More reconstructed fragments of dialogue 2

Uncle Dimitri: I have been told that your Latin teacher had to resign because of you.

Julia: He didn't resign just because of me, there were four other girls involved.
Uncle Dimitri: Yes, but they were your 'gang'. What was going on? The nuns said they saw you at midnight in a candle-lit room. He was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, and the five of you girls were dancing around him in a ring holding hands and singing a song. What were you singing?
Julia: (singing) " Fill the bath with water,
Spank me like your daughter...
Uncle Dimitri: Stop! I don't want to hear any more of that. What happened then?
Julia: When the song came to an end, the girl standing in front of him had to sit on his lap. We would have gotten away with it as well, if one of the girls hadn't gone too far. Instead of sitting on his knee, she stood right up close in front of him and put her nightie over his head.
Uncle Dimitri: Anything else?
Julia: We also taught him how we do 'candling'.
Uncle Dimitri: I still don't understand what that is all about.
Julia: We say it helps define the target area.

On white horsies, snowy white horsies, let me RIDE AWAY

more reconstructed fragments of dialogue 3
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