
The most pressing question for most chessplayers is what plan do I use for improvement?  There is an ocean full of books, programs, DVD's and websites all claiming to have the answer.
Jose Capablanca a former World Champion who had neither the use of software nor a vast expanse of literature offered up this advice.  "Begin at the end."  He felt that a study of the endgame was important for improvement.
There are those that claim tactics should be concentrated on early in one's developement.  This is good advice but I would add that to merely study tactics without understanding the elements of what you are looking for is like reading a medical journal without understanding medical definitions. 

I suggest you study Tactical Motifs   so that you understand the language of combinations.

Pre-occupation with opening theory though attractive is futile if one lacks the combinational vision or endgame technique to bring home the point after a hard fought battle. That is why we offer the following "observations".
Pick an opening (White & Black) that you feel comfortable playing and stick with it throughout your early development.  Construct a database of games with those openings and spend time studing the positions that arise out of your choosen openings. 
(We suggest ChessBase 9 available at our club member's store) 
Pay attention to pawn formations, note if certain combinational motifs occur frequently, and, pay attention to what types of endgames usually occur.
(checkout Endgames for examples these concepts)
Join an email chess group. Links to them can be found on the  Resources page.  There you can really study all phases of the game plus you will make some new friends who share your passion for chess. 
Remember improvement takes time and hard work, 10% inspiration and 90% perspiration.  No matter what kind of learning aides or training program you follow, no one ever got from grade school to college overnight unless they were a genius. 
(Other good educational sites are Chess Cafe and Chess Games. Com)
Finally, accept alittle reality.  How many challengers for the world title do you know well enough to call up for some advice?  I am saying this only to help you put things in perspective. 

The vast majority of us play due to our love for the game.  If you are able to lift your playing standards great ... but don't loose track of the fact that it is a game at this stage.
If your goal is to become a professional chessplayer I offer to you my best wishes and sincere hope that you reach your goal but if you don't .... take pride in your efforts and enjoy the ride.

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Endgame Collections
Player Spotlight
Tactical Problems
Tactical Motifs