Cursillo in Christianity 
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In today's world can Christianity make a difference in secular life? Can it transform the world in a way that is more fruitful than the past and in keeping with the times? The Cursillo Movement thinks so. It proposes no new type of spirituality, but simply a method through which one's spirituality may be developed, lived and shared in any areas of human life where there are Christians willing to dedicate their lives to God in an ongoing manner.

Instrument of Renewal

The movement of Cursillos in Christianity is a powerful instrument of renewal in the Church. It gives those who attend it a living understanding of basic Christian truths and the desire to serve as a disciple of Jesus. The Cursillo provides a means to continue spiritual formation which is begun in the three-day exercises.

Format of the Exercises

Cursillo (pronounced 'kur-see-yo') is a Spanish word meaning 'little' or 'short course'. It begins on a Thursday evening and ends the following Sunday evening. During those three days the participants engage in listening to talks given by priests and lay people, and small table discussion, while worshiping and playing together.

The prients, who are the spiritual directors for the weekend, and the lay people who make up the Cursillo team spend weeks working and praying together in preparation. The titles of the talks include topics like Grace, Laity in the Church, Piety, Study, Sacraments, Leaders, and Christian Community. It is important that you plan to stay for the full three days in order to appreciate the continuty that is building throughout the weekend.

The Fourth Day

The 'after' activity of the Cursillo is known as the 'fourth day', that is the rest of your life on earth. During this time perseverance is important just as it is in any method of renewal. In the Cursillo Movement, the community spirit is continued through the reunion meetings of the community. These are available in order for each to encourage one another in spiritual improvement and the Christian life. Each person is encouraged to share fully in these activites.

Encounter with Christ

A goal of Cursillo is for each person to have an encounter with Christ. If that happens then the power, beauty and joy of the Cursillo Movement can be understood and appreciated.

Interested? ATTEND ONE!

Who Can Attend?

Any Episcopalian, twenty-one years of age or older, and whose priest has made or is making a Cursillo. Persons of other denomination may also attend if an Episcopal priest will sign for them.

At the present time each Cursillo is held at the Georgia Episcopal Camp and Conference Center at Waverly, Georgia.

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