2008 Events
            Events marked with *  FOAH Events

*Victorian Dance  May 3, 2008 in the evening.  The Friends of the Anderson House will demonstrate Victorian Era dancing.  No charge.

Lexington Heritage Days/Piano Recital  June 10-15, 2008 with recital June 14th 7:00 pm
Spencer Huston will present a piano recital on the square grand piano in the Anderson House.  The theme will be the American flag in celebration of Flag Day.  Reservations required, recital free.

* Waverly Missouri  War on the Home Front  June 28 & 29.  Remember what a remarkably ood event this little town put un last year?  Well, they are working just as hard this year to recreate the capture of the steamboat Sunshine. Plenty to do again for FOAH members. You can be a passenger on the boat and be capt ured and ordered from the vessle under force of arms or if in a military unit part of the opposing force.  ( That would be the good guys )  There will be night fighting back and forth across the river dancing and much most.  Ladies, sutlers will be on hand.

Fresh from the Farm    July 26, 2008 10:00-4:00.  Nearby producers will have seasonal produce to taste and purchase.  Butter-making, period games and general fun.  No charge.

* Ladies Sentiments/Victorian Tea  July 12, 2008, 10:00-4:00.
Learning Seminar.      Add this great skill to your impression.
Language of the Fan.  Men: Did you know that during the time period we portray,
a lady would be able to tell you exactly what she is thinking without opening her mouth, just by using her fan.  You should know this secret language of the 19th cenutry.  Ladies:  You should know how to speak it.  A tea will be served at the Anderson House from 1:00-4:00.  Mothers and daughters are encouraged to come, learn about the "language of fans" and then decorate their own fans.  No charge. 
In addition Lexington merchants and the site will display and demonstrate crafts and gifts from the past, such as friendship albums, journals, quilts, silhouettes and fancy-work.

Stargazing    August 9, 2008, 7:30-10:00 pm.  The site will host the Kansas City Astronomical Society.  They will present a program about astronomy in the center theater, followed by observing stars through telescopes set up on the battlefield.  No charge.

*Battle over the Dead    September 20, 2008, 10:00 am-4:00 pm.  The Holmes Brigade and Friends of the Anderson House will co-sponsor a reenactment of the battle in the local cemetery which proceeded the Battle of Lexington, 1861.  Reservations are required and there is a charge.

*Cemetery Tour    October 25, 2008.  The Friends of the Anderson House will portray historical characters in the Machpelah Cemetery. (more details later)

*Christmas Event 
December 6, 2008.  The Friends of the Anderson House will re-create a mid-nineteenth century Christmas.  (more details later)