I am not a web master. I am not an html master. I do nto know how to put a link for you to dowload the files. But this is how you can use my layouts, or at least hwo I would use them if I were taking them from this page.

Step 1: Right click anywhere on your screen

Step 2: Select View Source (If that is not an option, right click somewhere else on the screen and try again)

Step 3: A window with text will pop up - this is the code for that layout

Step 4: To dowload any images used in the layout right click on the image, ro background image, and save it to your computer.

Step 5: Upload the images and code into whatever manager you are using to create your webpage, and voila! (I hope)

I apologize in advance if this does not help at all. Please forgive me ^^

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