King. And you also should be honest with yourself by asking, "Would I submit to Jesus if it were indeed proven to me that it is all true?"


There are several motives why a large part of humanity has rejected Jesus as their Savior.

Read these and see if any fit you...


One motive people do not become Christians is because of hypocrites.

But just because the church contains hypocrites does not mean that all Christians are hypocrites.

The failures of the believers do not invalidate the truth.

Jesus Christ had very harsh words for people who were committing the sin of hypocrisy, especially the religious leaders of his day (Mt. 23:15).

People can and do enter the ministry for the wrong reasons, or they can compromise the convictions of the faith.

The fact that people have persecuted under the pretext of following Jesus only goes to show that those who said they were Christians did not possess the peace of God and that they were not followers of Jesus' teachings.

Yes, the church still smells from the smoke if the Inquisition which WRONGLY destroyed heretics in order RIGHTLY destroy heresies. But Jesus himself warned that there would be those who called him "Lord" but would act directly against the will of God.

Christianity does not stand or fall on the way Christians have acted throughout history or are acting today.

Christianity stands or falls on the person of Jesus, and Jesus was not a hypocrite.

He lived consistently with what He taught, and at the end of His life He challenged those who had lived with Him night and day, for over three years, to point out any hypocrisy in Him.

His disciples were silent because there was none.

Since Christianity depends on Jesus, it is incorrect to try to invalidate the Christian faith by pointing to horrible things done in the name of Christianity.


Another motive people do not become Christians is out of ignorance.

This is not ignorance that there is a God or a person named Jesus Christ, but rather ignorance to the facts validating Christian faith.

Many times this ignorance is self-imposed. Some people are not even bothering to consider the claims of Christ, while others are actively refusing to believe.



Another motive is the simplicity of the gospel.

It is so simple to become a Christian that even a child can do it.

In fact, to enter the kingdom of heaven, Jesus taught that we must become as children (Matthew 18:3).

In simple faith, we must place our trust in Christ whether we be college professors or people who have never finished grammar school.



Further, people don't become Christians because of the mistaken idea of what really is a Christian.

Many think Christianity is a religion with a set of negative commandments saying, "Don't do this and don't do that."

They get the idea that when you believe in Jesus, you resign yourself to a life of unhappiness, restrictions, and boredom.

Since no one wants to live that way, they write off Christianity as something to which they don't want to commit their lives.

The Christian life is anything but boring, because there is the daily joy and excitement of knowing the living God and experiencing all the good things He has in store for us.



Some people don't become Christians because of guilt feelings.

They have lived lives in which they've committed many ugly acts and crimes, and they don't believe they can be forgiven by God and that a decent life can be given to them.

However the Bible clearly teaches that anyone without exception, who seeks God and desires to be forgiven of his sins will be forgiven.

If you will come to Jesus, He has promised to forgive you of your sins, and He will allow you to start over again with a clean slate, no matter how corrupt you have been.



Another motive some refuse to accept Jesus is because of some specific sin in their life.

They realise that, if they become a believer, they will have to stop committing that certain sin, and they do not want to stop.

Many people love their sin to the point that they will miss getting into heaven.

To become a Christian, a person must repent (change his heart and mind) of his sins, and this many people are not willing to do even though Jesus said, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish" (Luke 13:3, KJV).



In addition, people refuse to believe in Jesus because of self-centeredness.

Someone has said correctly, we believe - that Christianity is the EASIEST religion in the world to believe, and it is also the most DIFFICULT religion in the world to believe.

It is the easiest because God has done everything for us that needs to be done, and it is impossible to add to the work of Christ.

It is the most difficult because we have to admit to ourselves and to God that we cannot do anything to save ourselves.

Our pride does not like that, since we want to work out our own salvation our way.

Human nature desires that we dictate our own terms, but God will accept us only on His terms, and this fact keeps many people out of the kingdom.


There are many motives why people reject Christ, but there are no good reasons.


But I can't seem to get around the problem of those good people in other religions, and also those who never hear of God/Jesus!


But I don't see what I need to be "saved" from or what even "salvation" really is?


Would you like to review your choices?

I. Jesus claimed divinity
11A. He meant it literally
11111. It is True------------------------------------------He is Lord
11112. It is False
111111a. He knew it was false-------------------------He was a Liar
111111b. He didn't know it was false------------------He was a Lunatic
11B. He meant it non-literally, mystically-------------He was a Guru

II. Jesus never claimed divinity--------------------------He is a Myth

III. Jesus died
11A. Jesus rose-------------------------------------------He is Lord
11B. Jesus didn't rise
11111. The apostles were deceived--------------------He was an Hallucination
11112. The gospel writers were myth-makers-------He is a Myth
11113. The apostles were deceivers-------------------He is a Conspiracy

IV. Jesus didn't die----------------------------------------It was a case of Swoon


Here is a list of the gazillions of OT prophecies that Jesus fulfilled.


Do you still need more evidence?


Here is a quick note on "miracles".


Are you still not sure?


Review the evidences page.


Review the claims of divinity page.


A broad overview of the world's major religions.


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Here's my version of the crucifixion .


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