
A list of terms necessary or helpful to the understanding of Gaia.

Up-dated often.

Yes, some definitions, like mystical and spiritual, are somewhat idiosyncratic, and are not intended to replace standard dictionary definitions. We intend this page to be as entertaining as it is informative. Email your additions.

. . The Skeptic Dictionary is great!)
. . A great science dictionary!
. . Emerging Defenses To Crime.
. . Terms in the field of Psychiatry and Neurology.
. . Words and terms that apply to Psychology and psychopathology, the Neurosciences, and medical psychology.
. . The Phobia List

Skip down to "Fair Witness terms" & "Fine Distinctions".
Skip down to "Pseudo-Dictionary". Fun Stuff!
Skip down to common mispronounced & misused words.

Any Dictionary worth the paper it's printed on, or the electrons it's painted with, is not only PREscriptive, but PROscriptive --i.e. it tells you how the term is also used wrongly, & why. It does not list a wrong definition, even if a majority of people use it wrongly. Test your book on "exotic" & "unique" (See below & the "Language" essay on this site.)

    "It is, or it ain't! No degrees of 'em!" See below for definitions --for individual notes, scroll further below.
    We need absolute words, so don't abuse them. Without them, we'd feel frustrated by thoughts that our language was incompetent to express.
  • PREGNANT: A great example.
  • DECIMATE: A 10% off sale!
  • CONSENSUS: Unanimity (another absolute). 100%.
  • EXOTIC: "from outside" the area.
  • INFINITE: Without end. There is no farther.
  • LITERAL: *Precisely* as stated. No hint of metaphor.
  • UNIQUE: In the simplest term, it means "Only".
Also: Quite, positively, precisely, singular, incomparable, chief, extreme, complete, eternal, perfect, paramount, best...
. . By literal count, tho, most adjectives admit to no modification. The ones above, however, are subject to frequent abuse.
. "Very unique": What the heck does "even more of only one of it" mean? You can't say "very infinite" and "slightly dead". It's called "qualifying an absolute". Same for "exotic". It's either from here or it ain't.
There's no G on the end of Orangutan. There's no second R in sherbet. The end of Neandertal is said: "tall", not "thal". It's "end quote", not "UNquote".




The coldest possible temperature, at which all molecular motion stops. On the Kelvin temperature scale, this temperature is the zero point (0 K), which is equivalent to -273° C (and usta be -459.67° F).

(or fog) having a Ph level destructive to (most importantly) plants. Kills pine forests. Reacts with limestone (marble statues).

Evolution from a primitive ancestral stock of several divergent forms (as a result of mutation and gene rearrangement), adapted structurally and physiologically to distinct modern modes of life in different niches. The evolution of new species or sub-species to fill unoccupied ecological niches.

- the air compresses as it descends into the valley and that compression warms it. The same kind of warm winds blow down the Alps into Austria and Germany, and from the coastal mountains of California. See katabatic.

refers variously to earthen blocks or bricks, to the mixtures used to form them, to a type of mud plaster, and to the entire building.

A delicate maneuver in which a spacecraft "dips its toes" into the air of its destination-world. The friction reduces its speed, letting the world capture the craft. Too high & the craft will sail on past, lost. Too close & it will burn up & fall to the surface, lost. The trick can reduce the amount of fuel hauled on a spacecraft by nearly one-half.

'Frozen Smoke'-- is made from the same material as glass --only 1,000 times less dense. Flexible Aerogel Superinsulation provides at least 39 times more efficient insulation than the best fiberglass insulation.
. . JPL's newest version of Aerogel is a stiff foam made from silicon dioxide and is 99.8% air. Its density is just 3 milligrams per cubic centimeter.

- tiny particles of dust, smoke, minerals and materials-- have a significant impact. Studies have shown: some of these can add to warming and others can cause cooling. Their impact may be as large as that of the greenhouse gases.

Initiative plus hostility.

A concept, not a religion. THE scientific stance. An agnostic is a person who feels that God's existence can neither be proved nor disproved, on the basis of current evidence. Agnostics note that some theologians and philosophers have tried to to prove, for millennia, that God exists. Others have attempted to prove that God does not exist. Neither side has convincingly succeeded at their task. See Theist, Atheist, Deist.

n. A byproduct of synfuel production resulting from heating biomass in an oxygen-free environment. Agrichar retains much of the carbon normally released as CO2 during combustion, so it represents a decrease in CO2 emissions and an increase in the yield of crops fertilized with it.

The measure of reflectivity; here, as it applies to planets. (See Daisyworld) 0=black, 100=white.

Alternate forms of a gene or DNA sequence. (like isotopes, in physics)

Greek: first --from the first letter in the Greek alphabet. In soc/psych: the leader of the pack --of that gender. In radiation: hi-energy streams of the nucleus of the helium atom --2 protons, 2 neutrons --from the decay of heavy radioactive elements. Ionizing --chromosome damage from alpha particles is about 100 times greater than that caused by an equivalent amount of other radiation.

birds born without feathers and completely helpless. All songbirds are altricial, and scientists believe this type of bird evolved later. See Precocial.

Any of 20 basic building blocks of proteins-- composed of a free amino (NH2) end, a free carboxyl (COOH) end, and a side group (R).

(from "friend"?) Antonym: predator. A creature who does not use violent, physically extreme, coercive, emotional, or exploitative economic force on those of its own species or on other animals for existence or for pleasure. A standard bearer of non-arrogance. One who only uses force for self-defense. From Wes Hufford at
  • 1. Human: A person of good character; aspiring and/or dedicated to the principles of reverence for life, non-violence, and does not exploit others.
  • 2. other animal: Herbivore, does not prey on other animals.

    "without shape" - the atoms are distributed randomly instead of as a crystal lattice.

    A micro-organism that can live only in the complete absence of oxygen. ANAEROBIC: In the absence of oxygen.

    To coin a word.... A person without feelings. A Gaian is his opposite!

    the belief that all creatures have a "spirit" or "soul". There's only a slight overlap w Gaia there --the feeling of "connection". Some beliefs extend this principle to inanimate things like trees; & even non-life, like rocks. See also "Pantheism".

    ("covered seed") A flowering plant, producing reproductive elements --seeds enclosed in fruit (an ovary).

    Isotropy mean the same in all directions --like a crystal. Iso- means "same". AN- ,then, means not the same, as wood.

    One ten-billionth of a meter, or less than the width of a hydrogen atom. Current electron microscopes have a maximum resolution of 2 angstroms, or 0.2 nanometers. A new (8-02) electron microscope from IBM and Nion has a resolution of 0.75 angstroms, and its vision will improve over the next few years. In other electron microscopes, four to five magnetic lenses focus a fine beam of electrons. In the IBM-Nion microscope, there are 38 lenses.

    Human environments.

    noun from 1974. Either of two principles in cosmology: WEAK: conditions seen in the universe must allow the observer to exist. The universe must be able to spawn intelligent life because we are here to observe it. [obvious]
    . . STRONG: the universe must have properties that make the existence of intelligent life inevitable. [?]
    . . Way over-simplified: that the universe is made for humanity.

    Scientists are worried about the public use of anti-biotics in frivolous trips to the doctor, livestock "preventatives", & even household detergents! E. coli with a newly-built resistance to common pine oil disinfectant were found to have also become resistant to several widely used antibiotics, such as tetracycline, ampicillin, and chloramphenicol.

    a protein that is the right shape to hook onto a target such as a bacteria or virus, stop it from doing harm, and hold it until immune system cells can come to dispose of it.

    Any foreign substance, such as a virus, bacterium, or protein, that elicits an immune response by stimulating the production of antibodies.

    A particle having the opposite electric charge, but being otherwise identical with, the normal particle. eg: positron. In the first seconds after the Big Bang, there was no matter, scientists suspect --just energy. As the universe expanded and cooled, particles of regular matter and antimatter were formed in almost equal amounts. But, theory holds, a slightly higher percentage of regular matter developed --perhaps just one part in a million-- for unknown reasons. That was all the edge needed for regular matter to win.
    . . A solar flare in July 2002 created about a pound of antimatter, or half a kilo, according to NASA --enough to power the United States for two days. Antimatter is also created by the decay of radioactive material, which can be injected into a patient in order to perform Positron Emission Tomography, or PET scan of the brain.
    . . If matter and antimatter collide, they "annihilate" each other, exploding into pure energy --far more energy than would be extracted by any other known process, even nuclear fission or fusion. The energy from colliding positrons and antielectrons "is 10 billion times ... that of high explosive. 1 gram of antimatter would equal "23 space shuttle fuel tanks of energy".
    . . How do you store it? Since matter and antimatter annihilate each other on contact, how can antimatter be stored in an ordinary container such as a fuel tank for an ultralight aircraft or starship? Electromagnetic fields inside extremely low-pressure vacuums.
    . . A millionth of a gram of antimatter is so small "you couldn't even see it on the head of the pin. Yet it contains enough energy to propel an ultralight robotic aircraft "around the world three times without refueling." They're studying, under contract to the Air Force, the possibility of positron-powered ultralight robotic aircraft.
    . . They've calculated that with 17 grams of antimatter --barely enough to see in your hand-- a robotic space probe could get to Alpha Centauri in 40 years. To get there in a decade, the rocket would need at least four times as much antimatter.
    . . There's a quasi-stable form called positronium. A positronium "atom" consists of an electron and antielectron, orbiting each other. Normally these two particles would quickly collide and self-annihilate within a fraction of a second --but by manipulating electrical and magnetic fields in their vicinity, they hope to make positronium atoms last much longer.

    the naturally occurring substances in plants that protect the body from free radicals --'volatile' chemicals in the blood. Although free radicals do play an important role in the immune system, they also alter cholesterol in a process known as oxidation, which is thought to speed up the hardening of the arteries.

    loss of the ability to understand or produce grammatically correct language.

    a pithy condensation of wisdom... similar to adage, apothegm, Maxim, axiom, bromide, dictum, epigram, motto, parable, platitude, precept, proverb, quip, quotation, sound-bite, truism, slogan, witticism. Epigrams are rhythming aphorisms w/o the philosophical import. See the quote pages of this site. Pens'ee is a longer form of aphorism --as long as a paragraph, even a page.

    a rational defense of one’s own beliefs. A good thing; nothing to do with "sorry".

    programmed cell death.

    a tiny member of the mustard family that scientists call the "lab rat" of plants.


    a scientific term referring to any molecule with one or more hexagonal rings of six carbon atoms. They can be unusually stable and powerful solvents for other hydrocarbons. It’s not called aromatic because it smells.

    ...suggests that, at –180 C, chemistry is 16 orders of magnitude more sluggish than at room temperature. In other words, even if life cooked up on Earth in five minutes, it will still be another 100 billion years before it might do so on Titan.

    Both language and art are attempts to recreate in another person... the ideas and emotions of the speaker or artist. As language is a medium of communication of ideas --perhaps with emotion behind them-- art is a medium of communication of emotions --perhaps with ideas behind them. Sometimes, as provocation, the ideas behind the emotion is obscured. That is abstract art.
    . . Artists tend to be boundary-pushers. Those who push the boundaries give the rest of us more space for diverse opinions, and a plethora of ideas and customs that are bound to cross-fertilize each other, and better stimulate progress. Stimuli need not be from a greater, more powerful, or supposedly more evolved culture. With the gift of history, we may still be stimulated by the ideas and cultures of ancient civilizations.
    . . In the east, art is more a verb. In the West, a noun: a salable artifact.

    Assertion expresses a strong identity --a control of one's life; aggression expresses a desire/need to control other's lives --this indicates a weak identity.

    A star-like body. Wrongly applied to planetisimals --almost as different from a star as it's possible to be-- but it's so widely used now, we probably can never get it right.

    A.U. The everage distance from Earth to Sol.


    Atheism is a "lack of belief in god" and nothing more. Those who claim to "know" there is no god have been categorized as "strong atheists", but this is not literally correct, & is not a good scientific stance. See agnostic, Theism, Deism.

    The smallest particle of an element which still has the chemical properties of the element. (Latin: A= can't. Tomo= cut)

    One-twelfth of the mass of an atom of carbon 12. Approximately the mass of an isolated proton or neutron.

    Of an element, the number of protons in the nuclei of its atoms. Its position in the periodic table.

    The average mass of the atoms of an element at its natural isotopic abundance, relative to that of the other atoms, taking carbon 12 as the basis. Roughly equal to the number of protons and neutrons in its nucleus.

    literally: self-named. Taking authority for oneself.

    A rod-shaped bacterium.

    A single-celled, microscopic prokaryotic organism: a single cell organism without a distinct nucleus.

    The side of Earth nearest Luna always gets tugged more than the other side, by about 6%. The two objects orbit about a common gravitational midpoint, called a barycenter. The mass of each object and the distance between them dictates that this barycenter is inside Earth, about three-fourths of the way out from the center.
    . . The Sun, too, has a tidal effect on Earth, but because of its great distance, it is responsible for only about one-third of the range in tides.
    . . Luna is thought to have been pieced together by the bits that got blown off the upper layers of Earth, as well as the outer portions of the object that hit Earth.

    A pair of complementary nitrogenous bases in a DNA molecule--adenine-thymine and guanine-cytosine.


