Fall 2000

An Afternoon with Steven

By Sandra Martinez On Nov 5, 2000, two Webbies had the wonderful opportunity to meet with our very own Steven Culp. Steven is currently appearing in Art at the South Coast Repertory Theater in Costa Mesa, Ca. After the play we had the chance to talk to Steven for several minutes. As always he was friendly, down to earth and extremely nice. We talked briefly about how busy he has been with the play and filming "JAG" at the same time. As some of you already know Steven will be in the two part JAG episode "A Separate Peace" (Nov 21st & 28th). To the delight of Webbies, he has just finish working on a third episode. The episode is titled "Family Secrets" and will air on Dec 12, 2000. November and December will be busy months for Steven with promotion work for the movie "13 Days". (Opening Dec 20th, 2000) During our time with him, Kathy presented him with a gift from "Totally Steven". It was a framed poster of the movie "13 Days". Steven was surprised to see the poster and was very appreciative of the gift. He also thanked us for the work on the "Totally Steven!" web site and commented on all the hard work we do. We simply said he was worth it. We would also like to point out that during the opening weekend of the play, we sent Steven some flowers at the theater, wishing him luck with "Art". He recently acknowledged the flowers with a letter and wanted to thank everyone who contributed to such a nice gift. "Thank you so much for the flowers. They're lovely, and it was such a nice thing to do. It was very thoughtful of all of you" We want to thank Steven for a wonderful afternoon. We truly enjoyed having the opportunity to talk to him. I have met Steven on previous occasions, but I never get used to just how genuinely caring he is and how appreciative he is of his fans. Thank you, Steven, for taking the time to talk to your fans. You're a class act! By Kathy Arnold This was my first time meeting Steven Culp. When we arrived, Sandy was dropping me off at the entrance and was going to park the car when Steven walked by. I called Steven's name, since he was ahead of me and he turned and walked over to where I was. I introduced myself and explained Sandy and I had brought a gift from the Webbies for him. We talked briefly and he was impressed with the "13 Days" poster. I will not forget the look on Steven's face when he saw the poster. He suggested that we leave the poster in the car and meet after the play. After the play we met Steven outside. We discussed the play, JAG, Totally Steven! and 13 Days. I was so impressed with just how friendly and down to earth Steven is. I thought I would be very nervous talking to Steven, but I wasn't. He is very easy to talk to. We all know Steven is very good looking on TV, however in person, he is even more good looking. Steven looks wonderful in green!! It brings out the color in his eyes so much. He also looks younger in person. Steven truly appreciates his fans and it was so nice of him to take the time to visit with us. I don't think I will ever forget this afternoon and meeting Steven. It was a very exciting afternoon for this Webbie!

Steven talks about "13 Days"

With the opening of "13 Days" getting closer, fans will probably get to see and read more about this exciting movie and its stars. Here we have excerpts of an interview with our very own Steven Culp by "BOXOFFICE". Steven on Playing Robert F. Kennedy: "You're playing these icons," he says, "And you really have to have a lot of stuff in your bones just to show up, just to walk into the room. You're taking a life at a certain point and putting forth an interpretation and trying to portray it as true to the spirit of somebody as possible." How did Steven "become" Bobby Kennedy? "I had to shape myself into this wiry Bobby Kennedy body," says Culp. "I'm naturally just a hair taller and a hair broader than Bruce. That was one of the reasons they wanted to see us together in the screen test. They had him in a padded coat and lifts, and I had to whittle myself down and pretty much spent five or six months in training and had a very strict diet regime." How did Steven prepare for this role? "Tons of reading, watching tapes and listening to tapes" is how Culp describes the rehearsal process for RFK. "I like to do a lot of reading on things anyway because that's just the way my mind works. So I did a lot of reading from different point of views...and I found the best accounts were the ones that tried to paint the fullest three-dimensional pictures." In regards to Kennedy's accent: "People have this sort of generalized idea of the Kennedy accent," explains Culp. "One thing you find is that JFK and RFK's voices are different tonally -- there's a real difference. Bruce and I found when we were doing the auditions together, we would start drifting towards each other's voice, so we would call each other up on the phone and do dueling Kennedys." Working together on the set with Greenwood and Costner: "I think there was a thing that we fell into where we really were older brother/younger brother," he explains. "We kind of fell into that giving each other s -- t thing a lot, which, as far as my understanding, was very much a part of the Kennedy brothers. That was how they communicated, that sort of constant ribbing and cajoling, and we really fell into that very easily. I think there was a certain enjoyment to the fact that we were falling into it and we just kind of kept it going. There was a real camaraderie there." "Kevin was like the third brother," says Culp. "He's somebody who really, really wants it all to be good. He was really focused on the work and how we can make it better." Bruce talks about Steven: "Steven was great. We worked well right from the beginning. We didn't know each other at all, and "13 Days" is a big deal for both of us. We wanted to treat each other with respect, and out of that good things grew." Steven's connection to Robert Kennedy "The more I researched him, the more I admired him, despite his faults," he says "A lot of people's views are that he was somebody who never stopped evolving or growing....I know my mom was a real Kennedy person, and I was probably influenced by that. She died four years ago, but they offered me the deal in the screen test on her birthday, so I thought she was pulling strings." Steven on "13 Days" "It's about human beings who, in the midst of a crisis situation, become better than themselves, who surpass who they are, who work together to save the world from possible disaster."


