Chapter 4

The drive from the rest stop to Lance's small house did not take that long. In fact, it went too fast for Josh's liking. From the moment Josh had sat in the car next to Lance, his nerves went into overdrive. Just sitting this close to Lance and he could tell how much he wanted this man. however, he knew there was no way that this gorgeous man sitting next to him was even gay. He probably had some beautiful girlfriend he dated.

Sighing, he opened his car door, and stepped out onto the driveway. Looking up he smiled at the small house before him. He watched as Lance ran up the steps to the front door watching the way the tight jeans he was wearing hugged the curvy ass they contained.

Lance opened the door, and stepped inside. "It isn't much, but it is home." Lance threw his keys on the table by the door, and turned back to look at Josh. "The couch pulls out. Let me get you some stuff to make the bed."

Josh sat down on the couch waiting for Lance to return. He looked around the small living room at the pictures lining the walls. Pictures of Lance with his family, he assumed. He heard a noise behind him and caught Lance standing in the doorway staring at him. When Lance noticed he was looking at him, he lowered his head, and walked into the room. Placing the bedding on the table by the couch, Lance started to walk away.

Josh didn't want Lance to leave yet, so he reached out and touched his arm trying to stop him. When he saw Lance look down at his hand, Josh cursed himself for acting so impusively. Lance WAS NOT gay, and he probably wouldn't appreciate it if he knew what Josh was thinking about him. Lance smiled as he pulled his arm away. "I'm tired, man. I'm going to go to bed. You be okay out here?"

Josh nodded as he stood up and started to get the couch ready so he could go to bed too. It was already past two in the morning, and he had been on that damn motorcycle all day. He turned as he heard the bedroom close. Sitting back down, he lay his head in his hands. What was he doing? They had to have a motel nearby. He could have had Lance drop him off there. Why did he accept Lance's offer to stay?

After he finished making the bed, he pulled off his shoes and his jeans so he could lay down. Sighing, he closed his eyes. As he tried to fall asleep, al he could see in his head were images of Lance. He couldn't understand why he felt so strongly about this man whom he had just met. Josh had never been one to believe about love at first sight, but he was starting to change his mind.

After Lance had closed the door, he leaned against it. Why had he offered Josh his couch? I mean, there was a motel just about a mile from the house. He could have dropped him off there, but instead he had opened his big mouth and invited him to stay here. He had watched Josh, and he knew Josh was interested. Why did he have to find someone now? It was not a good time at all.

His parents would never understand him if he told them now. Sighing, he tore off his t-shirt, and threw it in the corner. After stripping off the rest of his clothes til he was standing in only his boxer briefs, he put his ear to the door listening for Josh. When he heard nothing, he opened the door and walked to the kitchen. Opening the fridge, he stood in front of it looking for something to eat.

Josh had heard as Lance's bedroom door opened. He had been lying on the sofabed continuing to think about Lance. As he heard Lance open the refrigerator door, Josh turned his head so that could see into the kitchen. His breath caught in his throat at the sight before him. The light from the fridge shined on Lance's naked chest as he stood looking into the fridge.

Lance turned his head towards the living room sighing as he closed the fridge door. Josh watched as Lance stood and watched him for a few seconds before turning back to go to his room.

Josh turned onto his back as he let out his own sad sigh. Could he be wrong about Lance? Did he have a chance?