    . . Alkaline: evolution of the old carbon-zinc.
    . . Nickel-Cadmium: The first real rechargable, but with a toxic metal.
    . . Nickel Metal-Hydride: mod of above without Cad, or the memory effect.
    . . Lithium Ion: Wow, what an improvement! Light, high-capacity, charge any time.
    . . Ultra-capacitors: Store electricity, not chemical reactions. --have a greater power density than batteries, but are more expensive and have less energy storage capacity than batteries. May soon use nano-wires. Adjunct to Lion in hybris cars, soon.

    a simple mathematical formula used for calculating conditional probabilities --stating that the posterior probability is proportional to the product of the likelihood and the prior probability.
    . . The Theorem's central insight —-that a hypothesis is confirmed by any body data that its truth renders probable-— is the cornerstone of all subjectivist methodology.

    (petitio principii) Assuming an answer in the way the question is phrased. (NOT a statement that asks for a certain next question.)

    "One who is obstinately and zealously attached to an opinion that you do not entertain." ~Ambrose Bierce, "The Devil's Dictionary". A state of mind in which the person is rigidly devoted to his/her own religion, group, or politics. [see prejudice]

    of the deep sea, or bottom-dwelling.

    The idea that if you simply run the creation-movie backwards, you hit a zero-dimension, infinite-mass time. It may not be so. The good news is that quantum theory seems not to allow a singularity such as the big bang. The bad news is that no one knows what it would put there instead.

    A hypocrite; esp., a superstitious hypocrite. A person who regards his own faith and views in matters of religion as unquestionably right, and any belief or opinion opposed to or differing from them as unreasonable or wicked. In an extended sense, a person who is intolerant of opinions which conflict with his own, as in politics or morals; one obstinately and blindly devoted to his own church, party, belief, or opinion.

    The wide diversity and interrelatedness of earth organisms based on genetic and environmental factors. Necessary for survival of the eco-system.

    Reproduce, & survive to do it. The prime directive of any species is to compete in reproduction --eventually to convert all available protein into more individuals of his species --& specifically HIS children. See SEX, & SOCIO-BIOLOGY.

    a living thing converts internal chemicals into light, much like the glow sticks. eg: fireflies, deep-sea fishes.

    The total dry weight of all organisms in a particular sample, population, or area.

    human augmentation robotics technology --the merging of body and machine. An older term is ~related, tho BOTH can be in one body! Cyborg: CYbernetic ORGanism --computer-implanted animal (mostly of humans).

    a technique which uses the appetites of selected plants and bacteria to clean up polluted soil, air, and water.

    Simply: all the life on Earth, from bacteria to the female blue whale.

    A spherical horizon below which not even light can escape. It is NOT a surface any more than the "sky" is!
    The Second Law of Black Hole Dynamics: With black-hole interactions, or interactions between black holes and normal matter, the sum of the surface areas of all black holes involved can never decrease.
    . . Scientists have long theorized that they come in two main flavors. The supermassive variety develops along with a galaxy and resides at its center, most astronomers figure, and may be the result of many mergers of less massive black holes.. Despite incredible mass, each supermassive black hole makes up less than 1% of its host galaxy's mass.
    . . The other type, stellar black holes (S-novaed stars), are no more massive than a few suns. Most are less than a dozen times as massive as Sol. Scientists have found hints for some black holes of a middleweight class, but observations of this possible class have not proved firm.
    . . Most supermassive black holes found at the center of galaxies are millions or billions of times as massive as Sol. One such supermassive object –-containing as much material as about three million Suns-– anchors our own Milky Way Galaxy.
    . . Black Holes have a threshold called the Eddington Limit. If they start to accrete matter at a higher rate, the intense radiation would exert enough outward pressure to prevent more material from coming in.
    . . Black holes have a reputation for sucking in everything, but in fact they lure distant material with no more force than any other object of equal heft; a black hole's mass determines its gravitational effect. The most supermassive black holes typically contain less than 1% of the mass of a galaxy.
    . . Current black hole theory states that gravitational forces inside a black hole reach infinity. But this almost certainly can't be correct. The center of a black hole is known as the singularity. Theory predicts it is far smaller than an atom, yet contains all the mass and rotation of a star. Even for scientists who study black holes for a living, this idea is still mind-boggling. The theoretical rotation limit is 1,150 spins per second.

    The scientific term for the group of cells descended from a fertilized egg at four to five days of age. It contains about one hundred cells. ...unattached and still spherical. A MORULA is ~8 cells.

    Bones are both organic and inorganic. The organic part is made of collagen, the most abundant protein in mammals. The inorganic component is hydroxyapatite, a type of calcium crystal. The collagen forms a sort of natural scaffold over which the calcium crystals organize into bone.

    from Latin or Greek (both!) boreas: north wind/ north.
    . . By extension, the northern biotic area dominated by coniferous forests.

    (BECs) are matter waves formed when very cold atoms merge to become a single "quantum mechanical blob." They contain about ten million atoms in a droplet 0.1 mm across. They created the first ones from vaporous gases in 1995. All the atoms fall into lock step --a single quantum state encompasses them all. Atoms in such a state overlap and behave collectively as one gigantic atom.
    . . BECs are 100,000 times less dense [lighter] than air, and they are colder than interstellar space. Neutron stars, on the other hand, weigh about 100 million tons per cubic centimeter, and their insides are 100 times hotter than the core of our Sun. So what do they have in common? Both are superfluids - that is, liquids that flow without friction or viscosity.

    The human brain contains about 100 billion neurons, or brain cells. Each neuron has a central body and about 1000 tendrils reaching out towards other neurons, almost touching. The connections between tendrils are called synapses. There are about 100 trillion synaptic connections in the brain. Each connection can be in one of about 10 different levels of activity. The number of possible states for the brain is 10 raised to the 100 trillionth power, a number greater than the number of particles in the universe.
    . . Draw a blueprint of the digestive tract and you've come a long way toward understanding how the body processes food. But take the brain apart and all you'll get is a mosaic of gray and white tissue -—anatomy without obvious purpose. It takes an fMRI to see that.

    as membranes are called for short. Branes are domains or swaths of several spatial dimensions within a higher-dimensional space. The everyday world we live in could be a three-brane, for example, and it is anyone's guess as to what dimension brane it might be embedded in. Much used in Superstring theory.

    the random jitter of small particles that are bumped about by molecules. Many doubt that Brown could've seen it, with the equipment he had.

    Related to Muscle-head & True-Believer. A fine definition from the columnist Tad Bartimus: "zealots who'd rather break things than build them. ...more motivated by ignorance than enlightenment." . "...never voluntarily sitting in a classroom..." "2001 Bubba Award goes to the Taliban" (& those who'd drill for oil in a Wildlife Refuge calving grounds.)

    The idea --exemplified by a Bradbury story-- that tiny actions can eventually have enormous effects. (Time traveler to 65mya steps on a butterfly. Returned home, he can hardly even understand the language.)

    a collection of esoteric writings of various rabbis and a few medieval Christians, consisting of mystical and numerological interpretations of Hebrew scriptures. The authors of the Cabala treat every letter, word, number, and accent of Scripture as if it were a secret code containing some profound but hidden meaning put there by God for some profound and hidden purpose, including prophecy.

    W a lower case "c", the heat required to raise one gram of water one degree C. W a capital "C", the heat required to raise one kg of water one degree C --that is: 1000 times the other. Almost every nutrition reference in the United States refers to Calories but calls them calories.

    the carbon emitted from burning it is the same as what is absorbed during growth.

    Radiation or substance that causes cancer, or increases its probability.

    An agent that promotes a chemical reaction without itself changing on getting used up or altered. eg: platinum. In biology, an enzyme.

    of, near, or from the tail.

    A positively charged ion. (kat-I'-on)

    (Panthera leo spelaea) was probably the biggest that ever lived --25% bigger than lions today --up to 3.5 m long. This subspecies lived in Europe (as far north as Denmark) until historical times. The last lived until about 2,000 years ago in the Balkans. May've been more tiger-like than Lion.

    In construction, a POWDER that is mixed with sand & water to make concrete. Otherwise, a liquid that bonds two or more objects together.

    The belief that X is the center, as: Helio- (sun-centered system), Anthropo- (Humanity is the center of importance). Ego- (I am the center of importance).

    "The word derives from the Greek roots for "burnt stuff" -- in reference to the hardening of clays upon high-temperature heat-treatment. A more modern definition might refer to solid inorganic, non-metallic compounds which are not polymers --including most glasses. But even metals can form glasses if cooled quickly enough.

    Whales, Dolphins (porpoises). Former land mammals (predators) that evolved back to the sea.

    The major repository of carbon in the sea. Calcium Carbonate. (gypsum: hydrous Calcium Sulphate: CaSO4 -2H2O.)

    "Sharon" --after the boatman of the river Styx, but pronounced like the discoverer's wife! First-discovered (of 3) moons of the KBO Pluto.

    A type of water ice lattice --where a trapped molecule is imprisoned-- yet not chemically combined with the ice. A substance (such as a crystal) in which another substance is embedded. There are methane clathrates in clumps on the ocean floor --which could be gathered. They also contain CO2, which could suddenly "fizz" & add much volume to the already overburdened atmosphere.

    "The doctrine that there is an absolutely powerful, infinitely knowledgeable, universe-spanning entity that is deeply and personally concerned about my sex life." ~Andrew Lias

    (not a misprint!) an idea that fits in with another --so much so that they must be thought of together --like gravity & String Theory, or evolution & extinction, or Mom & Apple Pie. [ok, originally my misspelling that I then put on, but it's a really good word too!]

    Singular or plural noun. A group, band, company --not necessarily or usually one person. From Roman Legion subdivisions. "He is IN one of my cohorts."

    The close association of two or more dissimilar organisms where the association is advantageous to one and doesn't affect the other(s). See Parasitism, Symbiosis.

    100% agreement, as distinct from majority vote. Instead of trying to modify the minority's opinion, it modifies the terms till everybody agrees with them --with the opinions they already have!

    Tho the terms cement & concrete often are used interchangeably, don't confuse them --cement is an *ingredient of concrete --a *powder. Concrete is a mixture of aggregates and paste --water, crushed limestone, calcium, and silicon powder. The aggregates are sand & gravel/crushed stone.
    . . Portland cement is not a brand name, but the generic term for the type of cement used in virtually all concrete, just as stainless is a type of steel and sterling a type of silver.
    . . Cement comprises from 10-15% of the concrete mix, by volume. Through a process called hydration, the cement and water harden and bind the aggregates into a rocklike mass. This hardening process continues for years, meaning that concrete gets stronger as it gets older.

    e.g.: the GAIA religion can be held concurrently with (almost) any other.

    psychologically secure.

    the outside layer of the brain. The convoluted "tree-bark".

    The branch of philosophy that deals with the character of the universe as an orderly system (cosmos). Or: a hypothesis/theory relating to its structure and parts.

    (Greek) oppo of order. Sci-- the idea that where there is low gravity (or any force), things are less predictable. In one sense, there is no chaos, in that all results have a precursor, a cause, however small, or however discommensurate the cause seems. Chaos is a mathematical theory that suggests small changes in initial conditions of any phenomenon can bring about large changes down the road.

    Moon of Pluto. Pronounced KAY-rn

    (kim' -er-ah) from Greek myth: fire-breathing she-monster with a lion's head, a goat's body and a serpent's tail; a fanciful mental illusion or fabrication. OR: creature of the imagination or: an organism, organ, or tissues of different genetic composition, produced as a result of organ transplant, grafting, or genetic engineering; animals whose bodies are a mosaic, with their own cells intermixed with those of another animal.

    Spiritual or Religious organization / building.

    Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species.

    organisms that share one common ancestor.

    Fundamental words in each language that are presumed to derive from a common ancestor, & are recognizable between those peoples.

    Leon Festinger's (1957) influential theory -- an uncomfortable state of mind that occurs when an individual finds that he holds conflicting and seemingly incompatible beliefs and behaviors.

    Singular, but only in the sense that "group" or "flock" is. There can be many people in a cohort.

    A trap that, once formed, forces one to do everything to defend it. They make statements that can't be logically defended --but only solidify the little box they live in. The assumptions that make up the box are not carefully evaluated, as that is one of the assumed rules! One is often born into the environment that forces the assumption; e.g. in a nation with only one dominant religion. See the "RULES" essay.)

    "with knowledge". Translates beautifully, doesn't it?

    Self-awareness. See "Mind", & all the Alan Watts transcripts on this site. " intangible conceptualization of awareness." ~Lipton

    Unanimity. A 100% agreement (even on a compromise). NOT a majority. NOT an average.

    from the psych term. An interrelated, integrated pattern/system of points and aspects; as in a "Lifestyle" or personal ethical code.

    The emergence of chance look-alikes-- involving an evolutionary pattern in which completely unrelated species share similar traits because each has independently adapted to similar ecological and environmental conditions.

    ...not actually rays like light. The highest-energy versions of them race across the universe at 99.9% of light-speed, packing in their tiny bodies more punch than a golf ball hit by a pro. Most break up in Earth's atmosphere. Only a handful ever reach the planet. Cosmic rays are high-speed sub-atomic particles --mostly nuclei and protons-- that zip around space in all directions. Lucky for us, they cannot plow very far into our atmosphere before they collide with a gas molecule. From these collisions come showers of secondary particles - including electrons, anti-electrons (called positrons), and muons, which are like heavy electrons. Cosmic rays can be characterized by the showers they produce. Arrays of detectors on the ground record these secondary particle showers.

    Wack. ~Whitney Huston

    A brief, authoritative formula of a religious belief. Credo. A summary of its principles and opinions; also: a guiding principle --even a requirement for membership. See TENET.

    Another word just for the beauty of it. It says hidden-in-rock.

    A great or "excessive" devotion to some person, idea, or thing. A faddish enthusiasm that brainwashes or "locks in" a person to a group. See the file.)

