Today is Easter Sunday.  The day we celebrate the resurrection of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ.  It was strange not to be in church today  but I knew we wouldn't be able to go.

Magnum had a rough time last night.  He kept whining.  No pacing  and not much panting but a lot of whining.  I gave him some rescue remedy a few times to help calm him and it seemed to help for a little bit but he would still wake up and whine. 

After his nightly meds, we put his e collar on him so we could get some sleep.  Kurt and Steve (hubby) went to bed and Erica and I stayed up for a while with Magnum.  He had a hard time settling down.   Erica finally fell asleep and I sat and massaged Magnum and finally got him to calm down and go to sleep.  I didn't sleep very well. I was up every hour to check on him.  He slept all night from about 12:30 to 6:00 this morning.  He started whining so I came down and took him outside to potty. 

Then I brought him in and fed him half his breakfast with a little yogurt and his morning pills..  At 9 I fed him the rest of his breakfast with his second pill.  He settled back down quite well and slept for a couple of hours.  He has been very tolerant of having his leg elevated a bit and iced. 

Navigating him and the sling gets a bit tricky.  He wants to run through the door and run down the ramp.  It is hard to hold him back.   He is so used to running around on 3 legs, I guess he can't figure out why he can't still do it.  I take him out the door and down the ramp with the sling.  Then, I take the sling off once we are outside so he can potty.  When he's done, I put the sling back on and go back up the ramp and back to his little "pen" as slowly as I can get him to go. 

The two older girls are coming over with their husband/fiancee this afternoon for dinner.  I told them they have to be quiet today to keep Magnum still.  Tomorrow is Monica's 23rd birthday.  She recently graduated from Vet Tech school but she had never heard of TPLO surgery until Magnum.

We had a small victory today.  Magnum finally pooped.  That is a big deal for them after surgery.  It was mushy.  Probably from all the liver sausage and cheese, and peanutbutter and cheese stuffed bones and Kongs he's been getting .  The antibiotics can also give them diarrhea so I'll have to watch that.  I'm going to feed him some cottage cheese with his dinner and maybe get some pumpkin.
Magnum's TPLO Page