bullet ??? (1° ESPOSA).

Children were: Carlos CABRERA, Mario CABRERA, Ma. Inés CABRERA, (fem) CABRERA, (fem) CABRERA.

bullet??? (2° ESPOSA).

bulletAegidius (1) was born about 400. He died in 464. (2) General Romano.

Children were: Afranius SYAGRIUS.

bulletAgia (3) was born about 460.

She was married to Augin OF SOISSONS. (4) Children were: (Miss) OF SOISSONS .

bullet Agrippine (5) was born about 440.

Children were: Clothide OF BURGUNDY.

bulletAlard (6) was born about 660.

Children were: daughter of Alard.

bulletAlquima (7) was born about 460. Parents: Marco Mecilio AVITO.

She was married to Tonancio FERREOL.(8) Children were: Ferreol DE AUSTRASIA.

bullet Ascyla (9) was born about 335. Parents: Ascyllius.

She was married to Richomer DES FRANCS RIPUAIRES.(10) Children were: Theodemer DES FRANCS RIPUAIRES.

bullet Ascyllius (11) was born about 310.

Children were: Ascyla.

bulletAupais (12)(13) was born about 654.(14) She died about 705.(15) Concubina Parents: Childebrand.

She was married to Pepino II DE AUSTRASIA .(16) Children were: Charles OF FRANKS (DE AUSTRASIA).

bullet Aurea (17) was born about 820.

She was married to Fortun GARCEZ. (18) Children were: Oneca FORTUNEZ.

bullet Ausilia (19) was born about 990.

She was married to Humberto BIANCAMANO. (20) Children were: Oton I DE SABOYA .

bullet Basina (21) was born about 490. Parents: Clovis I OF FRANKS and Clothide OF BURGUNDY .

She was married to Ferreol DE AUSTRASIA. (22) Children were: Ausberto DE AUSTRASIA.

bullet Bermudo II(23) was born about 940.

Children were: ORDOÑO.

bulletBertrada (24) was born about 840.

She was married to Charles III OF FRANCE. (25) Children were: Gisele (Duchess) OF NORMANDY .

bullet Britilde (o Briquilda)(26) was born about 550. Parents: Clotario I.

She was married to Ausberto DE AUSTRASIA.(27) Children were: Arnulfo (o Burgiso) DE AUSTRASIA.

bullet Caretena (28) was born about 440.

She was married to Gundobad OF THE BURGUNDIANS. (29) Children were: Sigusmund OF THE BURGUNDIANS , ?? DES BURGONDES, Godomar (King) OF THE BURGUNDIANS.

bullet Childebrand (30) was born about 625.

Children were: Aupais.

bulletClotario I(31) was born about 520.

Children were: Britilde (o Briquilda).

bulletdaughter of Alard(32) was born about 690. (33) Parents: Alard .

She was married to Carloman DE AUSTRASIA. (34) Children were: Rotrude (Rotrou) OF THE FRANKS, William (Count) OF TOULOUSE.

bullet daughter of Gisulf(35) was born about 560. Parents: Gisulf.

She was married to Chrodaold `Nimble-tongued' OF THE LOMBARDS. (36) Children were: Fara (Heiress) OF BAVARIA .

bullet Doda (37)

She was married to Chrodobertus II OF NEUSTRIA.(38) Children were: ?? OF NEUSTRIA, Rupert I OF WORMSGAU.

bullet Egilona (39) was born about 790.

She was married to Gastón DE VIERO COUNT. (40) Children were: Hermesenda GATONEZ DE VIERO.

bullet Erelicia (Ereleuva)(41) was born about 410.

She was married to Theudemir OF THE OSTROGOTHS. (42) Children were: Theodoric I OF THE OSTROGOTHS.

bullet Ermengarde (43) was born about 690.

She was married to Richbald (Richbold) VON ARGENGAU. (44) Children were: Ruthard (Count) OF ALTDORF .

bullet Eulalie (45) was born about 420. Parents: Thaumaste I.

She was married to Falvius Probus MAGNUS.(46) Children were: Industria OF NARBONNE.

bullet Gela (47) was born about 550.

Children were: Theodon III OF BAVARIA.

bulletGisulf (48).

Children were: daughter of Gisulf.

bulletGrimhild (Grimhilde)(49) was born about 775.

She was married to Leutaud (Count) OF PARIS. (50) Children were: Engeltrude (Ingeltrude) OF PARIS.

bullet Hermenlindis (51) was born about 725.

She was married to Ruthard (Count) OF ALTDORF. (52) Children were: Guelph (Welf) OF ALTDORF .

bullet Hersent (53) was born about 870.

She was married to Rainer I [Duke of] OF LORRAINE. (54) Children were: Gilbert [Duke of] OF LORRAINE.

bullet Hersinda (55) was born about 680.

She was married to Huoching (Count) OF ALEMANIA. (56) Children were: Nebi (Hnabi) (Count/Duke) OF ALEMANIA.

bullet Hersuinde (57) was born about 710.

She was married to Nebi (Hnabi) (Count/Duke) OF ALEMANIA. (58) Children were: Emma OF SWABIA.

bullet Himiltrude (59) was born about 742.

She was married to Carlomagno OF THE FRANKS. (60) Children were: Adaltrude (Aupais Adaltrud) OF THE FRANKS.

bullet Nastila (61) was born about 260.

She was married to Richimir II OF FRANKS. (62) Children were: Theodomir OF FRANKS .

bullet Oneca (63) was born about 880.

Children were: Ordoño IV DE LEON.

bulletOneca (64) was born about 770. (65)

She was married to Iñigo ARISTA .(66) Children were: Garcia IÑIGUEZ.

bullet Papianila (67) was born about 440. Parents: Afranius SYAGRIUS.

She was married to FERREOL .(68) Children were: Tonancio FERREOL.

bullet Regintrude (69) was born about 575.

She was married to Theodon III OF BAVARIA. (70) Children were: Tassilo OF BAVARIA .

bullet Richende (71) was born about 890. Parents: Robert.

She was married to Theobald TOURS .(72) Children were: Theobald I (Count) OF CHAMPAGNE.

bullet Robert (73) was born about 860.

Children were: Richende.

bulletThaumaste I was born about 390.

Children were: Eulalie .

bulletTheodolinde (74) was born about 440.

She was married to Godegisel OF THE BURGUNDS. (75) Children were: Princess OF THE BURGUNDS .

bullet Toda (76) was born about 940.

She was married to GONZALEZ.(77) Children were: Elvira MENEDEZ.

bullet Viletrude (78) was born about 675.

She was married to Grimaldo (Grimwald) II (Duke) OF BAVARIA. (79) Children were: Suanhilde (Swanhild) OF BAVARIA.

bullet Williswint (80) was born about 725. She died about 766.

She was married to Rupert I OF WORMSGAU. (81) Children were: Thuringbert OF WORMSGAU.

bullet ?? ??(82)

Children were: Angiolina TOSCANI.

bulletCaterina ??(83) was born about 1720.

Children were: Giacomo BALBIANI, Nicola BALBIANI, Maria BALBIANI.

bulletClaudio ??(84).

bulletMabel ??(85).

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