    "the ideas, customs, skills, arts, etc., of a people or group that are transferred, communicated, or passed along, as in or to succeeding generations; b) such ideas, customs, etc. of a particular people or group in a particular period; civilization, etc." ~Webster's. / Behavioral differences as a result of social, rather than genetic, variation.

    The science of self-regulation by mechanical, electronic, or biological means. The bio- one is the gift of Gaia.

    CYBernetic ORGanism; a bionic human. Dated from 1960. A human so modified with computer or mechanical implants that he may be considered a combination. Cochlear implants, Retinal implants, and pacemakers are a start.

    A process where the initial state = final state. Or: where conditions repeat at the same amplitude & frequency.

    A computer model which portrays a simple world regulated in temperature by differential growth of populations of light and dark-flowered daisies.

    DAKOTA (as verb):
    To Dakota someone: To withhold information pertinent or vital to the conversation or relationship. Usually out of a habit arising from fear of breaking cultural norms. . Also a subtle form of disrespect to the speaker or to the one addressed.

    Dark energy, being quantified only recently --about 73% of the weight of the universe. It tends to be discussed as some strange new force, in addition to the four fundamental forces: gravity, electromagnetism, and the strong and weak nuclear forces that govern atoms. But the repulsion is possibly just the way gravity behaves in the presence of dark energy --that causes the universe to accelerate at an ever-faster pace. It's a hypothetical form of energy that has negative pressure and permeates all of space. Scientists have proposed two main ideas for what dark energy might be.
    . . One is the so-called cosmological constant, originally put forward by Albert Einstein. This represents a constant energy density which fills space homogeneously.
    . . The second idea is that dark energy is a dynamic field, called quintessence, whose energy density varies in time and space.
    . . Feb 28, 05: "Dark energy" is challenged by NYU physicist Georgi Dvali. He thinks there's just a gravity leak.

    unknown material, necessary to provide the level of gravity to keep galaxies from flying apart. It makes up much of the universe by weight --23%. The density of dark matter increases smoothly all the way into the center of a studied cluster. Dark matter has unknown properties, and it may be related to dark energy. Two types: about 80% of dark matter is the cold variety. The early universe was [& is] only 4% real matter in the form of atoms. See MACHOs & WIMPs

    [sounds very like Gaia!) A philosophy based on our sacred relationship with Earth and all beings. An international movement for a viable future. A path for self realization. A compass for daily action.
    . . It supports: continuing inquiry into the appropriate human roles on our planet. Root cause analysis of unsustainable practices. Reduction of human consumption. Conservation and restoration of ecosystems. A life of committed action for Earth.

    DECI: a latin-derived prefix meaning 1/10 (eg: a decimeter is 1/10 meter). To reduce by a tenth (to 90%). Not "devastate", or *any amount other than ten%.

    (mostly 17th & 18th century) Relatively rationalist. Rejects formal religion & supernaturalism, but believes on faith that nature reveals a God. "Denies revealed religion, basing his belief on the light of nature and reason." "Deism has no "holy" books. In Deism, there is no need for a preacher, priest or rabbi. All one needs in Deism is their own common sense and the creation to contemplate. Deists pray only prayers of thanks and appreciation. We don't dictate to God."Voltaire, Rousseau, Franklin, Jefferson. See Theist, Atheist, Agnostic.

    nested molecular spheres. Each layer has a unique composition, depending on the dendrimer's function, and -—most critically for circuit design purposes—- dendrimers are produced in discrete sizes. "They come in sizes from 1 to 10 nm in diameter, and the sizes are very precise." A 2D dendrimer array is essentially a dot matrix, and dendrimers with different functions can be thought of as inks.

    the realization of your valid homefulness within the web of life.

    A piston engine that ignites each cylinder by compression-heat, rather than by a spark. A gallon of diesel fuel has about 10% more energy than gasoline and extracts even more power than that. Can be paired w a hybrid system, too!

    a floral species w both male and female plants, rather than self-fertilizing.

    contains two copies of each chromosome. See Haploid cell. & triploid.

    the artful management of securing advantages without arousing hostility. See politics.

    Non-living grains of rock (Large=sandy. small=clayey). Produced by weathering of rock at a steady, slow rate. (See "Soil"! (*with life.))

    Deoxyribonucleic acid. The intra-cellular molecule that carries genetic coding. An organic acid and polymer composed of four nitrogenous bases --adenine, thymine, cytosine, and guanine linked via intervening units of phosphate and the pentose sugar deoxyribose. DNA is the genetic material of most organisms and usually exists as a double-stranded molecule in which two antiparallel strands are held together by hydrogen bonds between adenine/thymine and cytosine/guanine.
    . . Retrotransposons are sometimes known as "jumping genes". They pop from chromosome to chromosome with gay abandon. The assumption has been that they are genetic parasites. They resemble retroviruses, which certainly are parasites (HIV, the cause of AIDS, is a retrovirus). And the effect of a string of irrelevant LINE-1 DNA popping into the middle of a functional gene is indeed traumatic. The gene in question stops working.
    . . Only 100 retrotransposons are actually able to leap around, and only ten of those leap often. By and large, the parasites have been disabled, suggesting they are such bad news that evolution has eliminated them.

    A period in which a plant does not grow, awaiting necessary environmental conditions such as temperature, moisture, nutrient availability. (L. Dorme = sleep)

    The essence (& beginning) of wisdom. The ability to doubt is a huge virtue. Only a fool is unable, and, in fact, it defines him!

    The assumed obligation of accidental association.

    E. COLI:
    Escherichia coli is a bacteria that lives in the intestines of humans and animals. While most of its strains are harmless, one strain, O157:H7, produces a powerful toxin that results in severe illness in humans.
    . . Infections usually culminate in severe bloody diarrhea and abdominal cramps, with the illness resolving in 5 to 10 days without treatment. However, in about 2% to 7% of infections, usually in children under 5 years of age and the elderly, the pathogen causes hemolytic uremic syndrome, a serious and life-threatening condition in which the red blood cells are destroyed and the kidneys fail.

    A style of language that avoids the use of forms of the verb "to be". (is, am, was, were, are, be...) ...which would necessitate: "To live or not to live: I ask the question." (if you search for & erase many "ing"s, your writing will be better. I mean... will improve.)

    Aware of, and in touch with... the forces of nature. Natural forces; not magic (w or w/o a K.) No imaginary forces or beings; thus, most of what's called paganism does not qualify.

    The apparent path of the sun across the sky, taking one year to cycle. ... "the place where eclipses occur" --where all three bodies (Sun, Earth and Luna) are on a straight line occupying the plane of the ecliptic.
    The Moon and planets are not positioned exactly on the ecliptic (because they’re not located exactly in the same orbital plane as Earth), but all of them lie within several degrees of it and form a sort of narrow strip encompassing the entire sky which we call the Zodiac. (Pluto, again, is NOT a planet.)
    The ecliptic runs exactly along the middle of the Zodiac.
    . . "Zodiac" is derived from the Greek, meaning "animal circle", also related to the word "zoo".
    . . Each "sign" which has been assigned for a given month in a newspaper horoscope is not where the Sun actually is that particular month, but where it would have been thousands of years ago! Besides, the Sun spends more time traversing through Ophiuchus --not included among the so-called signs of the Zodiac-- than nearby Scorpius --which is.

    Study of the Gaian control system. Ecology is the study of "home". The study of the interactions of organisms with their environment and with each other. Philosophically, it's how we find our "address" amid the intersections of streets and avenues that are the millions of different species on the earth. Each one of those intersections takes study. The whole "map" is the web of vastly complex interactions. Each is vital to the health of the whole.
    . . Even fire is part of the system. Gaia included it (& began to balance for it) as soon as there was oxygen enough for it to happen. It has made compensations and adjustments to fit it in. Mankind, however, with it's suddenly vast population, has gone beyond Gaia's ability to compensate.
    . . The study of ecology has become less about how nature works, and more about how man has screwed it up, and how we might be able to manually adjust what used to be an automatic system. It looks expensive! If it can work at all.
    . . Webster's: the study of the relationship between living organisms and their environment.

    Communities of organisms plus the environment in which they live.

    From Callenbach's book of same name. . Eco= home. -topia= place.

    Animal whose body temperature varies with that of the environment also known as a Poikilotherm. ...only capable of maintaining its body temperature by behavioral means. Body temperature is dependent on the external temperature. See ENDO- & GIGANTO-

    See Fowler's book. But the more you study the difference, the less you will understand! Both are verbs and nouns! I often split hairs, but in this case, just use "effect" for all other than the psychological "affect": an apparent behavior; a feeling/emotion attached to an idea.

    An outflow. Connotation lately: polluted outflow. (AFFLUENT: rich)

    "orbits" the nucleus, having about one thousandth the mass of a proton. Carrier of a negative charge. The flow of electrons through a substance constitutes electricity. Electrons emitted from the nucleus of an atom are called beta particles/radiation. Now known to be divisable. Valence electrons are weakly held in the outer electronic shell of an atom, & can often be shared with other atoms.

    The ultimately small particle that retains its properties. Once thot to be the smallest at all, hence atom being that particle, meaning "can't be cut". But sodium is not salt, as is popularly said; any more than carbon is CO2. An atom has totally different properties when in a molecule.

    Simply said, it's "look and see." You do not argue about whether it is raining outside --just stick a hand out the window.
    . . Determinism. . . "Cause-and-effect" underlie everything.

    magnesium sulfate. Yep; no sodium.

    from ancient Greek. "conflagration" (disastrous fire or conflict).

    This is a new term, and for now we'll just say... it seems to mean: A characteristic that a species has when seen en mass, that it does not have in an individual. Emergent Behavior is new and unexpected behavior that grows from a simple set of rules. OR: similar to the 'wetness' of water or the 'transparency' of glass, both of which are properties that are the result of --that is, they emerge from-- the actions of individual molecules.

    EQ is a number that compares brain and body sizes across different species and tells us how large or small a species average brain size is for its average body size. Highly encephalized species have larger brains than expected for their body size and generally tend to be more intelligent.
    . . Modern humans have an EQ of about 7. That means our brains are about seven times the size one would expect for an animal of our body size. Cetaceans are highly encephalized, possessing EQs that range very close to that of humans and higher than that of other mammals. Yet cetaceans haven't shared a common ancestor with primates for over 85 million years.

    An organism that lives inside another.

    Lynn Margulis' hypothesis that eukaryotic cells "swallowed" other cells and became cooperative with them. If so, we are all Startrek (DS9) "Symbionts" on a cellular level. This is a revolution in our understanding. Hard to prove, tho. Skip down to "Meta-".

    An organism capable of maintaining its body temperature by internal means independent of the external temperature. See ECTO- & GIGANTO-

    Just a beautiful example of the beauty of the "greek/roman system". ...means inside the stone, & you could understand that even if you'd never seen the word before.

    Perhaps "holy", as well: ineffably awestruck (at simplicity). Enlightenment requires a state of UN-(not DIS)-belief, a kind of a healthy fugue state; an "unconcerned doubt". It requires a rejection of requirements! And an unconcern about rejections. And a lack of thought about being unconcerned... A lack of pride for degree of enlightenment achieved...

    See Quantum...

    heat/energy content-- is the sum of the internal energy of matter --volume multiplied by pressure.

    How the total energy in a system runs down -- tends toward an homogenous temperature (and other energies).

    Proteins that control the various steps in all chemical reactions.

    (EE-oh-MY-ah) "dawn mother"; is the earliest-known primitive placental mammal (or an ancestor of placental mammals). A tiny, shrew-like mammal, 125 million years ago, during the early Cretaceous period.

    (see Encephalization Quotient) the ratio of the brain weight of the animal to the brain weight of a "typical" animal of the same body weight. This measure was developed by the Harry J. Jerison in the 1970's. This helps determine the relative intelligence of extinct animals. Dromaeosaurid ("runners") dinosaurs had the highest EQ among the dinosaurs. Small theropods had EQs equivalent to living mammals & birds. What would they have become by now?!

    Restricted to or intended for an enlightened or initiated minority, especially because of abstruseness (i.e. not easy to understand) or obscurity... as in astrology. It's what some people mean when they say "exotic" [but it is *not a good substitute]. See exotic.

    the entire history of a word according to methodologically consistent principles.

    A multi-cellular creature whose genetic material is in the nucleus. Only in bacteria (prokaryotes) is it not. An organism whose cells possess a nucleus and other membrane-bound vesicles, including all members of the protist, fungi, plant and animal kingdoms; and excluding viruses, bacteria, and blue-green algae. See Prokaryote.

    an inoffensive word/expression substituted for one considered offensive.

    "good mind". Maslow's term. Relate it to Euphoria, or a momentary Utopia and Nirvana.

    An over-population of algae in a fairly stagnant lake. It's caused by excess nutrients. Their deaths take up all the water's oxygen.

    to preach about a belief; to convert someone to that belief. The motive is usually fear --of difference, diversity, change. Perhaps (see biology) the impulse is picked up from the BIO prime directive, so that one is driven to convert all individuals into units like himself.

    Injurious, corrupt, blah, blah... For one thing: to prefer a small good for oneself rather than a larger good for another. But it's not so simple! ...see the file "Love & Evil" And, better: )"The Seven Deadly Virtues".)