By Cheryl Russell The Time had arrived. The Day was here. Webbies donned trench coats (mentally, if not physically) & parked themselves in front of TVs, remotes at the ready. For those Webbies who had other commitements on this Night of Nights, VCRs (in some cases, several VCRs), were programmed to record The Show. Officially, it may have been titled "Legacy", but to that mighty group known as "Webbies" it was known as "Webb's Return-FINALLY!!". The end to WWS was about to begin... JAG HQ. (Surely he's here; he's here too much! Ask the Admiral!!) Harm is getting ready to leave for Russia with the noble goal of revamping military law & Tiner is helping him prepare. He's found Harm a English/Russian dictionary (has the term Invading Army" in the title; don't leave that laying around just anywhere Harm) and is reviewing it with the Commander. (Where's Webb??) Mac & Bud are doing final prep work in their preparation of an espionage case they are prosecuting. (Where's Webb?? It's a spy case!!) We see all sorts of old, familiar faces except one. No SecNav. Guess they couldn't work him into the story line on this one. (OK. OK. Where's Webb??) Possible Webbie agitation in the works. Not a good thing) Harm leaves for Russia & all sorts of things happen to him while he is there. He is supposed to be shuffling papers, but that just wasn't to be. Mac & Bud's espionage trial comes to an explosive end, literally, when Commander Carlton and 2 Marine guards are killed by a car bomb set off by remote control by an assasin who was watching. (Still no Webb!!) As Mac & Bud are sifting through evidence, or as the Admiral calls it "junk", Bud finds a new phone number. Mac dials... & wait! That Voice!!! Could it be?? Yes!! At long last! It's our man Webb!! (Who's the blonde?) Whoa!! Hey!! Where's Webb??!! Where'd he go?? That was brief. Better not be all!!

Continues here!

Dont Forget Webb on JAG in the Episode "A Separate Peace" Nov 21st and 28th!


Seeing Steven Culp turning up on an episode of a non JAG TV show is always a treat and something to look forward to. This "Providence" episode with Steven in it was no exception. In this episode Steven plays Dr. Roberts, a doctor who has come in to take over the clinic for the lead character, Syd. Syd is recovering from having been in a coma and is just returning to work. Syd is anxious to get back to work and ends up coming to the clinic earlier than expected. Dr. Roberts is surprised to see her. When a young girl shows up at the clinic having suffered seizures, Syd prescribes a medication that Dr. Roberts immediately questions. Syd stands by her original order and reluctantly Dr. Roberts hands her the medication. Suddenly the young girl goes into respiratory arrest. Syd ends up being blamed for giving the girl the wrong dosage of medicine. Later that day Syd finds out that Dr. Roberts has plans for expanding the clinic, something she is not happy about at all. I definitely got the impression that Syd felt Dr. Roberts wanted to perminitely take over the clinic.

Continues here!

"13 Days" Poster.

