
"Activism" is a very different subject than the others dealt with on this site. As the extreme opposite of a cult, we do not knock on doors to evangelize. As a federally tax-exempt corporation, we cannot do political action (tho the right-wing ones do a lot!).

What to do, then? First, start with yourself. Charity begins at home, so give yourself the benefit of a self-education (besides a formal one). Learn all you can (never bad advice). I hope the Gaia site is a good source for you. Doubt all you learn (*AS you read it)--run it all thru all the bull-filters you can conceive. Discuss it vigorously with select others--Discussion is the whetstone for sharpness of mind!

  1. Learn academically.
  2. Experience nature first-hand.
  3. Blend your learning & your experience.
  4. Share your learning & experience with others, & add theirs to yours.
  5. Start a discussion group.
  6. Share with me (by e-mail) & others, your ideas, including what activism is important to you.

Obviously, on a world scale, the population-problem is tops. On the personal scale, the goal is awareness of nature, & all of nature's ways.

We'd share most activitism programs with the Population Institute, Friends of the Earth, Sierra Club, Greenpeace.... You could join one of them & combine your efforts.

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Next: The Gaian Dictionary.