Now, as the years pass, we would like to start paying a tribute to our seniors. We will always remember them, weather it be torturing us at Rookie Camp, yelling at us at Band Camp or the occasional (premeditated) 'Group Hug'. We had some great times and yes, we all hate you for making our lives a living HELL! We'll miss you! For few minutes anyway!
We only have thre Seniors this year, they are as follows:
Tiffany Enfinger
Justin Black
Phillip Lord
Just a side note, has anyone besides me noticed Tim's excessively large ego?
Look below!
This year we say goodbye to some of the best there ever was, including me. Our Senior class of 2001 is as follows:
Danielle Brazie (Section Little Innocent Girl...yea right...)
Jason Eberly (Section High Guy)
Bret Morse (Section Rapper)
Jenni Payne (Section Therapist)
Chris Perez (Section "Cool" Guy)
Patrick Plash (Section Guy Who Always Gets Caught)
Tim Williamson (Section Webmaster)
NONE!!! Can we say "Strongest ever next year"? Well, it will be hard to improve on already being the best ever.
The Foley High School "Mighty Band From Lion Land" Trumpet Section

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Dustin Edwards is the Webmaster of this site. If you want to complain or make lurid suggections please direct them to Patrick. Otherwise send them to me, Dustin, at
I appriciate all complements and worshiping.=)