About me


1->mike z 2->14 yrs old and a half (aug 1st) 3->chinese/singaporean/canadian 4->male 5->richmond hill CANADA 6->single 7->unionville HS 8->ICQ:242503037 9->msnm: elhazardman@hotmail.com 10-> music :every little thing, do as infinity (not da rapping one) , utada hikaru, boA, day after tomorrow, jpop etc etc 



hm almost done my artist's book art project...whew i thought i wasnt gonna get it done...heh but still im da best. sigh french presentations starting tomorrow...man i hate presentations! especially french ones..btw anyone know any info on the japanese band DO AS INFINITY...o yea ppl take da naruto quiz at the bottom of da page! well only if u know what naruto is of course...


well there goes the first weekend back from christmas break...sigh so boring... my parents are gone shopping blah sigh this layouts getting a lil boring...im probably gonna change it soon! although im too busy right now cus of exams...projects and stuff cus of da semester endin. hm hope i get good marks...Xl added a new mp3 in goodies...enjoy


hm it's the first friday back form christmas break...the week was pretty eventful though...although next week is EQAO and i hav an art and french project due! and dont forget final exams are coming up too...man am i gonna be busy... Never thought high school was gonna be this different then elementary. BBRRHh is it freezing these few days...temp was -21 today, i think, with wind chill of -330! why me...o well now to update my pictures! 


MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! MERRY NEW YEAR EVERY1!! a;though it is a lil late 2 say that...hm almost didnt update during da holidays ...probably im too busy playin! =D anyways school started again...>.> yes the thing that every1 hates. we hav a art project due next monday thats worth about 50% of our final mark ( i think...) hm...i hope i get a good mark...got a lot of new IY pics gonna upload some soon! btw NARUTO ROX!


hm...havent updated my site for a while...probably cus its CHRISTMAS HOLIDAYS!!!! XDXDXDXD although i still didnt finish my christmas shopping yet...newayz thanx all those people who gave me christmas cards! (shiny, rick(man you're rich), candy, wince, veronica and a couple dat im 2 lazy 2 put down) 2bad i cudnt give cards 2 u ppl...sry >.< still MCAHNY EVERYONE! (MCHANY = MERRY CHRISTMAS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR)


hm...got my new mp3 player...got my french test bak...and CHRISTMAS IS COMIN SOON! (13 days away) chinese skoo 2omorro is also one hr sorter and we'll gonna have a party so no work!! hm gtg go watch inu yasha...


hm...my cold is gettin better...nuttin much else 2 say (CHRISTMAS IS IN 2 WEEKS!!) uploaded a few pictures...


boy am i in a bad mode today...runny nose, sore throat gdmit i hate winter (except that x-mas is in winter). anyways we jsut started christmas shopping, sigh so many people...and da thing i want cant be bought in canada!! >=[...nanyon1 know where to find he song "one day one dream"?


ugh...we had da msot disgusting presentaion this morning...saw some really um...disturbing pictures...ugh....im too disgusted 2 type...


keh da french test wasn't that hard...blah o well. so many ppl were gona on science trip today to the science center (obviously). 3/4 of da ppl were missing in almost all my classes...o.0 man da art class was so quiet...o yea i also got dis invader zim cd from mark (borrowed) and which i havent seen it and will or probably will loose...keh (wil and veronica's inu cd time : 2 days left)


ahhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its december!! it snowed!!!! time seem 2 pass by fo fast...hm so busy these days too. just had french proj due today, math quest done today (its a quiz y do dey call it a quest?...), french test tomorrow, and an art page due today 2...dont forget self-portrait thingy due next monday too,,,sigh...but i got a couple new cds! bbbbbooooooooAAAAAAAAAA, DDDDDAAAAAAAIIIIIII, and EEEEEEEELLLLLLLLTTTTTTTTTT! =)


hah! PA day tomorrow...hopefully go shopping for my christmas gift or something! =) sigh...december is already here...so fast... anyways hm french test coming up soon, man we're so behind...da other class is one unit ahead of us o.0 O well. wil (not u wilbur), gimme the inu yasha discs back by monday or im gonna kill u...some1 else wants it...im gonna try 2 find some DAI (Do As Infinity)  music 2... 


sore throat...*cough* *cough*...god we're all sick these days...sigh anyways just failed the basketball test today for gym! ye! hm...a bayview skoo concert thing is being held in uhs tomorrow? at 9? eh? WOW shiny u finally got a cell... (did i see jeff from my math class in my art class at da old 456 today?) g'ah...i hav a stomach ache now too...>.< (wil (not wilson), thx 4 reminding me first love is not by boA)


hm...bored...parents out buying stuff keh! other den dat...nm happened...bored bored bored y is no1 on msn on sunsays??!! (added a link to a page 4 da bit torrent downloads - go 2 goodies)


HAHA missed a whole day of school today! >=) heh the gardiner museum was better than i thought too...hm i wanted to go to chapters near the museum for lunch but SOME people just take too long to eat their food (probably cus we ate at MACDONALD"S)!!! yes anyways nuttin much to say...uploaded a new song chek out la, and joined a couple webrings...


yea no skoo tomorrow! haha get 2 go 2 da gardiner museum...2 draw there... da drawings gonna be boring, but we get 2 go anywhere we want near da gardiner 2 eat! heh... *evil crackle* keh anyways just came back from the parent-interview. hm...went pretty well i guess blah cant connect 2 the stupid file i uploaded with ftp on 2 rogers...ggrrr...anyone know how to do it?


hm...got my math test back and my french test back! both were pretty good...88-93%. heh =) (damned squirrels, veronica u beat me by one on the math test...) anyways arts york thingy at the markham threatre today, so many people gone...cheap bums... hm.. teachers interview tomorrow. most of the teachers i want an interview with wants me 2 get a phone calll...-.-' sigh...am i so unimportant?


heh did my math test today...not that hard. hm..so many people are sick these days...shiny yesterday, and candy too...man is some1 like transferring the flu to other people or something...? o yea ppl dont 4get we're going to the gardiner museum on friday! pack your stuff or everything. sigh...i need a group to join though...


Muahaha...finally got the second layout of my website up! Hm...got the original version of the template off the web and changed it a lil...hm...Cotton Star isn' the best but it'll do for now! 


And here are some other links to some fun stuff!

Congratulations! You're most like Shippou! You're utterly adorable, but you are very mature. You also have a strong sense of pride. (i got kagome before i tested again and got shippo...weird...)




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Francis's website

Inu Yasha Sky (inu fans galore!)

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happy-tree friends! (beware da horror and gruesome of cuteness)

wince's website (AA)



Now Playin - First Love.mid (Utada Hikaru)

< ? Oh My Glasses # > WEBRINGS!


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