The News!
The Best Of
The world's one continuous source of fiction - that's what they say at least. This site was amassed mostly before and during the beginning of the Second Gulf War. Some of the articles are more entertaining than others - enjoy! :)
Monkeys and Vampires: games and movies
Grinding Nemo
The war problem comes up again....
There's one unsaved every minute!
It's not a house, it's a zoo!
These soldiers are a bit of a mixed bunch
Why the guns? Why the horror?
If you are an American and can't handle the truth click here for a "nice" article - because we care!
Click here for Michael Moore's message to President Bush
Boom Boom Tomorrow?
The war could be just but the attitude is wrong
Plain-speaking Rumsfeld strikes again If only we could all use our legs properly
Idealists shouldn't be allowed to run the world
Grey and brittle, a martyr in the making
Friendly fire before the war has even started!!!!
Americans turn fire on ungrateful nation
article 1             article 2
Ungrateful Nation II - Chirac Strikes Back!
This is your last warning
The Christian cross is deemed offensive in school
Saddam signs deal with Satan (not real article)
click here if you are bored with all the REAL news and want a bit of a laugh.
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