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Squall Here is the Hero of Final Fantasy 8. Squall, 17, is of course the main character in the breathtaking adventure. Squall, the chosen leader of Balamb Garden, out of the ordinary and self centered guy who gets implicated even though he tries hard to keep away people's concerns.
Rinoa Gorgeous Rinoa, 17, is the key character of Final Fantasy 8. Her complex intention leads her to know about her complicated past and before that the hired squad helps her fight back for sovereignty.
Quistis Quistis Trepe, 18, is strong-minded and mature personality. Her guidance as instructor helps Squall's squad in the beginning but later she joins in the mysterious ventures heading them to a perplexing world of sorcery.
Seifer Seifer, 18, of course the bad guy but not really. He is the rival of Squall, but more than aggression both are destined to fight each other upon buried secrecy.
Zell Zell, 17, native of Balamb and a very vigorous character. He hates Seifer from the very beginning, later he joins the mysterious task to save Rinoa from the overwhelming powers of the future sorceress.
Edea Edea the sorceress, fights against her owns raised seeds till she become conscious about the fact that a witch from the future was scheming her.
Laguna Laguna, the guy Squall and others see in their unusual dreams. He is very social and high-spirited person, but his tale is very heartrending.
Selfie Selfie, 16, a playful seed joins Squall and company.
Irvine Irvine, 18, sharp shooter appointed to assassinate Edea. He is cool and romantic guy from Galbadian Garden who stays back with Squall's squad to fight back the mysterious power of which they all were unaware.

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