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SCREAM 2 - Night of the Mogs

*Cloud and Sephiroth are walking down a dark street singing Row Row Row yer boat*

Shhhhhh... Sephiroth i hear something

Its all the beer you downed messing with your ears again

No not this time, its not the booze

Huh? what was it then?

*15 mogs with butchers knifes and chainsaws appear from around the corner*


Waaaaaaaaaaah help!


Mog #15:Yeah!  kill useless bastards

Mog #12:Bow down before emperor....

Mog #6:shuttup idiot!

Masked Murderer: Hahaha! go my Mogs, go kill!

*By this time Sephiroth and Cloud are in their Nissan and speeding away*

Masked Murderer: Ahhhhh sh*t you stupid Mogs!

*Cloud and Sephiroth tell the FF7 gang about the ambush*

F@#k! not again

Yeah having my head cut in half was Very unpleasant

So why don't you turn into that big ugly monster and kick their ass?

*Vincent tackles Reno*


*Doors lock up*

Oh f@#k! hear we go again

Ok Reno, Vincent, Tifa, Rude with me come on lets go

Alright Elena, Cid, Aeris, with me LETS GET IT MOVING!


*knife flies through the air and hits Rude in the back*

So long old buddy *tear rolls down his cheek*

RENO LOOKOUT! 2 mogs in ninja suits jump out and attack Tifa and Reno with curved swords*

NOOOOO! *Joins in the battle and uses Omnislash to kill them*


*Everyone went downstairs except Cid  who got sat on by a fat mog and was trapped*

Gotta save em!! *gets out his spear* FFFRRRRRRREEEEDDDDDDOOOOM!!!!!!

Uh oh floors creaking

*They all fall into the battle scene*

*Fat mog killed*

Fight for ya lives!!!

Cloud lets join our limits

NO! that sounds gay

I mean Limit breaks

errrrrrrrrrr... ok but it still sounds gay

Omni-Wind!!!    *kills 35 mogs and sends thousands hurtleing back*

Ok lets do something cooler than that Aeris

Final-Gospel!!    *kills 40 mogs and blows up half of the house

errrrrrrr.....,anyone wanna join with me???

NO! you suck!

come on Vincent, lets combine with Cid

Omni-Wind-Choas!!!! *this destroys the house and street and finally all the moogles are killed*


Masked Murderer: Not so fast!  *summons Supernova*

*Everyone except Cloud and Tifa get blown into oblivion*

oh F@#k!

Masked Murderer:
Tra lalalala i am great i am cool tralalalala    *summons supernova again*

Ugh! who are you!?

Masked Murderer: I am ...............*Cloud and Tifa die and most of the world blows up*

BBC newscaster: Due to the events of this story Alex Wright paid the company Squaresoft a lot of cash to bring everyone back to life (and now he's broke) but the question is: who is this Masked Murderer that uses Mogs to murderer everyone????????    *newscaster stabbed in the back*  
Masked Murderer: Wait and see heeheehee!

*****To Be Continued*****

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