Issue 39> 19 Aug 2002
  This site is updated weekly Mon, 26 August, 2002 10:27 AM
The Names of God - YHVH Rophe

Four hundred and thirty years after Jacob and his family left Canaan where there was a great famine and lived in Egypt, Moses led the children of Israel out of the land of Goshen to bring them back to the Promised Land. After they had successfully crossed over the Red Sea walking on the dry sea-bed and after their joyful celebration, the children of Israel journeyed for three days in the wilderness but they found no water.

In Exodus 15: 22 - 27, we read that the people finally came upon an oasis where there was a pool of water but the water was very bitter. After three long days of wandering in the desert wilderness, the water did look inviting and they rushed forward, knelt down and started to lap up the water but they found the water bitter and not fit for human consumption and they called the place 'Marah'. They grumbled at Moses saying, "what shall we drink?"

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13 "I am willing; be
cleansed ."
Luke 5:13 NKJV

24 "Faithful is He that
calleth you, who also
will do it."
1 Thess 5:24 KJV

Hard Sayings of the Bible ( IVP Press)

Psalms 51:5: A Sinner at Birth?

What does David mean by his being sinful at the time of his birth, indeed, from the time that his mother conceived him? Does he mean he was born out of wedlock, or that matrimony is evil, or is he teaching something else? How could David sin in the womb or at the time of his birth?

There is no hint here that David was born out of wedlock or that he had committed a particular sin as he was being born. His confession is that he is a sinner not only in act or deed, as his affair with Bathsheba painfully pointed out, but also by virtue of his nature. Original sin was present even before he was born and ever did even one act. David confesses that he had a sinful nature that must be confronted by God's righteousness and holiness.

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A Little More on the Land of Israel (coming soon!)

All references taken from RBC, Pat Robertson, Ron Rhodes, Kenneth/Gloria Copeland, Charles Slagle, Smith Wigglesworth, Selwyn Hughes, Charles Spurgeon, Manners and Customs of Bible Times, The Complete Bible Handbook, The Spirit Filled Bible(NKJV), The NIV Bible, God's Promises for your every Need, Idiot's Guide to Bible Mysteries, Hard Sayings of The Bible, Articles courtesy of Mr Andrew L W Lee.