
Changes in the Finnish engineer arm had started already in the late 1930's but new unit organizations were not tested until during the Winter War when the weaknesses and strengths of the different kinds of engineer units were clearly seen. Tasks of the engineers remained largely the same as earlier but were now even more combat-oriented. New flamethrowers, mines, explosives and improved armament (SMGs) made that possible. A new simple fuse made of used (brass) rifle cartridges and ingenious simple Finnish wood boxed mines were not detectable with Soviet mine detectors. Anti-tank training and capabilities were much improved. Like earlier Finnish engineers almost always supported infantry in attack and in defence.

After the Winter War all infantry divisions received a full Engineer Battalion (Pioneeripataljoona, Pion.P) with three smaller engineer companies instead of the two larger separate companies. Former divisional Tool Depot Detachment was also replaced with Engineer Column (Pioneerikolonna, Pion.Kol.). There were also separate engineer battalions under the command of Supreme HQ as well as Army, Group and Army Corps level units. All Finnish engineer battalions were to be equally organized but there were still differences between the number and quality of equipment and vehicles. Also training varied because all regionally formed units couldn't get enough trained engineers in certain areas of Finland and gaps were filled in with infantrymen.

Another important change concerned to divisional Engineer Commander [Pioneerikomentaja] who no more led divisional engineer battalion personally but had all divisional and subordinated engineer units under his command instead. This improved co-ordination and the use of divisional and subordinated engineer and construction units became more efficient.

Also "engineer work formations" formed for maintenance and constructing duties were now more specialized, stronger and better equipped than during the Winter War. Their numbers and need had been re-considered and units were more suited for their tasks although they mostly were under full strength.

Engineer Battalions

During the Continuation War Engineer Battalion (Pioneeripataljoona, Pion.P) was the basic Finnish engineer unit in divisions together with Engineer Column. These both had usually the same randomly selected unit number between 21...36. This number usually differed from other unit numbers within division except Engineer Column which had the same number.

In June and July 1941 a total of 24 engineer battalions were formed of which three were so called "troops of Supreme HQ" (Pion.P 1...3), five army corps level units (Pion.P 11...15) and 16 divisional units (Pion.P 21...36) - one for each division. Four battalions were disbanded during the war in autumn 1942 (Pion.P 1, 3, 27 and 30). Changes can be seen on Engineer Units 1941 - 1945 page.

Many battalions didn't need their Searchlight Platoon but formed various number of Flame-Thrower Platoons for strike duties by themselves. Officially searchlights were rejected in September 1943.

Engineer Battalion 1941 - 9.1943

Engineer battalion was officially organized as follows:

Strength: 17 officers + 100 NCOs + 462 men = 579 men
5x personnel car, 20x truck, 9x special truck, 5x motorcycle,
265x bicycle, 36x towing horse

Pataljoonankomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Pion.P) (HQ)

1. Pioneerikomppania (1.Pion.K) (1st Engineer Company) (4+26+137 = 167 men)
----- personnel car, 4x truck, 3x special truck, motorcycle, 84x bicycle, 12x horse
----- Komentoryhmä (Kom.R) (Command Squad)
----- Puhelinryhmä (Puh.R) (Telephone Squad)
I Pioneerijoukkue (I Pion.J) (I Engineer Platoon)
----- ----- 1. Pioneeriryhmä (1.Pion.R) (1st Engineer Squad) (0+1+8 = 9 men)
----- ----- 2. Pioneeriryhmä (2.Pion.R) (2nd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- ----- 3. Pioneeriryhmä (3.Pion.R) (3rd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- ----- 4. Pioneeriryhmä (4.Pion.R) (4th Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- II Pioneerijoukkue (II Pion.J) (II Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
----- III Pioneerijoukkue (III Pion.J) (III Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
----- Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J) (Delivery Platoon)

2. Pioneerikomppania (2.Pion.K) (2nd Engineer Company) (Similar to 1st Coy.)

3. Pioneerikomppania (3.Pion.K) (3rd Engineer Company) (Similar to 1st Coy.)

Valonheitinjoukkue (Valonh.J) (Searchlight Platoon)


Engineer Battalion 9.1943 - 1944

In autumn 1943 the organization of the engineer battalion was enhanced. All searchlight platoons were officially suspended and a small Jäger Engineer Platoon (Jääkäripioneerijoukkue, Jääk.Pion.J) was formed instead for each battalion. Platoon had two sets of six flamethrowers and was intended for assault engineer duties.

