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July 14, 2002 - SUNDAY

Today was Brian Joe's bday. It was fun celebrating it. We had lotsa fun at the beach playing football, and cooling down. Thanks lots to everyone who showed up like me (heh), and tracie, jason, jessica, david, BRIAN, monica, vincent, ezra, desmond, jeremy, sharon, and angeline. YaY! We ended up eating at Ruby's on the pier... it's a great view of the ocean... note to self: good date place, heh (=

July 11, 2002 - THURSDAY

I gotta stop playing cards online. That game made me stay up way to late and wake up late for my 2:30 class. Good thing i went tho, homework that i worked really really hard on was due. This was a quite unproductive day. I realize how much of a lazy butt i am sometimes. But tomorrow's friday, i can look forward to just chillin over the weekend and relaxing.

I have been playing a ton of guitar lately. I've gotten a lot better since i first started, and now i'm just working on bar chords now. i have a sense of satisfaction when i'm able to play and sing the song at the same time, hooray for me!


Lotsa stuff happened. Good fun stuff. Friday... home sweet home. Then fellowship, then In n out. I like in n out, the hamburgers are so good and the taste... just makes your mouth water.

Saturday highlights - waking up around 4am. That's about it. OH yeah, bowling with juki and ryan from ucr and her sibs at concourse was fun. I got a 106 and 128. Mayan i suck. I have so much potential yet... yet nothing. Can someone tell me where to buy bowling shoes?

Sunday - I went to my mom's church and my sister actally went! i don't think she had the best time since she decided to go to bilingual service... i warned her! but hopefully she'll be going to another church to where one of her friends go. yay! after church, i went to the block to watch minority report with betty. the movie was pretty good, wish there was more action tho. After, we saw this one store... it has these bean bag type bags... but not really.. those were so comfortable! i'd buy some for my future apt, but they're kinda expensive, so i'll settle with just my ping pong table.

July 4, 2002 - THURSDAY - HAPPY 4TH!

What a day... no class... sleep in... go out and have fun. A bunch of us here at UCLA went out to a MLS game... for those of you who don't know what that is... it's soccer. Yes, soccer. It wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. Goals were scored and yah. We got to the rose bowl early... round 5ish. We had a tailgate or something party type BBQ. We had skewers. mMMMmm... those were good. I was so full. The game.. yah... and then the fireworks! What a show... it was like literally 20 minutes long. absolutely wonderful. After the game, we just played soccer on the golf course til traffic let up. I was goalie. Being goalie sucks, but it was fun nonetheless.

Soccer is in... kinda.

July 1, 2002 - MONDAY

8 o'clock class... nuff said. I've been tired ever since. I don't get much sleep but I can't believe how awake I am in class now. I actually have the ability to pay attention and all that. Class is easy to understand, but doing the homework for it, is a different story.

We moved this new sofa into the apt today. It didn't fit through the door, so we had to move it through the balcony. Like 6 guys got rope and lifted it. Quite an interesting experience. Now we have a comfy 21 year old couch to sit on.

All this is truth... more like an overview of what's been going on and my thoughts. I don't know how many of you people actually read this, but fyi, if you don't chat with me, then just check up here. Don't worry too much about what I say though if I'm being cynical or something, cuz sometimes I also just write what's been on my mind that day.