    • Successive approximations of fitness (thru death of the less fit) narrowing in on the ideal shape and characteristics for that creature's place in the food chain and environment.
    • "A non-random trend of a species toward adaption, based on successful transmission of random mutations that confer survival." [ darn, no source... a magazine from about 10-89] Dawkins? Gould? Sagan?
    Or: a process that results in heritable changes in a population, spread over many generations.
  • The long-term process through which a population of organisms accumulats genetic changes that enable its members to successfully adapt to environmental conditions and to better exploit resources. It's but a continuous response to advantages presented by the changing environment, including the environment caused by the responses of other creatures.
    It's an extremely slow process... unless there is high stress to a species that results in a high deathrate or in limited breeding, such as getting trapped on an island, or the advent of a new predator (or food).
    . . "Evolution created mind because it is a powerful way to analyze threats, co-ordinate groups of individually weak creatures into strong societies, & map the world around us to reflect & control danger & opportunity." ~Rupert Goodwins, ZDNet
    . . "The Fossil Fallacy: the belief that a single fossil --one bit of data-- constitutes proof of a multifarious process or historical sequence.
    . . "We know evolution happened not because of transitional fossils such as A. natans but because of the convergence of evidence from such diverse fields as geology, paleontology, biogeography, comparative anatomy and physiology, molecular biology, genetics, and many more. No single discovery from any of these fields denotes proof of evolution, but together they reveal that life evolved in a certain sequence by a particular process." ~Michael Shermer

    describes the situation when animals that are distantly related --like the robber crab and an insect-- can evolve similar adaptations in response to natural selection. Independent but similar evolution of form and function in unrelated organisms. or: EVOLUTION, PARALLEL

    The human side of socio-biology. EO Wilson

    --ESS-- is defined as a strategy, which, if most members of a population adopt it, cannot be bettered by an alternate strategy. From "The Selfish Gene", by Richard Dawkins.

    EVOLUTIONARY PSYCHOLOGY: concerned with the conditions that existed in ancestral environments, the proximate mechanisms that evolved to deal with conditions in this environment, and the function of these evolved mechanisms in our current environment. ~Kruger, D.J.

    the feeling of anxiety that arises from not having an idea of one's purpose.

    a philosophical movement or tendency that influenced many diverse writers in the 19th and 20th centuries. It's impossible to define precisely, but one major theme is the stress on concrete individual existence and, consequently, on subjectivity, individual freedom, and choice. " nothing but an attempt to draw all consequences from a consistent atheistic position." ~Sartre. [tho Kierkegaard developed a Xian ex'ism.] Man has freedom to chose, resulting in anguish & dispair.

    "from outside". Being or from or characteristic of another place or part of the world. (An "absolute" word. See list under "absolute".) exo- is from the Greek; meaning external. To remember it easily, it's the opposite of domestic. . It does NOT mean unusual. (Use "strange") There are no degrees of exotic --it either is or isn't. A common toothpick from Canada is exotic! (see Unique)

    does not mean "fast." Term that describes the situation when, for example, simple organisms (e.g.) bacteria grow to a certain size and then split into two organisms. One organism will give rise to two; two will give rise to four; four to eight, etc.
    . . A quantity has exponential growth, over time, if the amount of growth from one moment to the next is in proportion to the amount itself. The difference is vastly greater in dealing with double digits.

    Demodex folliculorum, or the demodicid, is a tiny mite, less than 0.4 mm long, that lives in your pores and hair follicles, usually on the nose, forehead, cheek, and chin, and often in the roots of your eyelashes. Almost everyone has 'em. They do you good, & no harm. See a file w great pix!

    FABULOUS: in fabricate --something made up. A lie, or exaggeration. A fiction.

    --to find the smallest indivisible devisors of a number.

    • A profession described in "Stranger in a Strange Land." One who, especially while alert, sees--knows-- reports--only what is, not images/ideas contaminated with suppositions and expectancies. ...and uses language designed to convey the truth without further contamination.
    • A study I propose, intended to teach the scientific method, personal understanding and connection... even reach some degree of enlightenment. See the essay.)

    The trust placed in the value of ignorance. The contrary of wisdom. (see "doubt" & "wisdom" on this page, & the "On Faith & Luther" page) . . Ambrose Bierce: "Belief without evidence... in what is told by one who speaks without knowledge, of things without parallel."

    A scientific principle that a conjecture must be able to be proved wrong to be stated as scientific. See the file.)

    only that feeling of strong influence from our genes... those things we are driven towards without our own decision. Mislabeled as an "it is written /predestination" superstition.

    Feng Shui:
    ("phung schway", meaning literally "wind water") A hodgepodge of superstitions and unverified notions. A kind of architectural acupuncture: wizards and magi insert themselves into buildings or landscapes and use their metaphysical sensors to detect the flow of good and bad "energy." Another New Age "energy" scam.

    Wild. Raised without civilization.

    My phrase for "It's like water to a fish", meaning something that's always been there, and so pervasive/ubiquitous as to be unnoticed, and never examined, but is often used as a basis for larger beliefs (risky). Something obvious, once seen, but almost impossible to see/discover first. Invisible ubiquity.

    To split, esp a uranium atom, to produce energy, using a high-speed neutron. See fusion, just below.


    contain the information required to let us have multiple simultaneous categorizations.

    predicted in 1918, a new study confirms it. Any object with mass will warp the space-time around it, in much the same way as a heavy object deforms a stretched elastic sheet. If the object spins, another distortion is introduced, in the same way as the elastic sheet would be twisted by a spinning heavy wheel on it. Space around those bodies is being frame-dragged, & satellites are caught up in the deformation. A second object on the elastic sheet would be moved by the drag as the sheet is deformed. My hypothesis: I can imagine how the effect would create a force that pushes (coincidently) counter to gravity. (Mass creating G, but the mass's spin creating F-drag, creating "pull".) ...that vast numbers of frame-dragging Black Holes, stars, etc, twists space & accumulates, filling space with the inward force we attribute to the gravity of "dark matter/energy". (ok, but no more weird than "dark energy/matter!)

    typically are oxygen molecules that lack an electron, often setting up a corrosive chain reaction that can damage other cells.

    A strap of tissue linking the tongue to the floor of the mouth.

    Grows from a flower and contains seeds, like a lemon or tomato.

    To meld together, esp hydrogen atom, to produce energy, using a high-temp/presure condition created in one of several ways: implosion via laser beams, or magnetically. Actually, the H used is two other isotopes: deuterium and tritium (add one or two neutrons to the H's one-proton neucleus). The former can be derived from water which is abundant and available everywhere. The latter can be produced from lithium, which is plentiful. A fusion operation could result in waste materials that are safe to handle in a relatively modest timescale (50-100 years), compared with the much longer lived radioactive waste (many thousands of years) produced as a direct result of splitting atoms in fission reactions. It has been calculated that after 100 years of post-operation radioactive decay, The proposed demo reactor in France will be left with about 6,000 tons of waste. When packaged, this would be equivalent to a cube with about 10m edges. See fission, just above.

    the distresses caused by the speed of social and technological change. "The premature arrival of the future." Alvin Tofler's term, from the book of that name.

    GAIA Theory:
    Sees the Earth as a system where the evolution of the organisms is tightly coupled to the evolution of their environment. Self-regulation of climate and chemical composition are emergent properties of the system. A math basis is exemplified in the model "Daisyworld".
    Gaia: all life on Earth functioning symbiotically as a whole.

    genetic manipulation. Controversial, in that it may create hazardous foodstuffs.

    A haploid sex cell, egg or sperm, that contains a single copy of each chromosome.

    Gamma ray bursts shine briefly with the intensity of a million trillion suns. One or two a day go off, scattered throughout the cosmos.
    . . GRBs are almost surely caused by supernovae. It's lucky that GRBs almost always come from outside our Galaxy. The radiation from such an event, were it to originate nearby, could produce a lethal dose of byproducts --particles called muons-- upon striking Earth's atmosphere.

    are: eon, era, period, and epoch, and age.

    Phanerozoic Eon: 540 million years ago through today.
    Proterozoic Eon: 2.5 billion years ago to 540 million years ago (MYA).
    Archaeozoic Eon: 3.9 to 2.5 billion years ago.
    Hadean Eon: 4.6 to 3.9 billion years ago.

    Within EONs: two or more geological eras, which are each hundreds of millions of years in duration.
    Within ERAs: two or more geological periods.
    Within PERIODs: two or more geological epochs: the smallest division of geologic time, (unless you count "age") lasting several million years.
    Paleozoic Era ("ancient life") (540 to 248 MYA) saw an explosion of new life forms. It ended with the largest mass extinction in geologic history and was followed by the Mesozoic Era. It is divided into the Cambrian, Ordovician, Silurian, Devonian, Carboniferous, and Permian Periods. It was followed by the Mesozoic Era, the time of the dinosaurs.

    Carboniferous Period: from 360 to 280 MYA.
    The Ordovician Period (or-da-VISH-ee-en) from 505 to 438 MYA. Primitive plants appear on land, as do the first corals, primitive fishes, seaweed and fungi.
    Cambrain Period, also called "The Age of Trilobites": 540 to 500 MYA.
    Vendian or Ediacaran Period: 650 to 544 MYA; when the earliest-known animals evolved.
    The Holocene Epoch (meaning "entirely recent" in Greek) is the most recent; from about 11,000 years ago until the present day.
    Maastrichtian Epoch was the last part of the Cretaceous period.
    Malm Epoch was the late (upper) part of the Jurassic period, about 159 to 144 MYA.

    A locus on a chromosome that encodes a specific protein or several related proteins. It is considered the functional unit of heredity.
    . . From The Selfish Gene, Dawkins: Any portion of a chromosomal material that potentially lasts for enough generations to serve as a unit of natural selection; & sufficiently short for it to last, potentially, for long enough for it to function as a significant unit of natural selection. One gene may be regarded as a unit that survives thru a large number of successive bodies. The gene is the basic unit of selfishness.

    . When similar sequences are believed to be related to each other by evolutionary descent, they are said to be homologous. Paralogous genes is the term used for genes possessed by an individual which are related by duplication & divergence.
    . . Pseudogenes without introns may result from incorporation of processed RNA messages back into genomic DNA by reverse transcription. Shuffling and reuse of exons appears to occur. The whole picture is therefore one of very considerable complexity.
    . . Orthologous genes is the term used for genes shared by two individuals which are related by divergence following reproductive isolation.

    GENE --"jumping gene":
    also called transposons or mobile elements. A connection between the variety in the brain's neurons and certain genes that can change their position in the genetic code. They're found in all living things. About 20% of the genetic code in mammals is of the jumping variety. But only a small fraction of these are "active" --which means they are able to successfully reinsert themselves into a new spot in the code. Active jumping genes have been observed in sperm and egg cells --possibly providing a small kick to evolution by instilling tiny alterations to the genetic make-up of the next generation. There is some evidence that the jumping genes actually target places in the code where they can make a difference. A possible answer to this Darwinian riddle is that there could be a definite advantage to a population in having programmed variability in its members. "If diversity was important, then the mechanism for creating diversity could be passed on."

    germ-line gene therapy involves manipulation of DNA in sperm and eggs (germ cells) and produces permanent, inheritable genetic alterations. This contrasts with somatic gene therapy, a more limited technique in which genes are introduced just into particular tissue cells or cell lines that will not be passed along to offspring.

    The "DNA map" --genetic complement contained in the chromosomes of a given organism. A genome is the complete set of genetic instructions for making an organism —-a master plan. The components of that plan, genes, are carried on DNA molecules that organize themselves into chromosomes. A side-by-side comparison shows at least 173 places on pig and human chromosomes where the genes match. Determining how genes line up on each DNA molecule in the swine genome, a process called sequencing.
    . . Sequencing of the human genome was completed in 2003, and the first draft of the bovine, or cow, genome was finished in 04. The swine genome sequencing project is under way.

    . . (related) EPI-GENOME:
    a layer of biochemical reactions that turns genes on and off. It plays a big part in health and heredity. By mapping the epigenome and linking it with genomic and health information, scientists believe they can develop better ways to predict, diagnose and treat disease.
    . . The epigenome can change according to an individual's environment, and is passed from generation to generation. It's part of the reason why "identical" twins can be so different, and it's also why not only the children but the grandchildren of women who suffered malnutrition during pregnancy are likely to weigh less at birth. [Does this remind you of Lamarkian evolution?!]

    A category including closely related species. Interbreeding between organisms within the same category can occur.

    Like Terra-forming, but modifying an already-existing eco-system. Letely, aimed at ameliorating global warmimg with sulfur aerosols.

    See LOGARITHMIC (1, 10, 100, 1000....) ARITHMETIC merely adds the same # each time. An arithmetic progression is a sequence in which each term is derived from the preceding one by adding a given number, d, called the common difference. A geometric progression is one in which each term is derived by multiplying the preceding term by a given number r, called the common ratio.A harmonic progression is one in which the terms are the reciprocals of the terms of an arithmetic progression.

    The repair or replacement of a defective gene within the gamete- forming tissues, which produces a heritable change in an organism's genetic constitution.

    the genetic information of a plant's hereditary makeup, and is the living tissue that can be used to grow new plants.

    a group of organisms that are thought to exist because of a cladistic analysis, but for which there is, as yet, no fossil evidence of existence.

    "gigantic ape" was the biggest primate that ever lived. A gorilla-like ape that weighed roughly 300 kg and was over 3 meters tall.

    (ji-GANT-oh-therm-ee) is the maintenance of a constant, relatively high body temperature by having a large body for "insulation". Large animals have a relatively low surface area to volume ratio, so they retain heat better than smaller animals.

