My basic primer, with abridged step-by-step instructions

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Showtime™ television's STARGATE: SG-1 "Serpent Guard". Now, here's MY version;
    The Chest - Upper Body Cowel
    (a.k.a. "the Cowel")

  1. Two 'Chest Covers', identical
  2. The 'Collar' (front and back are different)
  3. The 'Belly Scales' (front and back)
    The Serpent's Headpiece
    (a.k.a. "Snakehead", "The Snake's Head")

  1. The 'Crown Spine'
  2. the 'Throat - Neck'
  3. The 'Frillies' ('hood')
  4. The 'Wraps' (back-of-head scales)
the sketch of the head componants, and their alignment
Apophis, wearer of the gold Serpent armor
A very dark photo, but patterns for 'cowel' and 'collar' are visible, outlined here in white for clarity. Go to Pic. 2

  In this horribly dark photo, -only one of two that I have of this stage, you can see the basic design for the 'chest cowel' and 'collar'. You shall require two cowel halves, identical. And it's easier to make the collar halves seperately, and re-join them around the head-hole of the cowel during assembly. The collar is attached to the cowel using metal 90-degree 'window frame' brackets, riveted using 1/8th inch pop-rivet 'backing plates' for increased holding strength.

computer assisted sketch of cowel pieces and collar componants, and their alignment. Go to Pic. 3
The two cowl pieces (front and back), and the collar (made as two halves). Go to Pic. 4  Here in the photo to the left we have the cowel pieces, front and back are identical. Also we see the two-piece collar.  To the right in Pic. 4, the cowel shoulder-straps have been heated with a propane torch until each is just pliable, then bent forward, forming 'hooks'. Fast-cooled by immersion in water, they retain their shape. When riveted together they form a wearable 'chestcage'. It's easier to make the correct shape of the collar in posterboard paper first (see Pic. 1), then commit it in HDPE plastic (as per Pic. 3). The two cowel halves are heated and bent over into 'hooks', and riveted together forming a wearable 'shell'. Go to Pic 5

The assembled cowel. The collars (not shown here) are attached one at a time to the cowel, and also to each other at just above the shoulders. This must be strong and stable, as the 'head' attaches to the collar.

Sketch of the basic belly and back scales. Go to Pic. 6

  The Belly and Back scales are identical, although 'the front' is a bit longer.  The bottom of the front scale should just cover the wearer's naval. You can leave off the 'bottom scale' if your pattern is too long. The top-most scale will be attached behind both the front and back of the cowel respectively, aligned against the 'bottom' of the cowel and parallel to each other, and each is riveted in several places. Each 'scale unit' is aligned perpendicular, and is very securely riveted, as it will later support the armor's weight when the headpiece is added.

The assembled parts, now resembles a wearable armor! (sans the shoulder mounts, to be added later)

  The scales now are attached. Also, the radial & bias lines have been drawn in magic marker, and using the Dremel tool, have been made.  These gouges have been 'softened' by the flame of a propane torch. Use caution though, you can go too far and melt or warp the plastic. The Collar is then attached and throat area modified, as shown. It is 'cut down' a little at a time, until perfect. Study frontal photos of the real armor from the show for guidance, before attempting this.

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