Today was another beautiful day in Wisconsin.  It was sunny and low to mid 70s.  That's perfect weather as far as I'm concerned.  I took Magnum out for a bit this afternoon again to lay on the blanket with his bone.  He stayed there a little better today.  He wants to chase the bugs and the shadows of the birds that fly across our blanket. 

The lady that sold us this house is talking to me again (long story) and was next door today.  She started coming over and Magnum got all worked up.  He had to jump up and bark and lunge to try to see her.  She came over and petted him and we got him settled back down.  Argh!  It's hard when people come over.  Lab's are just so bouncy and full of energy. 

Magnum finally decided to jump up off the blanket so I just took him potty (he really needed to go) and we went inside again.  I really enjoy those times sitting outside on the blanket with him.  Erica was out there with us too.  I noticed that he doesn't really relax unless she is sitting with us.  She was off playing with the other dogs and he kept watching her every move.  I finally had her put the other dogs inside their pen and come sit with Magnum.

I noticed, today, that the inside of his lips were not as pink as they were a couple of days ago.  The vet kept looking at the inside of his lips when he was checking out his ears.  The inside of his lips were very red Tuesday when we went to the vet.  It must have been part of the drug reaction along with the ears.  Both look much better today.  Another thing to watch for.  The vet was also checking his belly but we didn't find any redness there.

Magnum is funny.  When we come in from being outside for a while, he will go right to his crate and go inside before I can get to his collar to take his leash off.  Sometimes I have to have the kids crawl in there and take it off for me.  Silly dog.

We are 13 days post TPLO today.  Every day brings us one day closer to complete healing.

I think he's trying to get rid of me.  He had his front paws up on the couch tonight trying to get to Kurt when he came home, then I took him out to potty and he fell on the ramp.  If we make it through this it will be a miracle.
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