Battalion HQ also received three Reconnaissance Officers [Tiedustelu-upseeri] for planning duties and a Deputy Company Chief [Komppanian varapäällikkö] was added to each engineer company. After these changes engineer battalion was as follows:

Strength: 24 + 96 + 462 = 582 men
6x personnel car, 20x truck, 9x special truck, 5x motorcycle,
269x bicycle, 36x towing horse

Pataljoonankomentaja / Battalion Commander

Esikunta (E/Pion.P) (HQ)

Jääkäripioneerijoukkue (JPion.J) (Jäger Engineer Platoon) (1+3+20 = 24 men)
----- 6(+6*)x flamethrower
----- 1. Ryhmä (1.R) (1st Squad) (0+1+9 = 10 men)
----- 2. Ryhmä (2.R) (2nd Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)

1. Pioneerikomppania (1.Pion.K) (1st Engineer Company) (5+26+137 = 168 men)
----- personnel car, 4x truck, 3x special truck, motorcycle, 84x bicycle, 12x horse
----- Komentoryhmä (Kom.R) (Command Squad)
----- Puhelinryhmä (Puh.R) (Telephone Squad)
I Pioneerijoukkue (I Pion.J) (I Engineer Platoon)
----- ----- 1. Pioneeriryhmä (1.Pion.R) (1st Engineer Squad) (0+1+8 = 9 men)
----- ----- 2. Pioneeriryhmä (2.Pion.R) (2nd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- ----- 3. Pioneeriryhmä (3.Pion.R) (3rd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- ----- 4. Pioneeriryhmä (4.Pion.R) (4th Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- II Pioneerijoukkue (II Pion.J) (II Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
----- III Pioneerijoukkue (III Pion.J) (III Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
----- Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J) (Delivery Platoon)

2. Pioneerikomppania (2.Pion.K) (2nd Engineer Company) (Similar to 1st Company.)

3. Pioneerikomppania (3.Pion.K) (3rd Engineer Company) (Similar to 1st Company.)

* Platoon had two sets of Italian Liekinheitin m/40 or captured Soviet
Liekinheitin m/41-R (ROKS-2) flamethrowers of which one set was in
use at the same time.


Engineer Battalion 2 (1942 - 1944)

Engineer Battalion 2 (Pioneeripataljoona 2, Pion.P 2) was the only mainly motorized engineer battalion in Finnish Army. Since 21.8.1942 it belonged to Armoured Division (Ps.D). It is handled on page Units of Armoured Division.

Engineer Companies

All infantry and certain coastal brigades formed during the war had their own Engineer Company (Pioneerikomppania, Pion.K). Separate engineer company consisted of three Engineer Platoons (Pioneerijoukkue, Pion.J) and Delivery Platoon (Toimitusjoukkue, Toim.J).

Also Cavalry Brigade (Rv.Pr.) and Frontier Jäger Brigade (Rj.Pr.) (formed in June 1944) had later engineer companies. Engineer Company / Cavalry Brigade which differed slightly from the typical engineer company is handled on page Cavalry Brigade 1941 - 1944. Naval engineer companies were formed also for the Lake Ladoga Coastal Brigade (Laat.RPr.) and Lake Onega Coastal Brigade (Ään.RPr.).

1st Engineer Company was formed on 19./20.6.1944 by Engineer Training Centre (Pion.Koul.K) for preparing the blocking of Saimaa Canal (from Bay of Viborg to Lake Saimaa). It was under the command of IV Army Corps (IV AK).

