Laurie's TPLO page
Darby's Diary
A Doctor's Page on TPLO
TPLO with pictures
A very informative TPLO site with pictures
Back to Magnum's TPLO Page
Slocum Clinic Rehab Regime
Dallas Veterinary Surgical Center Physical Therapy Instructions
Please realize that the Rehab instructions are just for your information.  Always follow your vet's instructions
Ginnie and Jabber's TPLO experience
Some things to expect and look for after surgery
Jabber Update
Things that we have found helpful
Surgery Notes
Discharge Instructions
Check to see if your surgeon is board certified.
Here is Magnum's success story on LABMED's page.
Here is Magnum's success story on LLL's page.
FFOA - This is where go got our sling.   I think it is worth the $20 we paid for it.  It is easy to hold on to and lightweight.
Informative ACL Page