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The Living Wood: Katie's Website

Welcome to my website, The Living Wood. Here you'll find many of my pieces of artwork, and some small amount of information about myself and my interests.

The Art Gallery page contains scans of my paintings, drawings, and other art, from pencil sketches to watercolours. The Photography page, for now, only has a small selection of my better photographs; I hope to put up many more of my shots soon.

My Interests page will eventually have some info about my favourite books, movies, and other such things, even Japanese animation. My Frogs page will eventually detail my obsession with amphibians of all shapes and sizes. In addition to all this, I have a small list of Links to places I enjoy on the web.

Please mail me and tell me what you think of this website!


January 2, 2000 - Wow, it's been a long time since the last update. All the graphics were changed. No longer will you see the grainy frog and non-anti-aliased text that you've no doubt come to hate by now; the new title graphic is based on one of my own creations. Hope you like! Also, the Anime section and Recommended Things section were amalgamated into the Interests page. And I'm working on actually having *content* in this website. (well, other than the pictures.) Maybe you're wondering about the title change. "The Living Wood" is the title of a story I'm currently working on (I hope to post it here once I'm finished), and *anything* is better than "Frog no Miko's Website."

February 19, 1999 - Links were added to the Links page, and a few more pieces of artwork were added to the Art Gallery.

The Living Wood

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people have visited this site since February 1999.

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(This website was created by Flaming Grapefruit Productions.)