Disciplina 3GEO007

(Fundamentos de Geologia - noturno)

Caros alunos, aqui vocês poderão encontrar uma série de informações referentes às aulas tais como textos (tabela abaixo), datas (cronograma) e notas das provas, entregas de trabalhos, aulas de campo (cronograma), etc.




Links relacionados

Programa de Cristalografia e Mineralogia


1) Introdução à Geologia
Subdivisão da Geologia
3) Conceitos Geológicos
4) Meteroritos
5) Def, histórico e caracterísitcas
6) Geologia/A Ciência da Terra

7) O que é a Geologia
8) Geologia Geral

Exercício 1

- Websurfers Biweekly Earth Science Review
- Earth and Moon Viewer
- JSC Imagery Services
- Space Radar Images of Earth
- AGI Geoscience Careers Site
- A Geologist.s Lifetime Field List

1) Magmatismo
2) Rochas ígneas
3) Vulcanimo
4) Plutonismo

Figura IG1

Figura IGM2

Figura IGM3

- Petrography
Volcano World
NASA EOS IDS Volcanology Team
Volcanoes: A Planetary Perspective
Volcanic Homepage
Big Volcano Visitor Guide
Cascades Volcano Observatory
Day It Rained Fire, The: Volcano World
Earth's Active Volcanoes
- The
Electronic Volcano
MTU Volcanoes Page
NASA Investigation Volcanology Team
Origin of the Galapagos Islands: A Photo Essay
Smithsonian Institution Global Volcanism Program
SRL Volcano Exhibit
USGS Volcanology Resources
The Volcanic Homepage
Volcano Information Center
Volcano World
Volcanoes of the World
- How Volcanoes Kill
Lahars from the Pinatubo Volcano
Lava Flows
Mt. Kilauea
The Volcano: Webquest
Video Clips on Volcano World
Volcanic Ash Fallout
Volcanic Ash Flows
Volcano Information Center
Volcano Hotspot Images
Hawaiian Volcano Observatory
Hawaii Center for Volcanology
Virtually Hawaii
Rob.s Granite Page
Ascension Island Geology

1) Rochas sedimentares

Figura S1

- Petrography
Bedform Sedimentology Site
Coral Reef Research Center
Web Resources for Sedimentary Geologists

Clastic Depositional Environments
Jurassic Reef Park

1) Rochas metamórficas

Figura IGM2

Figura IGM3

- Metamorphic Processes
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Rocks
Metamorphic Petrology
Skarns and Skarn Deposits

1) Intemperismo
2) Movimento de massas
Intemperismo (2)

Figura W1

Figura W2

Figura MM1

- National Soil Information System
Earth and Ocean Sciences Image Collections
Soil Science Source Page
NSCSS Home Page
World Soil Resources Web Site

1) Os sistemas dinâmicos da Terra

- This Dynamic Earth
USGS Water Tidbits
NASA Photo Gallery
National Snow and Ice Data Center Education:
- Glaciers
Glacier Links
Plate Tectonics
Hydrologic Cycle
Ground Water Primer
Rivers Seen From Space

1) Mineral
2) Mineralogia e Cristalografia
3) Classificação dos minerais
4) Mineral

- Smithsonian Gem and Mineral Collection
Mineral Gallery
Color in Minerals
Athena Mineralogy
Silicate Chemistry
Petrography Homepage
Minerals in Thin Section
Periodic Table
Web Elements
Rockhounds Information Page
Clausthal Mineral Collection
American Gem Society
Bob's Rock Shop
British Columbia & Yukon Chamber of Mines
Coal Virtual Library
Gold Virtual Library
Julius Kruttschnitt Mineral Research Centre
Links for Mineralogists
Marine Minerals Bibliography & Geochemical
- Database
Mineral and Gemstone Kingdom
Mineral Collectors Page
Mineral Structure Data
Mineralogical Record Magazine
Mineralogical Society of America
Mineralogy Database in HTML Format
MINFILE: B.C.'s Mineral Occurrence Database
USGS Mineral Resources Program

1) Geologia ambiental

1) Geotectônica e Tectônica de placas
2) Geotectônica

Figura GT1

- ABCs of Plate Tectonics
Continental Drift and Plate Tectonics
Continental Tectonics
Drift and Tectonics
Dynamic Earth, This
Earth Plate Tectonics
Earthquakes and Tectonic Theory
An Introduction to Plate Tectonics
Mountain Shaker, Earth Shaker
Plate TectonicsPlate Tectonics: The Rocky History of an Idea
Royal Tyrrell Museum Tour: Continental Drift
Tectonic Plate Motion
Theory of Plate Tectonics
Velikovskian Tectonics and Pangaea

2) Ciclo hidrológico e a água de Subsolo

Figura AS1

Figura AS2

1) Sistemas Fluviais
2) Água de superfície

1) Sistemas Glaciais
2) Atividades geol. do gelo

1) Sistemas Eólicos

1) Atividade geol. dos Oceanos

1) Estruturas das Rochas
2) Geologia estrutural

Figura ER1

1) Datação Absoluta
2) Datação relativa
Tempo Geológico

1) Interior da Terra

- The BGS Global Seismology and Geomagnetism Group Earthquake Page,
CREWES Project Home Page
Earthquake Information From the USGS

- Earthquake Information Network
Earthquake News: WorldNews.com
Earthquake Strong Motion Database
Earthquake Warning Research
Earthquakes 101
Earthquakes In Depth: CBC News Online
EarthWaves: Our Changing Planet
Global Earthquake Response Center
National Earthquake Information Center
Northern California Earthquake Data Center
Pacific Northwest Earthquake Information
Seismo-Surfing the Internet
Seismological Society of America
Southern California Earthquake Center at UCLA
The terrible Power of Earthquakes
Today's Earthquake Activity
Understanding Earthquakes
Wavelet Seismic Inversion Lab


    1. This Dynamic Earth: The Sory of Plate Tectonics

    2. An Introduction to Quantitative Geomorphology

    3. Geomorphology from the space