    "In molecular terms, glasses are materials that form amorphous rather than crystalline solids upon cooling (ie, materials that vitrify). Although there are many plausible explanations for why materials vitrify rather than crystallize, there is no general rule. In fact, the reason why vitrification occurs may be different for different materials --including a combination of factors such as viscosity, heat of fusion, mixed bonding type, hydrogen-bonding, colligative effects and the effect of cooling rate. For most materials that vitrify, cooling rate is critical --meaning that if cooling rate is too slow, the material will crystallize rather than vitrify. Even metals can form glasses if cooled quickly enough.
    . . The chemical bonding in crystalline silica shows the ordered regularity of a lattice, whereas vitreous silica has more the appearance of a random network. Most glass used for windows and drinking-vessels is soda-lime glass --made from 75% silica, 15% soda and 10% lime (calcium oxide)."
    . . Thermal conductivity for glass is much less than for metal. In glassy materials, thermal conductivity drops as temperature decreases --the opposite to what happens in crystalline materials."
    . . Our recent understanding of glassy materials, which exist as a state of matter between solid and liquid, isn't quite right.
    . . One popular scientific idea is that matter turns from liquid to solid at a discrete point, but a new study suggests that the shift is continuous.
    . . Glassy materials are tricky to define. They have the disordered configuration of a liquid, but at cool temperatures they're so viscous and the molecules flow so slowly that they exhibit the brittle characteristics of a solid.

    Made up of only Quarks, the basic particles, themselves made up of Strings. Unlike photons, gluons interact strongly with one another, & carry the Strong Nuclear Force.

    ...small "g": one of a million images conceived by the human mind... of a pervasive power that explains what man could not at that time.
    . . Big "G": The special one of the above small-g's that a person believes in. To be fair, there are several dozen extant today, with countless variations. To the atheist: a "virtual idol".

    or Golden Mean --the ratio for length to width of rectangles: 1.61803 to 1. (or 1 to .618 --yes, the same 3 digits...) Also called "phi", named for the Greek sculptor Phidias. The Great Pyramid of Giza is believed to be 4,600 years old, which was long before the Greeks. Its dimensions are also based on this ratio. Beauty in various measurements of the human face & body is said to be ideal at .7 to 1. e.g waist-to-hip width.
    . . Other fundamental constants of mathematics: e = 2.718...
    The digits of pi and e never end, nor has anyone detected an orderly pattern in their arrangement. We know the value of pi to over a trillion digits.

    One part of ancient Pangaea ("all-Earth") -the all-in-one supercontinent. Continents split and re-combined (in different ways) several times!

    a hypothetical elementary particle having no mass and no charge. We can think of the gravitational attraction between two objects as the exchange of gravitons. Gravitons are analogous to photons. Gravitons and photons —-both massless-— travel at the speed of light. ~April Holladay

    extends infinitely, & weakens with distance --specifically, by the inverse square of the distance. We're still waiting for a real theory to connect it with the other forces. [Gs vary equator to poles. poles: 1.0020 G, to .997959 at the equator. A standard ton wud be 1002 kg to 997.96 kg.]

    to deeply understand. From Heinlein's "Stranger in a Strange Land".

    Disasterous advances in genetics, petrochemicals, and machinery that culminated in a dramatic increase in crop productivity during the third quarter of the 20th century. Permitted an increase in population where they were not ready to control it.

    The rise in temperature of any planet, due to the accumulation of large molecules in its atmosphere that reflect heat (in all directions, actually). The biggest and most efficient molecules (CFCs, e.g.) are unknown in nature. Venus has a runaway effect, yielding 900F. See the file.)

    Shame is more a public humiliation; guilt more a private, internal one. See the file.)

    essential requirements: An aura of infallibility, a package of fairly easily understandable metaphysical ideas to attract your disciples, hints of much more intriguing esoteric truths which will only be revealed to the select few, and a program of self-improvement to be prescribed to those who want to achieve Enlightenment. Obviously, only those who show unquestioning devotion to the Guru will succeed in this endeavor. [clipt from somewhere]

    ("naked seeds") are seed-bearing plants that that don't produce flowers. They release pollen into the air to the female ovule, causing fertilization. Their seeds develop without a protective covering. The earliest gymnosperms were seed ferns from the Devonian period (408-360 million years ago). Conifers (like pines, redwoods, and fir), gingkos, seed ferns, cycadeoids, and cycads are gymnosperms.

    Hydrous Calcium Sulfate. CaSO4-2H2O (Plaster of Paris (Paris, the Greek man; not the French city))

    The kind of locality in which a plant or animal naturally grows or lives.

    Used in psychology/physiology, generally to refer to sense organs (receptors) where they cease to respond to a stimulus after constant stimulation in which the stimulus proves non-threatening.

    The characteristic time taken for the activity of a particular radioactive substance to decay to half of its original value --that is, for half the atoms present to disintegrate into a different element (or isotope). Half-lives vary from less than a millionth of a second... to billions of years. Also applicable to the disintegration of molecules -- eg, pesticides.

    adj. Of or relating to the sense of touch; tactile. Tele-: an immersive tactile environment to operate on a virtual body. Haptic interfaces let people interact with 3-D environments via the sense of touch --via force-feedback. Imagine a surgeon operating from a different continent.

    A rule that human cells divide a finite number of times before they die. More bluntly: "No intervention will slow, stop or reverse the aging process."

    Deuterium oxide, O2O. Water in which the hydrogen is replaced by "heavy hydrogen" or deuterium. Because of the very low neutron absorption cross-section of deuterium, heavy water makes an excellent moderator and is used in e.g. CANDU (Canadian Deuterium Uranium Reactor) and SGHWR (Steam Generator Heavy Water Reactor) nuclear reactors. It is present in ordinary water at one part in about 5000.

    The "follow the pleasure" principle --that the greatest good is in the greatest pleasure for the most people.

    Fe2O3, is about 70% metal, the most important ore of iron. It occurs in nature in red to reddish-brown earthy masses and in steel-gray to black crystalline forms. The Martian dots are gray, sperical, & so small that a collection may act like a liquid. The "blueberries" are believed to be mineral "concretions" that form within rocks due to water action and then fall out onto the martian surface as rock weathers away. Terran red powdered hematite is used as a pigment (ocher) and as rouge in polishing.

    The opposite of orthodoxy. Extreme orthodoxy will see any slight deviation as heresy. A Heretic is often a rebel who sees reality, not as authorities say it is, but as it actually is.

    "different shape".

    shortcuts, rules of thumb, stereotypes and biases.

    the so-called God particle, which according to the Standard Model of particle physics, is responsible for generating the mass of all other particles. It's being searched for diligently, awaiting a stronger collider instrument.

    how' -hens, but the how is almost Ha-uu, & the hens is almost kkkens. [ the most difficult pronouncer I've seen!] Dutch astronomer. The name, also, of a Saturn probe.

    The whole being somehow contained in each of its parts.

    • Jewish:
    • The Torah: Law, THE Law, esp of Moses. The bedrock of Jewish faith and law. The Talmud is more the source for proper living.
    • Buddhist: Nothing canon, of course, but consult Watts,
    • Hindu: Upanishads: A class of speculative treatises about the nature of man & the universe. It is of the latter part of Vedic Literature.
      . . BHAGAVAD-GITA --Song of God.
    • Tao: Tao Te Ching --teaching on the power of The Way.
    • ISLAM: Koran
    • Christian: Bible

    The coming to (or back to) an organism's "normal" balanced internal conditions.

    Uniform. (oppo of hetero-)

    (family Hominidae) the group that includes humans, close ancestors and relatives --eg apes.

    Lemurs evolved about 50 MYA.

    Ardipithecus ramidus: 4.4 MYA
    Australopithecus afarensis: 4 to 2.7 MYA
    Australopithecus africanus: 3.0 to 2.0 MYA
    Australopithecus robustus: 2.2 to 1.0 MYA
    Homo habilis: 2.2 to 1.6 MYA
    Homo erectus: 2 to 0.4 MYA
    Homo sapiens neandertalensis: 200,000 to 30,000 years ago.
    Homo sapiens sapiens: 30,000 years ago to the present.

    the similarity of characteristics found in different species that are NOT from common descent. Examples include the wings of insects and the wings of pterosaurs. These characters derive from convergent evolution, parallel evolution, or character reversal.

    see HOMINIDS

    how'-hens, but the how is almost Ha-uu, the hens is almost kkkens. Sorry!

    one atom of hydrogen, one of oxygen. (OH) Damages /ages the human body.

    The tendency to make an error in speech by trying too hard to be correct; as in "I feel badly" & "...made for you & I." Many adverbs: "awfully lot", "seldomly used", "tested positively", "open widely"!

    atomic nuclei combining not just the usual protons and neutrons but also rare particles called hyperons. About 100,000 have been created. They're incredibly short-lived, surviving for less than a billionth of a second.

    Now and then, astronomers detect unfathomable discharges of energy from deep space. The bursts are brief, and they're still trying to figure out what causes them. The leading speculation is that when a star explodes as a supernova, a lot of the energy escapes along two narrow beams that shoot out along the axis of the star's rotation. If a beam is aimed at Earth, the chance observation boosts an otherwise "normal" supernova to hypernova status.

    A hypocrite takes a topic he knows about & lies to others. . A bigot takes a topic he refuses to know about & lies about it to others and himself. -jkh

    should not have conclusions that fly in the face of existing scientific knowledge. It should:
    . . increase the range of phenomena explained or reduce the number of facts we need to explain all understood phenomena.
    . . be written in a robust, logically consistent way. (It should be supported by the data presented with it.)
    . . be accompanied by methods detailed enough for a competent scientist to replicate the experiment.

    (as in hypo-oxygen) --insufficient oxygen in air or water to sustain life.

    "There are more solid forms of water than of any other known substance. Below about 2,700 atmospheres of pressure crystalline ice is known as ice I, but above 2,700 atmospheres there are at least 13 other crystal forms
    . . Ice I exists in two crystal forms: hexagonal ice (ice Ih) and cubic ice (ice Ic). Cubic ice can be formed by deposition of water vapor onto a solid surface in the temperature range of -140ºC to -120ºC. Below -140ºC the water vapor molecules do not have enough energy to organize themselves into crystals and therefore lie where they land on the surface in an amorphous (vitrified) form. Hexagonal ice does not transform into a cubic or amorphous form when cooled.
    . . The hexagonal crystal of ice resembles the Hexagonal Close-Packed (HCP) structure of metals such as cobalt, but is much less dense. Cubic ice has a crystal structure like that of diamond, whereas hexagonal ice is more like graphite.
    . . Similar to metals, water freezes by a process of nucleation and nucleus-growth into a polycrystalline material composed of many grains.
    . . Like polycrystalline metals, ice deforms by dislocation -- preferentially along slip planes. In the temperature range of -3ºC to -40ºC ice is perfectly elastic for a maximum stress of 10 atmospheres applied no faster than 5 atmospheres per second. The rate of pressure application is noteworthy. Although the bonds between layers are stronger in hexagonal ice than they are in graphite, ice can nonetheless deform plastically under sustained pressure by the sliding of layers -- like cards in a deck of cards. This kind of deformation by sustained stress maintained over long periods is known as creep -- and it partly explains glacier movement. Hexagonal ice ceases to show any plastic properties below -70ºC. Like other brittle materials low temperature ice can show great resistance to stress or impact up to a certain threshold and then shatter -- with no intermediate plastic deformation."

    (IK-nites) Also known as trace fossils or ichnofossils, these are fossilized footprints, nests, dung, gastroliths, burrows, stomach contents, etc., but not actual body parts.

    An icon-breaker. ie: non-conformist, rebel, heretic.

    Self-image. The biggest question. See the essays.

    formed when molten rock cools.

    To be unaware, even purposely, and subconsciously. It isn't automatically derogatory, merely: not in possession of all the relevant facts. Very different than stupidity. Ignorance can be completely cured, sometimes with a single easy word. Stupidity can merely be influenced slightly. A "stupid" person may have intelligence, but still seems unable to learn, even when presented with the relevant facts, and strong supporting evidence, and chooses instead to cater instead to beliefs based on feelings, fantasies, wishes and desires, and continues to believe and espouse unsupported views, conjecture, whims and wishes.

    A meaning contained WITHIN a statement --if only implied-- but understandable. A potential seen within a physical thing. IMPLICITLY: w/o doubt. EXPLICIT: completely expressed in clear & concrete terms. A fully-formed thot/plan.

    The input from the sun that contributes to the energy balance --as to the inside of a home [vs the insUlation it fails at]. 200 watts per square meter or so reaches the earth's surface.

    1. automatic reflex-like connections.
    2. strong innate tendencies toward certain behaviors in certain situations.

    referring to the essential nature or makeup of a thing. Originating from and included within an organ or part. Opposite: EXTRINSIC: a nature NOt a part of the thing. Something acting upon a part from outside it. (Like implicit/explicit above)

    See "knowledge" for distiction/contrast.

    a route between planets (or moons) which utilizes the gravity of any body to de/accelerate, thus requiring significantly less fuel than conventional trajectories. It's commonly slower, tho.

    Formerly "HERMAPHRODITE". A person or other animal with sex organs --to various degrees-- of both genders. Plants often have both organs, complete; ie: self-fertilizing.

    Quickly-available knowledge without conscious thought or attempt at recall. I'd call it (at best) a surfacing of subconscious efforts on the problem. Useful, real, but not just guessing, which will *always average 50-50 (on a 2-choice test on unknowns). When it doesn't, it's from a "confounding factor" --usually a poorly done experiment.

    ION: a charged atom. ...has lost or gained one or more orbital electrons, thus becoming electrically charged.

