As promised, here are some of the places I frequent. there is one problem I had with coming up with this, what do I put here? Now I could just put here whatever I have as my bookmarks/favorites/favorite places. But that would be too long, and who wants to go through MY favorite places? I mean, that is too much. Oh wait a minute, it doesn't matter. This is here for me, not necessarily you. I mean I could put whatever I want here, and you have the free choice as whether or not you want to look through them. Wait a minute, I'm rambling again. Well, whether you like it or not, here they are:

Rabbi Schechter - The tall tefilin
This is the sofer that I have been learning by for a while, unfortunately I haven't been by him in a bit, as well as I haven't had time to practice. So, if you see him, remember, you didn't see me, nor do you know where I am.
Here he tells you some of the laws of tefilin (phylacteries) and a few things on small ones (They are better).

Shor Yoshuv - The Best Yeshiva on Central Ave.
This is the yeshiva I go to. It is a very warm and friendly place, with amazing Rabbeim (teachers). You have to go there to truly feel it.

Ohr Sameyach
This is Ohr Sameyach's Web site. They have Dvar Torahs resources for places in Israel, and a whole mess of other things that would interest someone interested in Judaism.
Jim Hensons workshop!
The Muppets! You can find out what ever you want about muppets, even muppets that only appeared once or twice
Nobody creates a fad. It just happens. People love going along with the idea of a beautiful pig. It's like a conspiracy. -Jim Henson
Douglas Adams
This is about the best author I have read. It is Douglas Adams. the author of "The Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy" (the only five part trilogy I have read), as well as a few others

Home Depot
This has to be one of the coolest stores in the world. Where else can you go if you have a craving for lug nuts at 3 in the morning. I mean really, where else can you go and build your own house from a single store. This place is great

Here are some other assorted Links that I think are somewhat noteworthy

Project Genesis: Torah on the Information Superhighway

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