Engineer Company / Infantry Brigade

Engineer company was organized as follows:

Strength: 5 + 26 + 137 = 168 men
personnel car, 4x truck, 3x special truck, motorcycle,
84x bicycle, 12x horse

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I Pioneerijoukkue (I Pion.J)
(I Engineer Platoon)
----- 1. Pioneeriryhmä (1.Pion.R) (1st Engineer Squad) (0+1+8 = 9 men)
----- 2. Pioneeriryhmä (2.Pion.R) (2nd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- 3. Pioneeriryhmä (3.Pion.R) (3rd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- 4. Pioneeriryhmä (4.Pion.R) (4th Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
II Pioneerijoukkue (II Pion.J) (II Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
III Pioneerijoukkue (III Pion.J)
(III Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


Coastal Engineer Company

Coastal Engineer Company (Rannikkopioneerikomppania, RPion.K) was similar to engineer company of engineer battalion. Companies belonged to Naval Forces.

There were eight units (RPionK 1...7, 42 and 51) assigned to coastal brigade of the same number and Hanko Group (HR). Units were operational between 1941 - 1942. 42nd Coastal Engineer Company (42.RPion.K) became 42nd Coastal Engineer Platoon (42.RPion.J) already in August 1941 and was suspended in January 1942. Most coastal engineer companies became naval engineer companies between January 1942 and summer 1942 but some of them were also suspended.

Naval Engineer Company

Naval Engineer Company (Meripioneerikomppania, MeriPion.K) was a specialized engineer unit for operating at coasts and archipelago even with sea mines. Full naval engineer company was larger and stronger than ordinary engineer company but their strengths varied. Company had two to four engineer platoons which were organized to operate and work separately.

There were six companies (MeriPionK 1...4, 7 and 8) which belonged to coastal brigades of the same number. 3rd Naval Engineer Company belonged to Lake Ladoga Coastal Brigade (Laat.RPr.) and 4th Naval Engineer Company to Lake Onega Coastal Brigade (Ään.RPr.). 8th Naval Engineer Company which was in Karelian Isthmus was suspended already in spring 1942. Other naval engineer companies operated in southern Finland and islands on the Gulf of Finland, Hanko Peninsula, Turku Archipelago Sea and Åland Islands.

Full naval engineer company was organized as follows:

Strength: 9 + 72 + 182 = 263 men
11x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I Pioneerijoukkue (I Pion.J)
(I Engineer Platoon)
----- 1. Pioneeriryhmä (1.Pion.R) (1st Engineer Squad) (0+1+8 = 9 men)
----- 2. Pioneeriryhmä (2.Pion.R) (2nd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- 3. Pioneeriryhmä (3.Pion.R) (3rd Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- 4. Pioneeriryhmä (4.Pion.R) (4th Engineer Squad) (Similar to 1st Squad.)
----- Radioryhmä (Rad.R) (Radio Squad)
----- Varastoryhmä (Var.R) (Store Squad)
----- Toimitusryhmä (Toim.R) (Delivery Squad)
II Pioneerijoukkue (II Pion.J) (II Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
III Pioneerijoukkue (III Pion.J)
(III Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
IV Pioneerijoukkue (IV Pion.J)
(IV Engineer Platoon) (Similar to I Platoon.)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


Engineer Platoons

Infantry regiments, jäger brigades, Uusimaa Dragoon Regiment (URR) and Häme Mounted Regiment (HRR) had their own Engineer Platoon (Pioneerijoukkue, Pion.J) which varied in strength. Platoon leaders were initially also engineer officers in their units but on 16.4.1943 regiment and brigade HQs received separate engineer officers. In addition to engineer platoon there was also a small Tool Store (Työasevarasto, TyöAseV) in each infantry regiment for storing additional engineer equipment and explosives. It had the strength of (0 + 3 + 9 =) 12 men and nine horse vehicles.

Some reinforced Frontier Jäger Companies had one or even two special Blocking Platoons (Sulutusjoukkue, Sul.J) which in fact were engineer platoons. There was also a small engineer platoon in Detachment Petsamo / Pennanen (Osasto Petsamo / Pennanen, Os.P) in Lapland. These are handled on page Frontier Jäger Units 1941 - 1942.

Also Separate Naval Company (Erillinen merikomppania, Er.MeriK) had Naval Engineer Platoon (Meripioneerijoukkue, MPion.J) which was similar to platoon of Naval Engineer Company.

