<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/flagpie/aintnomountain.mid" LOOP=INFINITE>
safe chat
My Mum and Best Friend
My Mum was diagnosed with cancer about 10 years ago but I believe she had it a long time before that have been told about since I was 4 and I am now turning 19 . Sadly Mum lost her battle with cancer on July 30th 2001. I dedicate this page to her and her fight for life.
I always knew if mum was to be a animal she would be a bird
Inspiration for life
The smile the look in your face
your eyes told a story
a story of love and inspiration

We miss you Mum
we knew you had to leave
it does not seem real mum
will i see you again

I love you alot Mum
I hope you are at peace
I hope you are free Mum
As free as a bird

You encouraged me
You loved me
You believed in me
You gave me life

I know now I will see you again
I look forward to the day
I can give you a hug
and you can make me happy again

Thankyou mum for giving me life
Thankyou for not giving up on me
But most of all mum thankyou for being my mum
thankyou for being you

By Jennifer Baker aka flagpie or me
This arrow will take you too a breast cancer information site.
This will take you to the queensland cancer fund site
We all miss her so much and grieve for her in our own way but for me building this page was the goodbye i never got to say. I think the thing that I miss most is just her presence and of course her hugs
but like my Mum always thought

click here to view my page about my friend nellie
My page about my angel nellie
my best friend allisha's page
poetry 1 poetry 2
click here to viw page about my
click on the teddy to view page about sis alison
click here to view my friend marshas page
the awakening (a must read)
My story
Why do bad things happen
My story continued
click on arrow to read my best friend megs page
best friend megs page
Life Today
hospital journals 2
hospital journals