The poster for "13 Days" came out early last month. To the delight of Webbies, the poster includes a side view of Steven, along with Kevin Costner and Bruce Greenwood. (Photo at right) However, we understand that the original poster was a picture of missiles aimed at famous landmarks in USA, but New Line cinema decided to change the poster. Why? The recent incident of the explosion on the USS Cole in which 17 sailors were killed. It seems the studio felt it would not be appropiate at this time, to launch an advertising campaign using the original poster. Therefore we got the poster of the three stars of the movie instead.


By Carol Preflatish The South Coast Repertory in Costa Mesa, California, presented the play "Art" about three friends who have a difference of opinion about a 4x5 foot canvas painted completely white. This production, a comedy by female playwright Yasmina Reza, shows how the friendship of three men can change so quickly. All the scenes in the play take place in two of the character's apartments. However, the only change in the plain set each time is the painting on the back wall. By using the same set, scene changes were quick, thus allowing more time for the dialogue of the play without intermittent interruptions. The play begins with Serge proudly showing off his painting, that he purchased for 200,000 francs, to his friend Marc. Marc is appalled that Serge has paid such an enormous amount on such a worthless painting. He laughs hysterically in front of Serge. Then, Serge becomes angered at Marc over his reaction. The third friend, Yvan, tries to arbitrate between his two friends, only to become the target of their vicious, but comical jabs. They insult his intelligence, his idea of getting married, his relationship with his mother, and a painting that his father had painted for him. Yvan becomes upset running out of the apartment crying. Each actor was cast perfect for the part they portrayed. John de Lancie is best known as the character Q in "Star Trek: The Next Generation. In "Art," he played Marc, a sarcastic know it all, who thinks he's always right and everyone else is wrong. His perfect inflections of dialogue and on-the-mark timing with his pauses, gave the audience ample time to comprehend the jokes. Continues here!

Webbie Contest

We want to congratulate the winner of our Webbie Contest, KathleenM. Kathleen got all the questions right! She wins a Webb Script, Navy/Marine sticker and a CIA pocket adress book. The contest was a VERY close race! The difference between First and second place was only 1 point! The difference between 2nd and third was half a point. Well done Webbies!!! The second and third place Webbies are CherylR and DianeM. They were so close indeed, that we sent them consolation prices for an outstanding job! They both received a "Webb" script. Congratulations and thanks to everyone that participated.

New Contest

We have a new contest at the 'Totally Steven' Site! This is probably one of our hardest contests. It will take Webbie knowledge and patience. Kathy has put together a "Webbie Puzzle". The prize for this contest is a special one, in preparation for the big opening of "13 Days". We have obtained one of the Official Posters for the movie staring our dear Steven, Kevin Costner and Bruce Greenwood. The contest is open to everyone from Webbies to Costner fans. Of course Webbies will have the advantage of the Webbie knowledge that is needed to find all the words in the puzzle. There are a total of 24 words. (up, down, diagonal, backwards). Whoever finds the most words wins the poster! Contest ends when the first entry with all 24 words is received. If nobody finds all 24, then whoever finds the most words will win. Entries must be received by Dec 20th. Send your entry to us at: culpfan@yahoo.com
Good luck to all!

Finally Webb on JAG! Fans react

During season 5 we hardly got to see our favorite spook on JAG, so it was wonderful to see Webb in both parts of "Legacy", the season 6 opener. The Webbies and even non-Webbies were happy to have him back. There were comments on lists, boards etc... about the return of Webb. These are some of the comments we found posted around the Web. "He was just showing off how good a spy he is!" "Yeah.....Webb is such a smart-a**.....I *like* that in a man!!!!" "I *loved* how Webb handled Sokol. If Bud's not going to lock him up for espionage, then just pull out your gun and threaten to call the feds. And don't forget to block his only exit. I'm finally getting used to the "new" Webb look. Yeah, I know it's almost a year old, but we saw him a total of maybe seven minutes last season." "Love the Spies!!! Webb is fabulous--smart, good looking, and sarcastic... I love Falcon too... They are just great characters that add so much to the show." "If I was Mac, I would date Webb in a flash." "I think it's one of a million good looking girlfriends he has. I just think he's one of those kind of guys: suave, good-looking, well dressed, family has money, that is always being seen with a beautiful woman. I think it's part of his legacy. What's a good looking spook without a beautiful woman in tow?? (see James Bond..) "
Remember Webb will make an appearance in the Episode "Family Secrets" on Dec 12, 2000!