Engineer Platoon / Infantry Regiment

Engineer platoon of infantry regiment was organized as follows:

Strength: 1 + 5 + 32 = 38 men

Joukkueenjohtaja / Platoon Leader
----- Joukkueen varajohtaja / Deputy Platoon Leader
1. - 4. Pioneeriryhmä (1.-4.Pion.R)
(1st - 4th Engineer Squad) (0+1+8 = 9 men)


Engineer Platoon / [1st and 2nd] Jäger Brigade

Engineer Platoon of jäger brigade was similar to engineer platoon of infantry regiment.

Engineer Platoon / URR & HRR

Engineer Platoon in both regiments of Cavalry Brigade (URR and HRR) was organized as follows:

Strength: 1 + 3 + 22 = 26 men

Joukkueenjohtaja / Platoon Leader
----- Joukkueen varajohtaja / Deputy Platoon Leader
1. - 2. Pioneeriryhmä (1.-2.Pion.R)
(1st - 2nd Engineer Squad) (0+1+11 = 12 men)


Other Engineer and Constructing Formations of Land and Naval Forces *

(Separate) Motor Pontoon Company

Motor Pontoon Company (Moottoriponttonikomppania, Mt.Pontt.K) was a water transport unit equipped with motorized pontoons. They could be used as such or combining two pontoons together as six motor pontoon barges. One motor pontoon could carry 90 men, 8 horses or 14 tons of supplies while a motor pontoon barge carried 200 men, 20 horses or 20 tons of supplies.

In June 1941 there were three Separate Motor Pontoon Companies of which 12th and 13th were disbanded on 22.12.1941 and the remaining one in Karelian Isthmus was re-named as 11th Motor Pontoon Company. In February 1943 new 12th Motor Pontoon Company was formed for Olonets Group (Aun.R) at Olonets Isthmus. Both units partisipated also in Lapland War until were demobilized in November 1944 like most of the Finnish Army.

Motor pontoon company was organized as follows:

Strength: 2 + 24 + 44 = 70 men
12x motor pontoon, passenger car, truck, 5x motor boat, 6x rowing boat,
horse, 15x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - III Moottoriponttonijoukkue (I-III Mt.Pontt.J)
(I - III Motor Pontoon Platoon)
4x motor pontoon each
Huoltojoukkue (HuoltoJ)
(Supply Platoon)


1st Separate Heavy Pontoon Platoon

The sole 1st Separate Heavy Pontoon Platoon (1. Erillinen raskas ponttonijoukkue, 1.Er.Rask.Pontt.J) formed in January 1944 belonged to Armoured Division (Ps.D). Despite of its name unit was similar in size to motor pontoon company but it was equipped with 20 captured Soviet Pontoon m/41-R half pontoons which were heavier than Pontoon m/35. Unit was capable of assembling and operating with five motorized pontoon barges carrying 12 tons, three barges carrying 24 tons, two barges carrying 32 tons or one barge carrying 50 tons.

Bridge Company

Bridge Company (Siltakomppania, SiltaK) was a transportation and operating formation for a pontoon bridge and water crossing equipment. There were eight units of which three belonged initially to Supreme HQ (2., 3. and 8.SiltaK), one to Karelian Army (1.SiltaK), VII Army Corps (6.SiltaK), II Army Corps (5.SiltaK), IV Army Corps (7.SiltaK) and III Army Corps (4.SiltaK).

Finnish pontoon bridging equipment was originally French all metal Pontoon m/35 transported in light Pontoon Trailer m/37. After the Winter War more pontoons were produced in quite large quantities in Finland. Pontoon bridge could be constructed and dismantled very quicly because it was assembed adding needed number of pre-assembled pontoon sections together. Maximum carrying capacity was either 4.5 tons (bridge length 148 - 164 m), 7 tons (100 -112 m) or 12 tons (76 - 84 m). The last one was enough for every vehicles used in the 1940's except the heavier tanks. The whole pontoon bridge equipment set weighted 135 tons. Pontoon sections could be also used as barges.

Company had initially also 36 rowing boats (punts) for water crossing. In June 1942 Punt Platoon [Ruuhijoukkue] was replaced with Assault Boat Platoon [Syöksyvenejoukkue] which had 18 fast assault motor boats. Assault Boat Platoons of 2nd, 4th and 6th Brigde Company were used to form temporary 1st Separate Assault Boat Company (1. Erillinen syöksyvenekomppania, 1.Er.Syöksyv.K) in June 1944.