    IONIZATION: The process by which neutral atoms of molecules are divided into pairs of oppositely charged particles known as ions.

    ISOBARIC: A process done at constant pressure.

    ISOCHORIC: A process done at constant volume.

    ISOTHERMAL: A process done at constant temperature.

    ISOTOPES: Atoms of the same element having different atomic weights due to differences in the number of neutrons in their nuclei. Isotopes have the same atomic number but different mass numbers. (A useful working definition is "atoms that are the same outside but different inside").

    ISOTROPIC: Identical in all directions. ISO- meaning "same".

    iso = same. Same element, different weight, because of different number of neutrons. e.g.: U238, C14.

    To repeat. To RE-do that (REiterate) is four times. Shall I reiterate that again? (8!)

    Exuberant pleasure. Joy is poisoned by limits. Small pleasures may be obtained within fences, but joy may not be found within bounds. Joy is always "unbounded".

    mostly a term used by those who want to disparage facts that they want not to be true.

    Life: #1:
    A system is alive if it obtains energy and vital substances from a changable environment, returns wastes and other toxins to that environment, and maintains the internal chemical and temperature conditions necessary to continue this process. Darwinists would add: the ability to reproduce (except mules, etc); and Gaians would add: the tendency to influence their surroundings. The boundry line between life and the inanimate environment can't be clearly drawn. Lovelock: "There is merely a hierarchy of intensity..."
    #2: "...a property of the organization of matter, rather than a property of the matter which is so organized." (Christopher Langton, organizer of first conference on Artificial Life.) Or, to put it another way: Life is not a condition imposed upon matter, it's a condition caused by the organization of matter.

    the event that divides the Cretaceous and Tertiary periods, occurring 65.51 million years ago. (spelled w a K in German)

    simply means "action." The idea is that of reciprocity of good & evil acts --nothing to do with reincarnation, as is popularly thot.

    Terrain that include sinkholes and related cave features.

    winds caused by the flow of cold air off a plateau, make some coastal antarctic sites the windiest places in the world.

    the deliberate decision of God not to disturb the natural order. [an easy out...]

    a fibrous protein; eg our nails, hair, bull's horns, feather quills, shrimp shells and horse hoofs.

    force-based, as distinct from kinematic: motion-based.

    The mere store of facts. Intelligence is the ability, first, to TEST the incoming facts, meld them with previous facts, and use them, perhaps in a synergetic combination.

    to the extreme religious right-wing, it means "something they *want to be true".

    SINGULAR & plural. "I give you a kudos." (see "cohort")

    (pronounced KOY-per, tho more popularly KY-per) a ring of icy objects (KBOs) beyond the orbit of Neptune, about the mass of all the planetisimals (asteroids) put together. Best-known, but NOT the largest: Pluto/Charon.

    Caused by a low protein intake, it leaves children with flaky skin, thinning hair and an enlarged liver. Doctors describe it as the severest form of malnutrition. In a perverse reversal of other forms of intense hunger, a sufferer's stomach swells to almost pot-belly proportions. It scars for life.

    any of 5 areas of stability at which a small body, under the gravitational influence of two large bodies, will remain somewhat stationary relative to them.

    The future of lighting. Extremely efficient. Becoming available now, esp in flashlites. I love mine! ...has a crank-generator, needs a solar panel.

    The art and craft of writing dictionaries.

    the process of soil turning from a solid into a liquid as the result of shaking.

    Lovelock even includes rock to the Earth's core, as it "participates". Less generally: that which grows, reproduces, etc, based on DNA patterns.
    . . For a long time, scientists classified all life forms as plant or animal. That classification system expanded as more life forms were discovered. Eventually, biologists divided life into five kingdoms —-plants, animals, bacteria, fungi and protists.
    . . A more recent approach divides life into three domains: bacteria, eukarya — which includes plants, fungi, animals and others — and archaea, which means ancient.
    . . Archaea, similar to bacteria, is likely the least understood of the domains.

    (in a vacuum); c; The speed at which any electromagnetic radiation propagates in a vacuum; defined as 299,792,458 m/s. (299,792.5 km/sec.) It was wisely suggested that the meter be ever so slightly redefined to round out to that figure, but somehow, it wasn't adopted. It's still based on the size of the lopsided Earth.)

    That the meaning of the statement is exactly what is said. If it's literally raining cats & dogs, you may step in a poodle!

    a method of classifying organisms based on a simple hierarchical structure. Organisms are divided into groups (Taxa --plural of taxon) using the following system: Kingdom, Phylum, Class, Order, Family, Genus and Species.
    . . A genus contains one or more species.
    . . A group of similar genera (the plural of genus) forms a family.
    . . A group of similar families forms an order. (etc)

    Kingdom is the highest grouping of similar organisms -- contains one or more phyla (plural of phylum). Life on Earth is divided into five kingdoms: Animalia (animals), Plantae (plants), Fungi, Protista (protozoans and eucaryotic algae), and Monera (prokaryotes: blue-green algae and bacteria).
    . . For living animals or plants, the definition of a species depends on the ability of members to interbreed and produce offspring that can interbreed. For dinosaurs, where only fossil remains exist, this primary criterion is unavailable and the designation of species and other classification levels is much more arbitrary and thus more likely to change as more material is found.

    An IMPORTANT DISTINCTION: Don't confuse literalism (if I can't see it, it must not exist) with intellectual rigor (I'm not going to wholeheartedly embrace this until there is evidence for it).

    [Gr.,=relation number] A graph scale where each successive unit represents a ten- fold increase (where you'd expect double). A logarithm is a power to which a base, actually 10 [it doesn't have to be 10], must be raised to produce a given number. --'power' is the same as 'exponent.' . eg: Log of 1000 is 3. A number associated with a positive number, being the power to which a third number, called the base, must be raised in order to obtain the given positive number. For example, the logarithm of 100 to the base 10 is 2.

    (log or exponential growth phase). BIO. The steepest slope of the growth curve - -the phase of vigorous growth during which ccell number doubles every 20-30 minutes.

    the assurance of empathic caring and passion for and from someone whose happiness is stimulated by your own. Or; dispassionately: the visceral reactions to chemicals/hormones released by the body in response to genetic reproduction imperatives.

    The "last universal common ancestor" --presumed to be a bacterium.

    A purposeless, unpredictable, random, but seemingly related circumstance. A series of coincidences. A memory of only those occurences that seem unusual & related.

    (MAssive Compact Halo Objects) old matter wrapped up in hard-to-spot packages --cold, dim stars that aren't readily observable with present technology. See Dark Matter

    Belief in what's impossible but seems to have happened, but hasn't! A MIRACLE being: something good, extremely unusual, seemingly inexplicable, and beyond your control or influence. The connotation is that a miracle is a beneficial thing and done for your benefit by various supernatural powers. But the odds "require" miracles. See the essay.)

    Sub-surface lava. The melted rock that makes up almost all of the Earth. (All but the eggshell-thin surface.)

    an adolescent stage of neutron stars, but only 10% of neutron stars will go through the magnetar stage –-ruling out some theories that all pulsars spend some time as magnetars. They come from the death of very massive stars, which may mean that the dozen or so magnetars so far seen may be all there is --right now. There could be many more "dead" magnetars in the galaxy. They're only a few dozen K in diameter.
    . . The newest discovery: a star that originally had a mass 30 to 40 times that of Sol. Such a hefty beginning would help explain the difference between magnetars and their close cousins, pulsars. Pulsars are stellar corpses that serve as the radio lighthouses of the galaxy. Spinning around several times a second, they flash the galaxy with a beam of radio waves. Magnetars are similar, but they flash X-rays, and at a slower rate –-about once every 10 seconds. They also occasionally let out a burst of gamma rays. On Dec 27, 04, a huge explosion halfway across the galaxy packed so much power it briefly altered Earth's upper atmosphere. Had this happened within 10 light-years of us, it would have severely damaged our atmosphere and possibly have triggered a mass extinction. Named SGR 1806-20, it spins once on its axis every 7.5 seconds, and it is surrounded by a magnetic field more powerful than any other object in the universe. Millions of neutron stars fill the Milky Way galaxy. A dozen or so are ultra-magnetic neutron stars --magnetars. The magnetic field around one is about 1,000 trillion gauss, strong enough to strip information from a credit card at a distance halfway to the Moon.
    . . A rotating magnet gives off energy, and the greater the magnetic field, the faster the energy loss. Magnetars exhibit rapid deceleration, which implies a huge magnetic field. Gaensler has estimated that after 10,000 years, a magnetar will slow down enough to turn off its X-ray flash. The stellar wind would have been five times faster than Sol’s wind of charged particles --the source of space weather and the Northern Lights-- and a million times denser. The implied energy is 25 million times that of our solar wind.

    I just love the word. You can tell what it means without ever having encountered it before! (The ability to feel magnetism, as in a migrating bird.)

    First magnitude is the mean of the twenty-one brightest stars in the sky. The faintest stars normally visible to the unaided eye on a clear, dark night are said to be of sixth magnitude.
    . . Sixth magnitude stars shine 1/100 as bright as first magnitude stars --a difference of five magnitudes corresponds to a difference in brightness of a factor of 100. The scale is logarithmic. A difference of one magnitude corresponds to a difference in brightness of 2.512. Thus second magnitude stars are said to be 2.512 times brighter than third magnitude stars and 2.512 x 2.512 = 6.31 times brighter than fourth magnitude stars, and so on.

    "We will be able to steal it in the future, therefore it is rightfully ours now."

    The region of the Earth's interior that lies between the crust and the core. It accounts for approximately 80% of the Earth's volume. It consists largely of peridotite, an igneous rock composed mainly of the minerals olivine and pyroxene.

    Mammals found in Australia, whose young are born in a very undeveloped state and are usually sheltered in a pouch or marsupium containing the teats of the mammary glands.

    MATTER --states of
    We'll skip the common 3: Solid, Liquid, Gas. Next would have to be:
    4: PLASMA --seen more often than people realize. Neuclei have separated from their electrons by hi-temp. Over 99% of the universe is composed of plasma. neon signs, fluorescent lights, and nature's own lightning.
    5: SUPERFLUID --Helium3, eg, which exhibits zero viscosity.
    6: BOSE-EINSTEIN CONDENSATES --super cooled materials that exist only within a fraction of absolute zero. All the atoms are in the same quantum-mechanical state. BECs are super cooled materials that exist only within a fraction of absolute zero. This weird state is one in which all the atoms attain the same quantum-mechanical state. 
    7: COLLAPSED --neutron stars --electrons pushed into the neucleus, turning each electron-proton pair into a neutron. One cc of neutron star material weighs about 100 million tons.
    8: In the CONDENSED states of the 2D (thin-field) electron system, at extreme conditions of low temperature and high magnetic field, there is good circumstantial evidence of a transition to a solid state in which electrons form a triangular lattice.
    9: SUPERCRITICAL --Above a certain temperature, the critical temperature, and above a certain pressure (the critical pressure), the boundary between gas and liquid disappears. Above this point --called the critical point-- the substance acts like a gas in some ways and like a liquid in some ways. The substance is now is a fourth state called the supercritical state. Carbon dioxide in the supercritical state is a useful solvent --used in "dry-cleaning".
    10: Liquid Crystalline State
    ... thru 500: If you're really interested in more states, see this file. : "a huge family of different liquid crystalline states of matter [1] (nematic, cholesteric, blue phase I, II, and blue fog, smectic A, B, C, C*, D, I, ...). There are over 200 qualitatively different types of crystals, not to mention the quasicrystals. The origin of quasicrystalline order remains in question. No proven explanation clarifies why a material favors crystallographically forbidden rotational symmetry and translational quasiperiodicity when at nearby compositions, it forms more conventional crystal structures. Icosahedral and decagonal alloys are now widely recognized to be quasicrystalline.
    . . Intermetallic.
    . . There are disordered states of matter like spin glasses, and states like the fractional quantum hall effect with excitations of charge e/3 (like quarks)."

    QUARK-GLUON: For nearly two decades, nuclear and particle physicists have been searching for experimental evidence of a new state of deconfined hot quark-gluon matter. A deconfined quark phase is predicted by numerical solutions of quantum chromodynamics.
    . . GLASSY AND RUBBERY STATES: scientists still argue about whether these count as states or not --perhaps better thot of as different kinds of solid states. When plastic is warm, it's soft and flexible --rubbery. But when it gets cold enough --the glass transition temperature-- it becomes brittle, ie, the glassy state.
    . . Glasses are amorphous solids, meaning that the atoms are not arranged in any repeating pattern. When a liquid is cooled very slowly it tends to form a crystal, while cooling quickly usually results in amorphous phases. Glasses are distinguished from elastomers by being brittle.
    . . Colloids and Solutions are not "states", they're combinations of states.


    1. Diamagnetic: A diamagnetic compound has all of its electron spins paired, giving a net spin of zero. ...weakly repelled by a magnet.
    2. Paramagnet: A paramagnetic compound will have some electrons with unpaired spins. ...weakly attracted by a magnet.
    3. Ferromagnet: In a ferromagnetic substance, there are unpaired electron spins, which are held in alignment by a process known as ferromagnetic coupling. Ferromagnetic compounds, such as iron, are strongly attracted to magnets.
    4. Ferrimagnet: Ferrimagnetic compounds have unpaired electron spins, which are held in an pattern with some up and some down. This is known as ferrimagnetic coupling. In a ferrimagnetic compound, there are more spins held in one direction, so the compound is attracted to a magnet.
      . . In 1997, researchers in Australia discovered yet another form of carbon: a spidery, fractallike composition they dubbed nanofoam. At the March '04 meeting of the American Physical Society, the group reported that this gossamer substance is ferromagnetic (like iron), the only type of pure carbon that is magnetic.
    5. Antiferromagnetic: When unpaired electrons are held in an alignment with an equal number of spins in each direction, the substance is strongly repelled by a magnet. This is referred to as an antiferromagnet.
    6. Superconductor: Materials which will be repelled by magnetic fields because the magnetic field is excluded from passing through them. This property of superconductors is used to test for the presence of a superconducting state.

