Books and periodical publications
Lectures (in Spanish)

APPLIED PHILOSOPHY PUBLICATIONS is a non profit organisation interested to divulge an applied, humanist, alternative, critical, and alive philosophy for people through lectures, and audiovisual and printed media mainly in Spanish (More info in the APPLIED PHILOSOPHY´s Manifesto).

We specially welcome papers and manuscripts of books on:

-Applied Philosophy to problems of health, education, law, society, politics, ecology, religion, etc.
-Applied Ethics to daily, social, professional and bussiness problems.
-Bioethics (Abortion, assisted fertilization, eutanasia, genetic engineering, etc.)
-Skepticism about paranormal, supernatural and pseudoscientific claims.
and also special topics in History of Philosophy.

No matter if authors are famous, Peruvian, professional or not. Our goals are to divulge thinkers of a) other tongues into Spanish, and b) Peruvian ones (preferible those who have no easy access to publish).
Send both your manuscripts (c. 10 pages A-4 in single space) and abstracts (about 5 lines) for periodicals publications both in Spanish and English (with text processor for PC preferably) or reviews (not longer than 2 pages) by ordinary mail to:

Manuel A. Paz y Miño, El Corregidor 318, Rímac, Lima 25, Perú.

Or by e-mail:

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Books and periodical publications


Finngeir Hiorth:

-Introduction to Atheism
Introduction to Humanism

Ethics for atheists

-Studying Religion
Big Bang or no Bang? Science, Religion & Philosophy

-Who was Jesus?

-Atheism in the World

-Metaphysics, Idealism & Materialism

-Introduction to Positivism

-Introduction to Skepticism

-Philosophy of Religion until Kant

By M.A. Paz y Miño:

-Does God not exist?
Authoritarism and Humanism according E. Fromm
-How to enjoy better sex, love and marriage
-LOGOS: The Great Questions of Man. An Introduction to Philosophy
-ETHOS: Let´s live better! An Introduction to the Problems of Life
-Yesterday´s and Today´s Philosophies. Traditional topics (a selection readings)

By Paul Kurtz:

-The Forbidden Fruit. A Criticism of Religion and the Paranormal
-Championing Reason. Essays of Skepticism and Secular Humanism
-Affirmations. Joyful and creative exuberance

By other authors:

-The Peruvian Philosophical Making by O. Obando (ed.) et al. (published with Ediciones Espigón)
-The Principle of Conservation by Fidel Gutiérrez
-Can we know if God exists? by 
Héctor Avalos

-Absurd & Quackery. Essays on Pseudo-science & Rationalism by Andrew Lugg
-Philosophy, Interpretationism & Performance by Hans Lenk 

-What about gods? by Chris Brockman(Illustrated by Anna Cammisotto

-Bringing UFOs Down to Earth by Philip J. Klass

-God’s Brown Book. Incredible Bible’s Verses by Ronnie Johanson

Forthcoming books:

-History of the Sexual Research by Vern L. Bullough
-Concise Dicctionary of ethics by Finngeir Hiorth
-Philosophy of the Enlightenment by Finngeir Hiorth
-(Bio)ethics, Responsibility and Technology by Hans Lenk
-Yesterday´s and Today´s Philosophies. Special topics edited by M. A. Paz y Miño

2. Periodical publications

I.- EUPRAXOPHIA (Wisdom for a good life), the official periodical of the Peruvian Non-religious Movement:

II.- NEO-SKEPSIS (New Skepticism), the official periodical of the Centre of Investigation of Paranormal, the Pseudo-sciences and Irrationality in Peru:

III.- PERUVIAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHILOSOPHY publishes papers, in Spanish and Quechua, on philosophical discussion and solution of practical and social problems in relation to Law, Politics, Medicine, Education, Economics, (Bio)Ethics, Religion, Science, etc.

IV.- IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF BIOETHICS publishes papers, in Spanish, Portuguese or English, on Bioethics and Medical Ethics.

V.- LATIN AMERICAN E-JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHILOSOPHY publishes papers, in Spanish, Portuguese and English, on philosophical discussion and solution of practical and social problems in relation to Law, Politics, Medicine, Education, Economics, (Bio)Ethics, Religion, Science, etc.


is an organization member of:

Center for Inquiry

International Humanist & Ethical Union

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