Webbies from around the world

Recently on the Webb Mailing List we had a poll to see where the various Webbies are from. We found them to be from many places in the states as well as abroad! From California to Slovakia, there are Webbies every where. The most common places for our "operatives" to be from are: Chicago, Texas, New Jersey, DC, Wisconsin, Arizona, Illinois, Tenesse, Louisiana, New York and Indiana. Another place where Webbies seem to hang around is Nevada, tied in first place with California for the largest amount of Webbies in one state. (Of course the most important biggest Webbie, Donald Bellisario, is in California!) Tied in a very close second place are Ohio and North Carolina. Webbies are also from far away places such as Poland, Slovakia, Netherlands, Colombia, Germany, Australia, Spain, Singapore and England among other places. After learning from how many different states and countries Webbies are from, we got the idea to give Steven an "international" gift. Webbies from various towns/cities are sending in small souvenirs from their states/countries, to put together a gift with a personal touch from some of the places Webbies are from around the world. All the souvenirs sent by fans will be sent to Steven in a "gift package" as his birthday present from his fans from near and far.
Webbies From California, Indiana and Missouri.

Webbie vacation

By Carol Preflatish For five days in October, I had a wonderful time spending my vacation in Los Angeles with my best friend and fellow Webbie, Sandy. And, what a wonderful JAG vacation it was. How could I spend that many days in LA and it not have been a JAG vacation? Almost everyday I was there was spent doing something JAG or Webb related. As soon as I arrived on Wednesday, Sandy and I headed to Paramount Studios where we had a lunch date with Harriet (AKA HarrietJAG) at the JAG offices. What a terrific lady she is and boy, what great stories she has to tell. Harriet took us on a walking tour of the JAG offices and introduced us to anyone that was in their office. It was lunchtime and many of the offices were empty. My favorite office was Donald Bellisario's office. I was in the office of "the great one." He has "Quantum Leap" photographs all over the walls. But, the best thing about his office was there on the hat rack was the Webbie hat that we had sent to him. We were thrilled.

Webbie Vacation Continues.

A Webbie Thrill

Last month two Webbies had the opportunity to visit the offices of JAG. During the tour, a quick look at the office of "the man" himself, Donald Bellisario, left the Webbies in shock! There on the hat rack was the "Webbie" cap we got Mr. Bellisario last year. Needless to say we were thrilled and excited to see our Webbie gift displayed in his office! Way to go Mr. B!

Webbie hat

Of course, now that Webbies know of the special hat displayed in DB's office, they all want to have one! The cap was designed over a year ago by one of the TS webmistresses and it is available to all Webbies. The cost of having the hat made runs about $14-15.00. You don't pay anything extra, just the cost of the hat plus shipping Caps are available is solid colors (Navy, Green, Red, Dark Gray, etc) and in two color combination (see photo). One size fits all. If you are interested in ordering one, E-mail us for

Webb for President?

If Webb were running for president, how would he do on election day? Unlike the rest of the country, the Webbies did not have a problem electing who they would want as president. It was no surprise to see "Clayton Webb" win with 82.2% of the votes! In second place was George W. Bush with 13.3% of the votes, with Al Gore in last place with 4.4% And no, we are NOT re-counting our votes!

Happy Birthday Steven!

We want to wish Steven a GREAT, WONDERFUL BIRTHDAY! Steven's birthday is Dec 3rd, and everyone at Totally Steven, The SC Fan Connection and the Webb/Culp mailing list, wishes him a


Nurse Betty

Some of Steven fans were able to catch his cameo appearance in the film "Nurse Betty" (starring Greg Kinnear and Renee Zellweger) Steven made a short appearance as a friend of Kinnear's manager. He was hardly recognizable with long hair and a beard. He looked good in a tux, but very un-Webb like in personality and looks!
More on Steven and some Webbie fun!

Totally Steven Journal- Page 2