$15 Trillion Cost to U.S. Taxpayers/ Insurance Premium Payers for 1985-2000

... And Will Almost Triple in Cost to $40 Trillion in Next 15 Years!!!!!


An increasing body of medical research is linking toxics-poisons called dioxins, and other endocrine the five most rapidly increasing, costly diseases for Medicare and private health insurance.

U.S. Taxpayers/Premium payers cost will be $ 40 Trillion / Next 15 Years:
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This massive U.S. health care cost is almost tripling each 15 years.....and especially for these 5 diseases. A government cannot continue to provide services or stay solvent if a cost line item doubles or triples each 15 years.

Estimated Overall Increase in Endocrine Disruptor
(Toxin) Induced, Chronic Degenerative Diseases
......such as diabetes, liver spots-porphyria, ADD/ADHD:

ED Chronic Degenerative Diseases Increases:




x = Above percentages are for solid genetic damage.
P = Note pre-gene damage, temporary conditions have much higher percentages eg. psuedo-porphyria.

Diabetes cost is one of the largest parts of the total cost of these 5 diseases......a cost doubling each 10 years.

Cognitive deficits and associated crime costs and social services costs are also major parts of the total dioxin cost.

Thus, “each” taxpayer household pays | $12,400 | (year 2000, growing to | $29,700 | by 2016) per year in direct costs, mostly hidden unnecessary taxes and medical premiums, primary for these 5 most expensive diseases and their effect on society:

| 1. Diabetes; | ___ 10-100 ppt Dioxin *1

| 2. Porphyria | (liver spots, heart problems plus many other symptoms) ___ 45-100 ppt Dioxin*1

| 3. ADD/ADHD | ___ ~1 ppt Dioxin *1 (Autism, Dioxin +)

| 4. Thyroid Problems | ___ ~10-100 ppt *1 ("Dioxin Report" and "Cate Jenkins Affidavit")

| 5. Cancers, soft cell & Non Hodgkins Lymphoma; | ___ 10-100 ppt Dioxin *1 |
| Cancer, Second Page |

Note *1: PPT = Parts per Trillion TCDD Dioxin equivalent estimates; note that most research is for short term exposure ( | weeks |) in HIGHER exposures; research listed in the EPA Dioxin Report and the CHEJ Dioxin Report indicate that longer term (| years |) MUCH LOWER exposures cause equal disease causing effects. Rigerous detox treatments must be done to purge dioxin to below parts per trillion levels from fatty Dioxin bioaccumulates in the body. Additionally, other chemicals (| 3,700 known "Porphyrinogenic Substances" |) have similar endocrine disrupting effects. Additionally, the presence of Porphyrinogenic Substances like dioxin, can either overload or suppress the formation of P450 Detox Enzymes that would normally remove other damaging chemicals many of which do multiple damage.


**Tax Rebate Incentives to industry, to eliminate endocrine disruptor chemicals, are critical to saving our private and public health care system.**

Various professionals have put together "solutions" guideline reports.

Basically, there are four major parts to reduce this $40 trillion cost for the next 15 years to citizens, taxpayers and medical insurance premium payers:

1.0 Lower exposures by eliminating endocrine disrupters.

1.1 Cut production of the | 3,700 known "Porphyrinogenic Substances--Endocrine Disrupters" | by switching to less damaging chemicals using more advanced manufacturing processes:

| All Industries: Dioxin Report |
| Example Paper Industry: TCF 100% Oxygen Paper Bleaching |

These Endocrine Disrupters are estimated to represent only about 4% of existing chemicals and the cost to switch is very small compared to increasing medical costs.

1.2 Use highly effective and inexpensive waste effluent treatment technology ( | same technology as item 2.0 below |) .

1.3 Continue | testing | all chemicals for ED effects.

1.4 Full incentives to industry are critical to not disrupt the economy and jobs. Florida is a leader in this effort.

2. Properly clean up existing sites and difficult to eliminate "storage" sources to below toxic levels using | newer design, | highly effective and inexpensive waste effluent treatment methods.

3. Properly | detox | and treat existing exposed people under medical professional care using proven techniques.

4. Work on | cures | for existing and future exposed people.

ED Briefing Book Main Pages:
| Endocrine Disruption Briefing Book | | Attachment List, ED Briefing Book |

Attachment Pages:
| ADD/ADHD | | Children-Developmental Damage | | Symptoms, Physical-Cognitive | | Diabetes | | Porphyria-LiverSpots | | Porphyria-Suppressed Detox | | Thyroid Disruptions: Click on Dr. Jenkins Affidavits | | Cancer, et al | | Cancer, et al |

| Bethune School Dioxin | | Whitehouse School Scandal | | Belgium Govt. Topples | | 314 Toxic Chemicals | | 3700 Porphyrinogenic Chemicals | | Professional Dioxin Reports | | Industry View Dioxin | | Dust Carries Toxics (Dioxin) |

Cost Estimates, For Medical & Social Problems:
| Overview: 5 most costly dioxin diseases | | Medical Costs: U.S. HHS CMS Data |

Additional Overview Info:
| PCB Toxicity by CDC | | 48% Graduation Rate Jax FL | | EDSTAC |
| * EPA Dioxin Report Chap 9, Health Effects | | EPA 1994 Dioxin Report, other chapters | | Court Affidavit of Dioxin Damage | | Solutions to Dioxin Problem |

Send questions to:
United We Stand America

George Jeffrey B.S. Chemical Eng.
| george c |
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Terms of Use-Disclaimer
* General Note: Dioxin causes expensive disabilities like ADD/ADHD, diabetes and cancer |. Support incentives to eliminate endocrine disruptors like dioxin and save | $12,900 / year / household | on unnecessarily high indirect and direct medical costs, Medicare and private medical insurance, disability taxes and extra income taxes to make up for taxes not paid by unnecessarily disabled people. The solution is to provide 100% tax grants for dioxin etc. elimination using "taxes generated by industry."

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