    (or MDRA) Minimum Daily Requirement --Affection. (My own term. See also: TSA)

    A specialized form of cell division that reduces the chromosome number of the daughter cells by half. Gametes produced in this way are said to be haploid, i.e. they carry only half the normal (diploid) chromosome number of the adult. It accounts for most of the heritable variation and inherited differences between living organisms. The reduction division process by which haploid gametes and spores are formed, consisting of a single duplication of the genetic material followed by two mitotic divisions. See mitosis.

    Richard Dawkins: memes are to cultural concepts what genes are to genetic concepts. Ideas that spread rapidly across cultures.
    . . A meme is a concept, idea, image... A sucessful meme would be a song that runs through your head --you hum it and others pick up on it. Like genes, there aren't good or bad except in the concept that successful ones keep being passed on. [Think of urban myths].
    . . Dawkins and others refer to religions as memeplexs because they are a complex mixture of memes [think trinity, original sin, resurection, virgin birth etc.].
    . . This isn't very exacting, but that seems to be the nature of the beast. The best book on the subject I am aware of is Susan Blackmore's _The Meme Machine_. ~Matt (~slothrop_tyrone)

    Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems. MEMS are tiny components made by etching away parts of a silicon wafer or adding tiny layers. As small as a grain of pollen, MEMS are larger than the nanoworld. They are employed in such things as microaccelerometers, the devices that activate automotive airbags. Optical MEMS are used in many home theater systems. Soon: NEMS... Nano-

    1: A planet. 2: A very heavy element, liquid at high room temp, solid metal at low. methyl- is the element's most poisonous form. Fish consumption warnings have been issued when there is just 1 nanogram per liter.

    A chain of reactions involving a whole series of enzymes acting in sequence, in the breakdown and synthesis of cell components.

    "-solidify as crystals. A pure metal will typically crystallize at a temperature which is lower than the temperature at which it will melt. The difference between melting and minimum solidification temperature is referred to as the maximum undercooling. Maximum undercooling is only 80ºC for lead, but is 330ºC for platinum. The undercooling phenomenon is due to the way pure metals crystallize.
    . . When a metal solidifies, many crystalline nuclei form and grow simultaneously until the crystals have absorbed all of the remaining liquid atoms. As a result, a block of metal is described as polycrystalline."

    Gaia is one --every living planet is another. I've coined the word to match "endo-symbiosis". Symbiosis means mutual benefit; and meta- symbiosis takes our understanding beyond that of a mere pair of beneficiaries, or of merely local action. It is the scale above single creatures, one that unites them into the "Gaia being".
    There seems to be a continuous scale. At the microscopic end, there is Dr. Margulis' Endo-symbiosis. between the parts of our cells.Skip up to "Endo". Even further down in scale, genes too can be seen as proteins which are symbiotic with each other. See the file "Who Are You?")

    CH4. A flamable gas 20 times as efficent as CO2 at greenhouse-warming.

    An INTEGRATED system of measurements. 98% of the world uses it. The "traditional" English measures are NOT a system --they are a conglomeration/collection of unrelated measures. There's not an increment of ten between ANY of them! EG:

    . . DISTANCE: METER. Originally, one forty-millionth of the Earth's circumference. Later: the distance between two marks on a Platinum-Iridium bar kept in Sevre, France. Now: a certain frequency of light given off by a laser. (see LightSpeed) / (A nanometer measures one-billionth of meter. A micrometer, also known as a micron, is one- millionth of a meter --1/1000 of a mm. Then: milli-, centi-, deci-, METER, deca-, hecta-, kilo-. The same prefixes serve for all measures.)
    . . VOLUME: LITER: 10 cents cubed. STERE: a cubic meter (a kiloliter).
    . . WEIGHT: GRAM: equal to about half of a dime.
    . . PRESSURE: DYNE: 100,000 Dynes in a Newton. Newton: 0.101972 kg.
    . . TEMP: Celcius: based logically on water freezine at 0, & boiling at 100!

    CH4. An explosive gas --also a major greenhouse contributor. From fermentation of humus (compost) without oxygen. Also... no, including, surprisingly, huge amounts from bovine flatulence and termites. (both have to do with man's destruction.)

    Bacteria that convert organics to methane and CO2.

    straight men who are into designer clothes, love art and fashion and even enjoy shopping.

    (biofilms). Layered groups or communities of microbial populations. Studied by Margolis.

    The electro-chemical operations of the brain.

    A statistically-required coincidence, mislabeled by 1 or more True Believers. Statistics also require harmful coincidences, but note the lack of even a word for it. See "Magic" & the essay..

    micro-organisms within all cells except bacteria, that convert food to energy. They contain a strands of their own DNA (passed down only maternally) that are separate from the cell nucleus where the body's genes reside, and, in Margulis' hypothesis (see ENDO...), were originally independent creatures that were "swallowed" by the larger cells, & survived there because they contributed synergetically.

    The process of cell multiplication by simple division of the nucleus. Each chromasome duplicated and the resulting duplicates separate so that one goes into each daughter nucleus. As a result, the two daughter nuclei have an identical complement of chromosomes and hence of genes. See meiosis.

    (1) a narcotic, especially morphine; or (2) "magic, the art of casting spells, [or] a charm or amulet used in such spells." ...luck, etc., as of magical or supernatural origin. The word is thought to be of Creole origin.

    a formal token of delayed reciprocal altruism. (R.Dawkins)

    The agricultural practice of cultivating crops consisting of genetically similar organisms. When disease strikes ...& it will --the entire crop (including humans) is exposed to pandemic.

    MOOT: in "moot point" --a debatable point, not one that doesn't matter. A moot was a place to go to debate. However, the changed meaning is nearly universal, & involves no standard root --like "uni-" or "exo-"-- so let it go.

    a very early embryo that has developed to about eight cells.

    Ten thousand. It's an exact number, not just "lots".

    an idea or an image in terms of which people make sense of the world. (Alan Watts) It does *not necessarily mean false.

    myth•os 1. the underlying system of beliefs, esp. those dealing with supernatural forces, characteristic of a particular cultural group.

    :-) . when faced with something jammed, stuck or knotted, and thought is required, a muscle-head will just push harder --"get a bigger hammer".

    subconscious communique to the conscious, embedded in a bit of lyrics. [if not just a passing radio] Pay attention! Did one phrase stand out?

    Any agent or process that can cause mutations.

    in which species provide services to one another, are abundant in nature. Examples are everywhere: from the mitochondria, once free-living bacteria that provide energy (from burning sugars with oxygen) to every cell in our body, to fungi that enable plants to take up nitrogen from the soil, to ants interacting with caterpillars, providing them with protection in trade for food.
    . . In a mutualistic interaction, the two species benefit most from coordinating - when one is "generous" and the other "selfish". Benefits to each are less than optimal in other cases --when both are selfish, or both generous.
    . . When pairings of selfish-selfish or generous-generous occur in some cases, then evolutionary change might happen. If there are many pairings of the type generous-generous, the faster evolving species will quickly evolve to be selfish, and thus the population will evolve to benefit the fast evolver. If, on the other hand, there are mostly pairings of the type selfish-selfish, the faster evolving species will quickly evolve to become generous (since the generous-selfish is better than selfish-selfish) and thus the population will evolve to benefit the slow evolver.

    An alteration in DNA structure or sequence of a gene.

    Fungi that form symbiotic relationships with roots of more developed plants.

    The challenge of a thing not understood. A purposeful combination of handy (often profitable) mis-understandings.

    feels awe at things not understood, and wants to know of more things that are not understood. (See "Spiritual")

    an old story that may or may not be based on fact.

    100 times smaller than typical bacteria and have been found in kidney stones, arterial plaques and ovarian cancers. But scientists have yet to agree whether the particles actually cause the diseases or how they infect humans. Also unknown is whether the particles are life forms or an unknown type of crystal --a rift that has sparked one of the biggest controversies in modern microbiology.

    A hypothetical robot of microscopic proportions, built with nanotechnology. Such robots could assemble molecules one by one and are postulated to need self-replicating capabilities, as thousands of nanobots would be required to make anything on a size humans could use. (But what'll tell 'em to STOP?!)

    A billionth of a meter --a hundred-thousandth of the diameter of a human hair, or the width of 10 hydrogen atoms! (yes, that means a hair is 10,000 H-atoms wide.)

    The science of making products out of components or molecules that measure less than 100 nanometers (a nanometer is a billionth of a meter). Sometimes called molecular manufacturing. The technology is only in its nascent stages.
    . . Theorist K. Eric Drexler invented the word in the 80s to describe a then-theoretical molecular manufacturing process involving parts or devices with dimensions of 1 to 100 nm, a size range he dubbed nanoscale. Today, Drexler laments that his word has become practically meaningless, and he leads a crusade to limit the scope of "nanotechnology" to nanoscale objects built from the bottom up with molecular building blocks, as opposed to devices created from the top down through miniaturization.
    . . The bottom-up distinction focuses on the strange influence of quantum effects on structures built at the molecular scale. In nature, quantum forces are normally confined to the insides of atoms and the bonds between them. But when molecules are assembled in new ways from the bottom up, quantum effects can give them bizarre but very useful physical properties. Examples include an exceptional electrical conduction or resistance, a high capacity for storing or transferring heat, and even an ability to behave like semiconductors.
    . . Common usage even stretches the term to include MEMS (microelectrical mechanical systems)—a class of microscopic devices machined using techniques borrowed from microchip production, including motors, gear systems, gyroscopes, and accelerometers that deploy car airbags. Dwarfed by dust mites, MEMS are ultrasmall by almost any standard, but they loom as much as 1,000 times as large as nanoscale objects. ~Jim Akin, Ziff Davis

    One of the most important materials of nanotechnology, a nanotube is a kind of molecule made of a lattice of carbon atoms --like the benzene sphere, but a cylindrical "buckyball". The cylindrical structure not only is light and extremely strong, but also has superconducting properties that let it transmit electricity with no energy loss. Many sizes.
    . . Common in candle-flame, etc, but they can now be grown at low temperatures --a key discovery. The molecules emit electrons when an electric current is applied to them. An array of cells composed of carbon nanotubes could be used to "paint" images on a screen, & can be made to emit light (photons). . Not to be confused with Carbon-fiber.

    . . NANOTUBES are carbon cylinders 1 or 2 nanometers in diameter and structurally similar to seamless rolls of chicken wire. Carbon nanotubes (CNs) can serve as nanowires in molecular computers, thanks to a quantum property called electron tunneling, which lets them propagate electrical signals at scales where ordinary current flow is impossible.
    . . Carbon nanotubes conduct electricity far better than metals. In fact, nanotubes exhibit what's called ballistic conductivity, which means that electrons are not scattered or impeded by obstacles. Nanotubes, which measure only a few billionths of a meter thick, are also far thinner than metal interconnects can be made.
    . . CNs are stronger than Kevlar and more durable than diamonds; adding them in even small fractions can enhance fibers and composite materials significantly. CNs don't corrode, and they won't burn under normal conditions. They make plastics electrically conductive. Charcoal was a key additive to auto tires long before anyone knew it provides nanoparticles that stabilize rubber polymers. ~Jim Akin, Ziff Davis

    the chronic inability to stay awake, lately traced to malfunction of orexin neurons, which can also lead to obesity. An attack can be felt coming, seconds before a collapse, but it's still too dangerous for sufferers to drive. A family of dogs has been bred, that help research.

    The major --of many-- theories of Evolution (including one in the bible). The principal mechanism of evolutionary change suggested by Darwin in 1858. Survival of the fittest --the trend in a population toward traits/genes that provide a survival or reproductive advantage. The theory asserts that, of the range of different individuals that make up the population of a given species, those individuals which are better suited to their immediate environment will have a better chance of surviving to contribute more offspring to the succeeding generation. This will mean that over a period of time, the gene composition of the population will change and the better suited will predominate. See also mutation, evolution.

    Things as they are--or were, before man's interference.

    the gestational course of development of an organism. (Neotony recapitulates ontogeny.")

    The leading particle candidate for dark matter. It has the mass of about 100 protons and interacts only weakly with normal matter.

    The "ghost" particle, once thot to be massless. Now, the range: Electron neutrino: < 2.2 eV. Tau neutrino: < 28 MeV (upper limits). They can zip thru the Earth with seldom a collision.
    . . Neutrinos, once in thermal equilibrium, were supposedly freed from their bonds to other particles about two seconds after the Big Bang. Since then, they should have been roaming undisturbed through intergalactic space, some 200 of them in every cubic centimeter of our Universe, altogether a billion of them for every single atom.
    . . Their presence is noted indirectly in the Universe's expansion. However, though they are presumably by far the most numerous type of material particle in existence, not a single one of those primordial neutrinos has ever been detected. In the 1950s, neutrinos were detected in nuclear reactors.