Special transportation unit Engineer Truck Company (Pioneeriautokomppania, Pion.AutoK) was formed on 14.7.1944 in III Army Corps from the unused personnel and trucks of 4th, 5th and 6th Bridge Company. Closer details on the strengths of this unit are so far missing.

Bridge company was organized as follows:

Strength (6.42-): 6 + 30 + 134 = 170 men
36x pontoon m/35 with deck equipment, 18x assault boat, bus, 5x personnel car,
64x truck, 36x pontoon trailer m/37, 2x motocycle, 8x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - III Ponttonijoukkue (I-III Pontt.J)
(I - III Pontoon Platoon) 12x pontoon m/35 each
Ruuhijoukkue (RuuhiJ)
(Punt Platoon) * 36x rowing boat with deck equipment *** (-6.42)
Syöksyvenejoukkue (Svene.J)
(Assault Boat Platoon) ** 18x assault boat, 18x motor (6.42-)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)

* In June 1942 moved to engineer depot companies.
** Formed in June 1942.
*** Also for constructing light infantry bridge.


1st Separate Assault Boat Company

1st Separate Assault Boat Company (1. Erillinen syöksyvenekomppania, 1.Er.Sv.K) was a temporary fast water transport unit equipped with assault boats. Company was formed on 24.6.1944 in western Karelian Isthmus in V Army Corps by combining the remaining assault boats of Assault Boat Platoons of 2nd, 4th and 6th Brigde Company. Company operated at Bay of Viborg.

Company was organized as follows:

Strength: ? men
24x assault motor boat, ?

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I and II Syöksyvenejoukkue (I-II Svene.J)
(I - II Assault Boat Platoon)
12x assault motor boat each


Road Constructing Company

Road Constructing Company (Tienrakennuskomppania, TienRak.K) was for constructing new roads mainly during summers. The two formed companies also ploughed roads during winter.

1st Road Constructing Company was subordinated to 14th Division until May 1942 when it was subordinated to Maaselkä Group (Maa.R). In June 1944 it was moved to western Karelian Isthmus where it was in V Army Corps until was disbanded in September 1944. 2nd Road Constructing Company was subordinated to VI Army Corps which operated north from Lake Ladoga and later in Olonets Isthmus in East Karelia. In July 1944 company was subordinated to 14th Division until was disbanded in November 1944.

Road constructing company was organized as follows:

Strength (1942): 7 + 28 + 192 = 227 men + 5 women (Lottas)
2x personnel car, 16x truck, 4x caterpillar, 4x snow plough,
17x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - IV Työjoukkue (I-IV TyöJ)
(I - IV Work Platoon)
---- 1. - 4. Työryhmä (1.-4.TyöR) (1st - 4th Work Squad) (0+1+10 = 11 men)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


Road Maintenance Company

Road Maintenance Company (Tienhoitokomppania, TienHK) was for maintaining and repairing roads around the year and also for ploughing roads during winters. Their platoons operated usually separately in their own "districts".

Sixteen companies (1. - 3., 6. - 14., 16. - 19.TienHK) belonged initially to troops of Supreme HQ (PM) and were assigned to units and HQs if needed. 15th Road Maintenance Company belonged to Hanko Group until February 1942. Hanko Group had also a separate [1st] Road Maintenance Platoon. Units operated mainly between rear front and home areas.

Road maintenance company was organized as follows:

Strength (1942): 6 + 22 + 160 = 188 men + 6 women (Lottas)
4x personnel car, 18x truck, 4x road scraper, 6x tractor, 4x snow plough, 3x side plough,
41x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - III Työjoukkue (I-III TyöJ)
(I - III Work Platoon)
---- 1. - 4. Työryhmä (1.-4.TyöR) (1st - 4th Work Squad) (0+1+10 = 11 men)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


1st Bridge Constructing Company

1st Bridge Constructing Company (1. Sillanrakennuskomppania, 1.SillanRK) was formed for the demanding constructing and repairing duties of larger bridges. Company Chief was civil engineer officer and all other officers and leading NCOs were professional construction technicians (master builder). Majority of personnel consisted of professional bridge builders.

