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Sauron's Home Page

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News that I am Tracking

I keep currently keeping track of the following news and events:

Current Events

General News

Sites I Usually Visit


[Picture of Myself] My real name is Soh Kam Yung but I like to call myself Sauron. Sauron is the Dark Lord featured in J.R.R. Tolkien's epic, The Lord of the Rings.

Over time, I hope to make my pages a repository of 'real' Science Fiction, in contrast to the huge number of sites devoted to Star Trek, Star Wars, etc. By 'real', I am referring to the written form of Science Fiction, rather than to media-related 'sci-fi'.

This home page will forever be under construction...<grin>. In the future, expect to find stuff on:

I also hope to turn it into a more personal page by featuring various other personal stuff not related to SF. Since I'm only limited to one home page, I plan to make the best of it! Expect to find stuff related to:

Yes, you can expect plenty of stuff, hopefully soon. So, keep visiting every once in a while.

If you want to make comments or suggestions, I can be contacted via e-mail at firstspeaker.geo(at)yahoo.com (as you may guessed from my e-mail address, my favourite author is Isaac Asimov). But if you have queries on the look of my web site, please read my web design philosophy first.

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Copyright (C) 1997-2003 Soh Kam Yung [Best Viewed With Any Browser]
All Rights Reserved
Comments to author: firstspeaker.geo(at)yahoo.com
Generated: Thu, Apr 10, 2003