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Okay, so here are the ways you can get a hold of me:

AIM: forpennsfans
ICQ: 179354100
Yahoo: forpennsfans

I'm usually on Yahoo. If I don't respond, I'm sorry. It usually means that I'm not at the computer. I will respond as soon as I possible can. If you leave me an E-mail addy, I'll write you back. Y'all can also E-mail me.

If you have anything you want on here, please submit it to me or tell me what you want, and I might be able to get it.

Also, sign my guestbook and feel free to speak your mind!

One last thing-click here if you want to join my newsletter. Just make sure you write newsletter in the subject box! :o)

Oh yeah! Make sure you support For Penn's Fans.

You can also sign my Tagboard!