Company belonged to troops of Supreme HQ. It was subordinated to VI Army Corps in Karelian Isthmus between July and October 1941 after which it was moved to Olonets Isthmus. At first company was in VII Army Corps between October 1941 and February 1942 and later in V Army Corps since February 1942. In June and July 1944 it belonged to Olonets Group. During the Lapland War company was in North Finland under the command of III Army Corps.

1st Bridge Constructing Company was organized as follows:

Strength (1942): 7 + 30 + 195 = 232 men
2x personnel car, 2x truck, 9x special truck, 2x tractor,
15x bicycle, special constructing equipment

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - IV Työjoukkue (I-IV TyöJ)
(I - IV Work Platoon)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


Ploughing Company

Ploughing Company (Aurauskomppania, Aur.K) was for ploughing supply roads earlier passable only for horses as well as opening new supply roads during winters. Ploughing speed was 8 to 9 km/h at best.

Units belonged to troops of Supreme HQ. 1st Ploughing Company belonged to VII AK until May 1943 and Olonets Group until July 1944. Between July and November 1944 company was in VI AK. 2nd Ploughing Company was in North Finland at first in III AK until May 1944 after which it was subordinated to German 7. Gebirgs-Division. During the Lapland War company was again in III AK between September and November 1944.

3rd Ploughing Company was in Karelian Isthmus in II AK. In February 1942 company was moved to Maaselkä Group (Maa.R) in East Karelia. Between July and November 1944 company was held in reserve. Platoon of 3rd Ploughing Company was subordinated to Germans between 14.10.1942 and 9.6.1943. It was located to Petsamo.

4th Ploughing Company belonged to IV AK in Karelian Isthmus. Between February and May 1942 company was subordinated to German Armee-Oberkommando (AOK) Lapland initially at Petsamo and in May at Kiestinki. Germans had problems in keeping their supply roads open due to extremely snowy conditions. Its another platoon led by Lt. V. Korkeila was ploughing Petsamo airfield. Since 17.5.1942 company belonged to Finnish III AK. Between 3.7.1942 and July 1944 company belonged to Maaselkä Group (Maa.R) and after that was held in reserve.

5th Ploughing Company was at first in VI AK north from Lake Ladoga and in Olonets Isthmus until in February 1942 it was moved to IV AK (later Kannas Group, Kan.R) in Karelian Isthmus. Company was disbanded in September 1942. All other companies were suspended in November 1944.

Ploughing company was organized as follows:

Strength: 3 + 13 + 45 = 61 men + 3 women (Lottas)
personnel car, 2x motorcycle, 14x truck, 4x heavy plough,
4x Caterpillar D-6 or International TD-14, 6x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
I - II Aurausjoukkue (I-II Aur.J)
(I - II Ploughing Platoon)
Tekninen ryhmä (Tekn.R)
(Technical Squad)
Toimitusryhmä (Toim.R)
(Delivery Squad)


Searchlight Squad

Searchlight Squad (Valonheitinryhmä, Val.HR) was used to illuminate specified areas or targets at front for which squad had either one electric or gas operated searchlight. There were eight squads, 1st...8th Searchlight Squad, which all were troops of Supreme HQ. At first on 27.6.1941 1st...4th Searchlight Squad were moved to Engineer Depot 1 (Pion.V 1) at Lyly and 5th...8th Searchlight Squad to Engineer Depot 2 (Pion.V 2) at Kaleton for fitting and training. On 6.11.1941 all squads were subordinated to Karelian Army (Kar.A). Their later phases are unclear.

Searchlight squad had the following strength:

Strength: 0 + 1 + 6 = 7 men
searchlight, truck


Engineer Depot Company

Engineer Depot Company (Pioneerivarastokomppania, Pion.Var.K) founded and upkept army corps level field store for storing and supplying special engineer equipment, weapons and explosives. Field store had engineer supplies for about one month need in about 20 to 30 stores or sheds. Company's Machine Rapair Shop Platoon (Konekorjaamojoukkue) repaired and maintained special engineer equipment and machines. One company belonged to most army corps or larger groups.

