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    Movement Laughter

Skill Building Edu-Tainment for Children age 31/4 - 75/6

Unique, fun and effective adaptations of techniques used by professional educators and therapists to help children avoid obesity and to build Strength, Balance, Endurance,

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and make learning more Fun, Effortless & Desirable

800 - 530 - 3675

Educational Products, Workshops and Performances

Funsical Fitness offers children multisensory experiences that include developmentally appropriate movement, vocalization, sensory integration, rhythm and dance experiences to enhance their motor, cognitive and social-emotional development. Through a unique blending of enchanting storylines, characterizations and songs, children are encouraged to exercise, act and let their imaginations flow as they become engaged in a wide variety of musical journeys. Children will pretend to ride, climb, hike, ski and swim to a variety of places like the jungle, ocean and farm to find many animals to see and be!

· USED in hundreds of preschools throughout the country!

· PROVEN to increase gross motor skills and fitness levels by at least 35% over a four month period.

· AWARDED a number of foundation grants to support its implementation in over 50 preschools in Colorado .



Funsical Fitness with Silly-ciseTM CD
Leads children through four 15-minute classes of Wacky Walking, Grinnastics, Brain Gym, Warm Ups, Adventurobics and Chill Out, activities

$ 15

Funsical Adventure I - The Giant`s Journey Get ready to Get Funsical with the Giant Burt, the Princess Myrt and their son Schnert. Take a morning walk and dance with this most unique family, then join the Giant Burt as he begins an enchanted musical journey. Includes a children`s illustrated workbook.

$ 15

Features three 15 minute musical journeys to the Jungle, Ocean and Train ride.

$ 15

Features three 15 minute musical journeys to Young McDonald`s Farm, Climb a Mountain and March in a Parade.

$ 15

Adventurobics III - Jack`s Dream Ride a Time Machine, move like dinosaurs, visit planet Ga-Ga and meet the Oooie Gooie Man.
Jill`s Journey Ride a mountain goat to the Windy Windy Road, meet an "honorable owl", dance through the Thick and Thorny forest and save a deer from drowning in a waterfall.

$ 15

ADVENTUROBICS - set of 3 cassettes


Tape One - Run Through the Jungle / Dive into the Ocean

$ 12

Tape Two - Work Out on the Railroad / Pick, Sing & Dig on the Farm

$ 12

Tape Three - March in a Parade / Climb a Mountain

$ 12
Training Manual  
Describes and illustrates a variety of Funsical Fitness activities.

$ 15

Children`s Video
Features 28 minutes of children`s favorite activities with Flip Fitley, Dorkeus Teederbomb, Al Pine and Scott-tee.

$ 20

Instructor's Video    
Shows teachers and parents how to present Funsical Fitness classes.    
$ 10
Simple Steps Coordination Course
Develops strength, balance and coordination and it's really fun. SIMPLE STEPS includes 10 soft, yet durable, foam step blocks of different shapes and 3 nylon circles, that can be arranged in a variety of courses. SIMPLE STEPS is packaged in a convenient carry bag and includes instructions on how to set up, modify and use.

$ 60


$ 150.00

COMPLETE SET without Simple Steps.

$ 95.00

Created by Scott Liebler, preschool motor development specialist, teacher, performer, writer, speaker and storyteller has spent over 10 years developing and delivering this most unique and effective early childhood curriculm. He has presented to hundreds of schools, child care centers, early childhood education conferences, associations, businesses and PTA’s across the US.

The music is composed and performed by professional musician Chris Macor, an early childhood music teacher, singer and songwriter. He uses his early childhood Montessori teaching experience to compose songs that especially appeal to children.

Add 15%  for shipping
Make checks payable to:  

For More Info & Orders : 800 - 530 - 3675

mail:    FunFit:  3230 Clay St. Denver, Co. 80211


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Web Author: JaiJai
Copyright ©1998 by Scott Liebler - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED