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Waldfrieden Aneka A Z

Sire: Hasenway Wildknight Bscl1 A Z Exc. Select

Dam: Waldfrieden Regina Bscl1 A Z Exc

Aneka is the mother and grandmother of many of our dogs. She is a much loved pet who lives a life of luxury in retirement, as you can see from the photo

Friedental Sweet Pea Bscl1 A Z Vg

Sire: Winaura Jesse James Bscl1 A Z Exc. Merit

Dam: Davic Biene Bscl1 A Z Vg

"Stop Press" Sweet Pea has been mated to an outstanding Wildknight son. For puppy enquires e.mail us.

Friedental Rum N Cola (aged 5 months at time of photo)

Sire: Karlrach Rum Ball Bscl1 A Z Exc Select

Dam: Waldfrieden Regina Bscl1 A Z

Cola was 2nd baby bitch at the Australian Nationals 1999

Cola has grown into a strong vital bitch whose virtues will continue on for many generations to come.


Friedental Chooky

Sire: Adashad the Fugitive Bscl1 A Z ET Exc

Dam: Goldmint Warrior Princess Bscl1 A Z Vg

Chooky La is a very loved child who suffers from an   auto immune disease. She has battled many life    threatening illness's and is well on the way to beating   the odds !

Friedental Penny Pitstop (age at photo 6 months)

Sire: Adashad the Fugitive Bscl1 A Z ET Exc

Dam: Goldmint Warrior Princess Bscl1 A Z Vg

Penny has had a very rewarding start to her show career receiving the title of "Top Minor bitch for Western Australia 2000

Watch out for more photo's of our other bitches !