There were a total of five units of which 11th Engineer Depot Company belonged to II AK / Maaselkä Group (Maa.R) at first in Karelian Isthmus and since October 1941 in East Karelia, 12th Engineer Depot Company to III AK at first in Northern Finland, since March 1944 in Karelian Isthmus and between September and November 1944 in Northern Finland and Lapland. 13th Engineer Depot Company was with IV AK / Karelian Isthmus Group (Kar.R) in Karelian Isthmus. 14th Engineer Depot Company belonged to VI AK north from Lake Ladoga and Olonets Isthmus. 15th Engineer Depot Company was in VII AK, since September 1941 in I AK in Karelian Isthmus. Since February 1942 company was in V AK at first in Olonets Isthmus and since June 1944 in Karelian Isthmus. All companies were disbanded in November 1944.

Engineer depot company was organized as follows:

Strength: 3 + 18 + 45 = 66 men + 3 women (Lottas)
personnel car, 6x truck, 2x special vehicle, horse, 3x bicycle

Komppanianpäällikkö / Company Chief
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
Varastojoukkue (Var.J)
(Depot Platoon)
---- Työaseryhmä (Työas.R) (Tool Squad)
---- Räjähdysaineryhmä (Räj.AineR) (Explosives Squad)
---- Rakennusryhmä (Rak.R) (Constructing Squad)
Koneenkorjausjoukkue (Kon.Korj.J)
(Machine Repair Shop Platoon)
Toimitusjoukkue (Toim.J)
(Delivery Platoon)


Engineer Depot Platoon

Engineer Depot Platoon (Pioneerivarastojoukkue, Pion.Var.J) founded and upkept separate field store for special engineer equipment, weapons and explosives. All five platoons belonged to the troops of Supreme HQ (PM).

1st Engineer Depot Platoon was subordinated to Engineer Depot 1 (Pion.V 1) in July 1941. 2nd Engineer Depot Platoon founded and kept up Engineer Field Depot 3 (Pion.KV 3) at Nikkarila since December 1941. 3rd Engineer Depot Platoon was "accidentally" subordinated to Engineer Battalion 33 (Pion.P 33) but was then subordinated to Karelian Army (Kar.A) at the beginning of July 1941. 4th Engineer Depot Platoon was as well subordinated to Karelian Army at the beginning of July 1941 and operated at Ylämylly (near Joensuu). 5th Engineer Depot Platoon was subordinated to 6th Division (6.D) assigned to German XXXVI Armee-Korps in Lapland. Platoon was suspended on 19.1.1942 when 6.D was taken back to the Finnish command and moved away from the front for arrangements.

Strength of engineer depot platoon was as follows:

Strength: 1 + 4 + 18 = 23 men
(number of vehicles unknown)


Engineer Column

Engineer Column (Pioneerikolonna, Pion.Kol.) replaced the earlier weaker tool depot detachment as division's engineer supply depot. Initially there were 16 columns - one for each division - numbered between 21...36. Engineer column had usually the same number as divisional engineer battalion. Engineer Column / Coastal Brigade was similar to divisional engineer column.

27th Engineer Column was re-named as 41st Engineer Column on 4.9.1942 when it was offcially attached to Armoured Division (Ps.D). 30th Engineer Column was suspended in September 1942 and 32nd Engineer Column in September 1944. All other units were disbanded in November 1944.

Engineer column was organized as follows:

Strength: 2 + 12 + 45 = 59 men
personnel car, 23x truck, special truck, 3x bicycle

Kolonnanjohtaja / Column Leader
Komentoryhmä (Kom.R)
(Command Squad)
Kalustoryhmä (Kal.R)
(Equipment Squad)
Ruuhiryhmä (RuuhiR)
(Punt [Rowing Boat] Squad)
Sulutustarvikeryhmä (Starv.R)
(Blocking Equipment Squad)
Toimitusryhmä (Toim.R)
(Delivery Squad)



* There were additionally units of Fortification Office / Supreme HQ which didn't usually belong to Land or Naval
Forces (could be subordinated). Until late 1943 fortification units although operated under the command of local Engineer Commander.


Sources: SAAEE1, ARIRE1, JATHI, SUOSO [10],
Special thanks to JTV


© 2004 - 31.8.2005 Harri Anttonen