Today we are 6 weeks post TPLO.  It takes him a couple seconds to get up and get going, and he hops for a second after he gets up but then he uses the leg pretty consistently.  He has much more use of the leg now than he did before surgery. 

I'm sure he will get more use back as he is able to swim and walk and rebuild the muscles in the leg.  Two more weeks until our 8 week x-rays.  I'm hoping to see complete bone healing then. 

It's a busy weekend this weekend.  It's Memorial Day and we have to go pick up Jack.  In case you haven't read about Jack, he's the Leader Dog puppy we raised last year.  I got a call the other day from the school saying they were dropping him from the program.  I was a bit bummed about it but our friends, who doggie sat him on occasion while he was with us, were ecstatic.  They are going to adopt him.  They have missed him a lot and often asked how he's doing and if there's any chance he'll be back.  :-)  He'll have a very loving forever home and we'll get to visit!  That will be neat.  I can't wait to see his reaction when he sees us again.

It's an almost 7 hr. drive out there so making arrangements to go get him are a bit difficult with our schedule.  Right now, we're thinking maybe the guys will get out there Monday morning, pick him up and head back, but we'll see.

We found a baby bird in the driveway tonight with a broken wing.  It had all it's feathers so it wasn't too little but was not full grown yet either.  The kids got it to hop into a box and put some grass, worms and bird seed in there for it.  We will drop it off at the emergency vet tomorrow when I go in to town to do my Y shift.  They take wild animals that are injured as well as domestic animals.   Hopefully, it will be o.k. until morning.

Someone on the orthodogs list asked, today, what process we all went through to make the decision we did for the various procedures we had done on our dogs.  I was thinking back to that time again and remembering how hard it was to put the dog through a procedure as invasive as TPLO.  I believe, with all my heart, that God led us to that decision.  He dropped Magnum in our laps, so to speak, and then he led me to the right places to find out about the procedure and even provided the funding through LABMED and LLL.  He saw Magnum through his surgery and he and us through the recovery this far.  I know He'll see us through to the end.

I don't know what I would have done without the Lord to guide me.  I would be lost without Him.  I am just awed when I think that the God who created the universe and all that is in it cares about me.  Not only does he care about me but he cares enough to take care of our pets.  He cares what is on our hearts and minds and loves us more than we can know.  The same God who holds the world and the universe together with His word, cared enough about us to guide us in our search for the best thing for Magnum. WOW! 

I can not help but say Praise the Lord!!  Thank you, Father, for your love for me, for your gift of salvation and for your guidance and care for Magnum.  He means a lot to us, but You already knew that.  :-) 

Magnum's TPLO Page