Spring 2005

Congratulations to Steven Culp and the cast of DH

We are all so proud and thrilled to finally see our wonderful Steven appearing at award shows. As his fans, we know how much he deserves the attention he is getting at award shows along the cast of Desperate Housewives. It has been our dream come true. It is wonderful to see the rest of the entertainment world, finally catch up with what we have known for so long: Steven is incredibly talented! We congratulate Steven and the cast of DH for all the nominations and awards they have received this year. We are specially proud of the SAG Award for Best Cast, the Golden Globe Award for Best Comedy Series and the People's Choice Award for Favorite New Drama! Way to go Steven! We look forward to many more award shows and awards! Your fans will be cheering you on across the US and from many countries around the world. We also want to acknowlege the TV Land Award for the "Future Classic" Award.

Steven's wonderful and complicated Rex Van DeKamp

No doubt one of the main reasons "Desperate Housewives" is such a hit is the great cast. Steven Culp has been incredible in the role of Rex VanDeKamp. Fans want to kill him, forgive him, love him, understand him and strangle him all at once! Only Steven can make fans react in so many different ways about the complicated, confused and adorable, yet kinky Rex. We have put together some comments from fans about Rex and SC's talented portrayal. You can read them at: Comments If you want to send us your own comments or opinions, email them to fanconnection@yahoo.com Don't forget to continue to support Steven by writing to the show's producers at: Desperate Housewives Touchstone Television 100 Universal City Plaza Bldg. 2128, Suite G Universal City, CA 91608 (they are currently on hiatus, so you may want to wait several weeks)
For caps from each episode, interviews and news about DH, you can visit our "Desperate For Rex" website at: We will be posting fans' favorite Rex quotes on the site as well as work on a Rex centered episode guide. If any fan wants to work on this please contact us at desperate4rex@yahoo.com
Don't forget the DVD for the first season of DH will go on sale in September. Also the book "Desperate Housewives : Behind Closed Doors" will go on sale in July.

Interviews & Appearances

In the last several months we have been able to enjoy several appearances and interviews of Steven (print and tv). We have archived most of them at the TS site. Here is a list of our favorite quotes from those interviews, & links to the complete articles in case you missed any of them. Bradeis University "It's a lot of fun, but it's a different animal than anything else I've ever done on camera. Some of the behavior is so close to the bone that you need an outside eye to review you. Sometimes when you feel it's not going well at all, it's really going well. We're all on a learning curve trying to capture the tone." Good Morning America "You know, I think that Rex, my character, there is you know, a lot of guilt, anger, self loathing and what does he do? He projects it all on Bree. 'Is your fault, is your fault' and when you start sort of taking that on, you can see how you do it as well." TV Guide "It deepened my understanding of relationships. The show made me aware of how you can project your insecurities onto other people and make it their fault." Entertainment Weekly "He's not a bad guy, he's confused. He's like the guy in the "Talking Heads" song: 'This is not my beautiful house. This is not my beautiful wife. How did I get here?" DH Discussion Panel "It's well written, the cast is great, its well produced & directed, it moves fast, it has comedy, drama, mystery, everything that you want and I think people want to find out what is going to happen next in the story and I think that’s the real short answer. It’s entertaining." Spirit Magazine "Well, ah, I guess the girls do have bigger trailers. So that's something we have to fight them for. We're fighting for bigger trailers." The View "Can I say something about the SAG Awards? It was such a thrill, such an honor. It was the first moment where it really clicked in for me that Wow, we really are a hit, aren't we, because I never expected that!" E! News "I'd love to see Rex and Bree get back together because I think they are like the best couple on the show. But I also..you know.. as soon as you get them back together, then what are you going to do?"

Who dresses Rex?

From the Chicago Tribune, May 2005: Before she shops for the clothing, "Desperate Housewives" costume designer Cate Adair imagines a real man behind each male character - and takes pleasure in the task. "Let's be honest: They're a pretty good-looking bunch of guys," she said. "It's not very hard to come to work." On Rex: "He's a doctor. We know his wife is a Republican - not that I don't have friends who are trendy Republicans. But he's a little more country-club careful." The labels: "I use a lot of Nordstrom on him - the nice private label. He also looks good in Hugo Boss - it's cut beautifully for him. I've used some Armani, the more classic cuts, on him."

JAGFanFest 2005

The Steven Culp Fan Connection/Totally Steven will take part in the JAGFanFest 2005 in Van Nuys, CA, September 22nd. This will be our last appearance at the Fest and hope to see many Steven Culp fans there as we say farewell to Clayton Webb. Please visit the Fest's site for hotel, registration and schedule information. If you are going to the FanFest, and you are a member of the SCFanConnection, please let us know. Email us at: fanconnection@yahoo.com

"The Sisters"

The independent film "The Sisters" premiered at the Tribecca Film Festival on April 23. The film is in "Competition for Narrative Feature" at the Festical. Steven portrays the husband of one of the "sisters" in the film. Look for the film to open across the country as soon as it finds a distributor.

Farewell to JAG & Clayton Webb

Ten years ago JAG premiered on television. It had a rough start, but it later became one of the top shows in its time slot on CBS. For Steven Culp fans, JAG did not become "special" until season two. It was then when a sexy, mysterious character joined the show as a reaccuring character. Some of us instantly fell in love with Steven's "Clayton Webb". Other fans simply loved to hate Webb. In either case Webb came on the show and everyone noticed. He appeared in every season thereafter up to this last season. Clayton Webb's appeal was with no doubt due to the incredible actor who portrayed him year after year, our wonderful and very talented Steven Culp. It is impossible to imagine Webb portrayed by anyone else but Steven. For some of us, the only reason to watch JAG was to enjoy Steven's Clayton Webb. The fandom known as "Webbies" was born way back then and to this day those fans, continue to enjoy the wonderful work of Steven away from JAG. To several of his fans, it was TPTB at JAG who first introduced Steven Culp to them. So to TPTB we take off our hats and say "Thanks for the memories." JAG may be off the air now but the Steven Culp fandom will continue to grow and the friendships and fun times will always be remembered. To "Clayton Webb", thanks for the great times, the frustrating ones, the ups, the downs, the exciting moments, and for all those wonderful sarcastic one liners!!
Hail and Farewell, Clayton Webb!
But as we say goodbye to Clayton, we hope for many seasons of Rex Van DeKamp on "Desperate Housewives". We are thrilled and proud with the fact that as JAG sails into the sunset, the most successful JAG cast member is Steven! With more award nominations, interviews and special appearances in one season of DH than the 9 of JAG, fans of Steven have a bright future ahead! We congratulate Steven on one of his biggest hits and anxiously await where he will take us with the character of Rex and future roles to come!

Steven Culp Fan Connection

Remember to stop by our FanConnection site and if you have any photos of you and Steven that you would like to share with us to post on the site, send them in!

We send our best wishes to Barbara and Steven for a very Happy Mother's Day & Father's Day!

They are such a great looking couple!!

Totally Steven!

Celebrating the 5th year of our Totally Steven website and 9+ years of Steven Culp Fandom! The TS Staff