Jean Forsyth

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Jean Mailler FORSYTH was born 19Feb1889 at 11pm at 95 Lower Bridge St, Stirling, Scotland. She was one of seven children of Michael Bruce FORSYTH and Helen WHYTE. Her siblings were were Andrew, Albert and Bruce (they both drowned at an early age), Helen (known as Nellie), Ann (known as Nan) and James (who went to America).

Jean was 28 years of age when she married Jack PEARCE on 2May1919 at 5 Phillips St, Paisley in Scotland after a five month courtship.She had lived at 14 Haley St, Alms Hill, Manchester for a time. She also worked as a clerkess in London.

Jean was a real fashion plate - there are several photographs of her as a young woman in very stylish dress. She was known to smoke coloured cigarettes! A story tells of the price of fresh eggs being 10 pence each. The big decision after purchasing one, was how you were going to cook it and which night you were going to eat it. Her handwriting was beautiful, later keeping meticulous ledgers of the household expenses when she was married.

Jean dealt with life as it came. To travel to N.Z. as a young war bride must have been a big adventure. She remained lifelong friends with one of the other young brides. Her big trip home with baby Helene in the early 1920s was the last time she ever saw her native Scotland although she always retained her soft Scottish burr

Jean loved nothing better than to get all dressed up in hat, gloves etc every Friday and travel by ferry from their home in Fairlight to Sydney city. She often met friends and family for lunch. She was full of fun in a refined way, with a wicked sense of humour. Jean liked a "wee dram" of scotch occasionally.

Jean lived in the family home with daughter Jean at 4 Francis St, Fairlight until her death on 27Dec1968 aged 79. Earlier Jean had been hit by a car. The resulting delayed shock surely contributed to her slow decline. She died after many months in a nursing home. This placed a great load on her family especially daughter Jean. It was so very sad to see such a beautiful lady's life end in such a way.

Passport Photo Jean & daughter Helene


Michael (seated) & Helen Forsyth with son Andrew & wife Mary

Jean Forsyth & sister Nan

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