I'm thinking maybe I should just go ahead and dye my hair gray now.  I have a feeling that Magnum is going to turn the rest of it gray anyway.  :-)   He is doing better today.  It is very hard to make him walk anywhere.  He wants to run around on his 3 legs like he used to, up the ramp and down the ramp.  He wants to jump around when people come in.  He will sometimes get to the bottom of the ramp and plop becase he wants the sling off.

Last night when I took him out to potty he got to the end of the ramp and plopped.  I didn't know if he fell and hurt his leg or if he just sat.  He was panting a bit so I was afraid he had hurt himself.  He did go ahead and go potty and he even used his leg a little bit.  He was o.k. the rest of the night so I guess he didn't hurt himself. 

He keeps going after the pain patch which is stapled on to the outside of his leg.  We are going to go to our regular vet tomorrow to have it taken off.  The "nurse" said that we should probably have the bandage removed too because it is slipping.  A few of his staples are showing at the top and what I can see looks good.   She also said that he bled a lot during surgery and that is why they put the bandage on him.  They would like it to stay on as long as possible but would rather have it taken off if it is slipping so it won't irritate the incision.  We will take him to our regular vet tomorrow to have the patch and bandage removed.   I'm not looking forward to that because he so hates going to the vet.  It is always an ordeal to get him in there.  I think I'll give him some rescue remedy a little bit before we go. 

I made up a different area for him in the living room with a little more space and put him in there and he got all upset.  He was panting and kept getting up and moving around.  I gave him a little rescue remedy but he still wasn't happy.  I finally picked up his blankets and moved them back to his old spot and he went over there, laid down and went to sleep.  I guess he likes his old "recovery room".   

I can see the top inside of his leg is red where the bandage  has slipped down.  I'm almost afraid to see the rest of it.  I don't know if this is something to be concerned about or not.  I may call the vet in the morning.

One more day down and 57 to go to the 2 month mark.  :-)
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