    An elementary particle with mass of 1 atomic mass unit approximately the same as that of the proton (approximately 1.67 x 10-27 kg). Together with protons, neutrons form the nuclei of all atoms. Being neutral, a neutron can approach a nucleus without being deflected by the positive electric field, so it can take part in many types of nuclear interaction. In isolation neutrons are radioactive, decaying with a half-life of about 12 minutes by beta emission into a proton.
    . . Neutrons are made of three fundamental particles called quarks, and decay into protons when a "down" quark turns into an "up" quark. The rate at which neutrons turn into protons determined how much of each was created in the first seconds after the big bang, and it also dictates the amount of helium in the universe today.

    made entirely of neutrons, the electrically neutral particles in atomic nuclei. They measure just a few miles across and are so dense that a teaspoonful of neutron-star matter weighs about a billion tons.
    . . QUARK STAR: a bizarre kind of star, consisting of phenomenally dense material in which the particles that make up atomic nuclei have fallen apart. Scientists have speculated that these stars might exist, but have never seen convincing evidence for them.
    . . Gamma-ray bursts seem to be associated with a certain type of supernovae, called type Ic, in which the parent stars have already become quite compact. The g-ray flashes are produced as the supernovae throw out jets of material that move at almost the speed of light. But although only a few have so far been spotted, not all type-Ic supernovae generate these bursts.
    . . Paczyn Acuteski and Haensel say that the supernovae difference could depend on whether the explosion produces a neutron star or whether this superdense core contracts even more, bursting open the neutrons themselves to create a soup of quarks, the particles from which they are made. "The transition from a neutron star to a quark star takes time." He and Haensel estimate that it should take a few minutes. That is precisely the kind of delay between the weak precursor flashes reported, which would appear as the neutron star is formed, and the main g-ray bursts, which would come slightly later as it turns into a quark star.

    The place where an animal lives in its habitat and its role in that habitat.

    The conversion of atmospheric nitrogen to biologically usable nitrates.

    The thing seen/perceived. NOUMENAL: The real cause-&-effect world, as distinct from the moral or spiritual. [new'-men-on]

    Just a pronouncer... Say "CLE". "NEW-CLE-r". There is no "Q" in it. Ike couldn't say it, & it messed people up ever after.

    A building block of DNA and RNA, consisting of a nitrogenous base, a five-carbon sugar, and a phosphate group. Together, the nucleotides form codons, which when strung together form genes, which in turn link to form chromosomes.

    BIO: The membrane-bound region of a eukaryotic cell that contains the chromosomes.

    "when the feeling that the obsessed object or subject gives you is so intense that you would curtail rational thought or action to continue to hold the belief system that it's part of. The obsession becomes a part of one's identity and is hard to extricate."
    by UU club's Missa70.

    Yes, there was a Mr Occam. This is similar/same as the Principle/Law of Parsimony: The simplest explanation is most likely to be the truth. (But not always! *Obviously, the Earth does not spin. Obvious = easily seen.) See Parsimony.

    Peak oil is the point where oil production begins to decline, when we've taken all the easily accessible oil from the ground, and it becomes increasingly expensive to get at what's left.

    Plant and flesh-eating animal.

    A gene that contributes to cancer formation when mutated or inappropriately expressed.

    the evolutionary course of development of an organism. (Neotony recapitulates ontogeny.")

    That image/feeling of ego that develops from social interaction, rather than the "natural-self" that would develop in isolation. [Tho it can be argued that isolation is not natural.]

    The line thru which a body "falls" around another --more g-dominate-- body. The far end of an orbit is called the "apoasis"; the near end: "periapsis".

    The internal sub-units of eukaryotic cells. Structures found in the cell (e.g. mitochondria, ribosomes, nucleus, but not vacuoles). A cell structure that carries out a specialized function in the life of a cell. Thot to originally have been independent creatures.


    The tyranny of Conformity. The social pressure used to keep people submissive and unquestioning. Originally, "Orthos" was Greek, meaning "straight". The combining form's literal meanings: Ortho-: right, correct. -dox: opinion. Therefore, it was the first "political correctness". It is not just an oppression of speech, but of our very thoughts. It's "in agreement with" not nature, but with authority. The opposite of Heresy. (See the file.)

    Unlike a prosthesis, it doesn't replace missing limbs. Instead, it attaches to a paralyzed limb and may eventually enhance healthy ones.

    animals that hatch from eggs. see viviparous.

    Overwhelmingly Large Telescope.

    A sex hormone. In her book "The Oxytocin Factor" (not -toxin), Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg shows that oxytocin is secreted into the blood by the pituitary gland during sex, particularly orgasm, and plays a role in pair bonding, an evolutionary adaptation for long-term care of infants.

    O3 . . A molecule of 3 atoms of Oxygen --extremely reactive, toxic. But in the right place.... it screens Earth from UV radiation, in a layer 15-50 Km up. CFC's and other chemicals break it up, letting more UV thru, which increases skin cancer and cataracts, and injures crops. It can kill micro-organisms on fruit, vegetables and in bottled drinks.
    . . The molecule is constantly being made and destroyed in the stratosphere, which exists from about 10km to 40km above the Earth. In an unpolluted atmosphere, this cycle of production and decomposition is in equilibrium. But a number of human-produced chemicals, such as the chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs) used as refrigerants, in aerosol sprays, as solvents and in foam-blowing agents, have risen into the stratosphere where they are broken down by the Sun's rays. Chlorine atoms released from these chemicals then act as catalysts to decompose ozone.
    . . Unfortunately, it's synergetic with drought, acid rain and other pollutions; also makes crops more vunerable to insects.

    (packy) thick, as in pachyderm --thick skinned-- elephant.

    originally: country-person. It covers many descriptions now, from Gaian respect for nature --to a superstitious belief in "witch/magic" stuff.
    . . PAGANUS: Latin; pagus --country dweller. The modern meaning had developed in the Latin by the 4th century AD. The term appears in English in the 14th century.


    what remains in volcanic rock from the time it solidified, maintaining its magnetic orientation. This reveals what movements the land has made.

    The study of the fossil record of past geological periods and of the phylogenetic relationships between ancient and contemporary plant and animal species.

    "All-Earth." . The unified continent that re-broke only 200-250 Million yrs ago. One part was Gondwanaland.

    Panentheism (God is in everything, to be distinguished from "pantheism" - God is everything.) The world is either identical with God or in some way a self-expression of his nature.
    . . 2(soft Pan...): A religious philosophy that holds there is no supernatural God(s); but rather, that the universe as a whole, possesses attributes traditionally attributed to divinity, such as: power, magnificence, grandeur, and omnipresence. [&, we'd add: *seeming to care. Compatable w Gaianism, if scientific.] A doctrine that equates God with the forces and laws of the universe.

    Organism living in or on, and obtaining its food from, another organism (its host). Parasites may or may not be harmful to their host. What is a parasite, anyway? An organism that feeds off another organism of a different species or order, without returning any benefit. But the human intestinal system has, over a few million years, evolved to tolerate, or even make use of the presence of many of them. Our toleration is sometimes so active that without them to balance our counter-activity, we become ill. Many of these, even those we merely tolerate to the point of being ill without them, can no longer be defined as parasites. They're symbionts.

    Spotting things that don't exist —eg on Mars or in clouds. A study in '05 found that humans are particularly susceptible to seeing human faces where there are none, because our knowledge of the human face is so ingrained in our brains. Seeing what one wants to see in ambiguous patterns or images --as religious people will see images of Jesus or the Virgin Mary in toast, stains, or clouds.
    PARASITISM: The close association of two or more dissimilar organisms where the association is harmful to at least one. See Commensalism, Parasitism, Symbiosis.

    the scientific idea that the simplest explanation of a phenomenon is usually the best one --the most likely --most probable. See Occam's Razor. However, it may take genius and centuries to achieve that simplicity. (The original definition was almost unintelligible --"One should not multiply entities needlessly.")

    literally: virgin fruit. The production of fruit without fertilization. The fruit is therefore seedless. eg: pineapples, naval oranges, and bananas. Even eggplant varieties exist.

    "female source". Reproduction without males, without sperm --essentially resulting in self-cloning of the female. The barrier to parthenogenesis in mammals is thought to be genetic imprinting, in which some genes needed for embryonic development are turned off in the female genome but switched on in the male genome, and vice versa. Thus, for an embryo to grow properly, it must have one set of chromosomes with a female imprint and the other with a male imprint. Mouse eggs have been induced to replicate without fertilization, but they survive only briefly.

    Organism which can cause disease in another organism.

    Polychlorinated Biphenyls. Anyone who scrapes off old paint from a window frame, for instance, may release PCBs. POPs build up in fatty tissues - -the world's whale population is probably swwimming around with tens of tons of POPs lodged in blubber. The Inuit hope the ban will make traditional fatty foods, like seal or fish, less risky.

    Maslow's term. Almost Nirvana on Earth. A rare natural high --mostly from a sense of accomplishment or experience of perfection in the environs.

    hot giant Jupiter-like extrasolar planets with known masses between 110 and 430 times that of Earth and are large enough to cause a dip in starlight when they transit their stars.

    p-laj'ik) about the open seas or oceans. Or: living near the surface of the ocean, away from land. (benthic = deep)

    One who can't understand the Law of Diminishing Returns.

    Ever-frozen ground --mostly near the arctic circle (antarctic is more rocky & more deeply covered w ice). Gigatons of CO2 & methane that has been locked away for thousands of years will escape into the atmosphere when global warming thaws large patches of frozen ground in Alaska and Siberia. This vast carbon reservoir, contained in permafrost soil in northeastern Siberia alone, contains about 75 times more carbon than the amount released into the atmosphere each year by the burning of fossil fuels --500 billion tons. This will be an unstoppable viscious circle!

    (combining form) One that eats. eg: omniphage, which eats everything; bacteriophage. (even esophagus & sarcopagus (that "eats" a corpse)

    A hormone-like substance that is secreted into the air for the purpose of attracting breeding partners of the same species (including humans). (tho pig saliva has human pheromones...)

    A chemical process in biology that uses light to split CO2 to help make carbohydrate foods and oxygen.

    Probably an abbreviation of periphery. Thanks to computers, we now know more than the first six billion digits of pi; starting 3.141592653589793238

    The particle/wave "carrying" light. It's 250,000 times lighter than an electron.

    an alternative scheme of classification that puts greater weight on the position of particular organisms on the evolutionary tree, instead of naming them into discrete categories --genus and species and so forth. It's been an active debate ongoing since about 2001.
    . . It's the idea that you downplay the importance of recognizing things as species and giving them discrete names. It would wreak great havoc in the public.

    The reconstruction of the evolutionary history of organisms. A similar method is used with languages.

    The "right" approach to life. -- its counterfeit is piosity. (also devout, dutiful, loyal... but w tint of hypocrisy).

    tiny, weighing about one-seventh as much as a proton. Not to be confused with Prions.

    The "psychological cure." A drug or treatment that has no direct effect, but that the "patient" believes does... produces a desirable effect.

    one that will reproduce in such numbers that it is sure to outrun the long-term food supply, thereby causing periodic population surges/crashes. e.g.: Mice, Locusts, Lemmings, Humans.

    PLANCK LENGTH: one trillion-trillion-trillionth of a meter. About 10-33 centimeters.

    A new (unofficial) term as of June, 06. Planetary-mass objects. Planet-like objects floating alone through space, but more solid then brown dwarfs, which are bigger & H-rich, but not massive enough to start thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen.

    Sagan's term. Wrongly called "asteroid", which means starlike. Only those 50 Km diameter or more are known, unless they come close. Dark and tiny, they're hard to find. Pluto is the farthest, tho it may be better called a Kuiper Belt Object. The K-T (Cretatious-Tertiary) boundary hit (a June morning, 64M yrs ago) by a 'tisimal or comet wiped out the dinosaurs (99% certainty). See the file on Luna.)

    PODIUM: A platform to stand ON --NOT BEHIND (that's a lectern. A dais is also a platform --perhaps higher & bigger, but not as big as a stage.)

    POETRY: (or any art) is to understand a profound emotion in yourself and attempt to reproduce that emotion in other people.

    POIKILOTHERM: Animal whose body temperature varies with that of the environment --also known as an ectotherm.

    POLITICS: --from national to personal-- is the heirarchy of various powers that we try to use for more security in our supply of food, water, protection, and sex... & whatever luxuries we can get. "Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it whether it exists or not, diagnosing it incorrectly, and applying the wrong remedy." ~ Ernest Benn

    I see it as "ethical". Some people resent being told to do the right thing, & some others push it too hard.

    a person of great education and understanding, well-versed in a great many subjects. Think Jeopardy. Pronounce "polym", not "math".

    A molecule composed of repeated subunits.

    many gods, and possibly, no limit to the number of gods allowed. See "Pan..."

    POPs: Persistent Organic Pesticides/Pollutants. Notably DDT, aldrin, chlordane, dieldrin, endrin and heptachlor. They do not deteriorate in the environment, but are taken up by successive animals in the food chain, increasing in concentration each time, particularly in organs like the kidneys & liver. Everyone on the planet has traces of POPs in their bodies. They can cause cancer and damage the nervous, reproductive and immune systems of people and animals. High levels of POPS have been found in Inuit breast milk and POPs have even been blamed for deforming the sexual organs of female polar bears and making them look like hermaphrodites. The food chain, BTW, is circular --bacteria eat the dead Lion. (See PCPs)

    POPULATION: (over-). The world problem! See several essays.

    POSTDICTION: Clever or imaginative people try to see how a certain ambiguous phrase from the past actually predicted a (then) future event. It's easier and infinitely more accurate than prediction.

    PRAY: "To ask that the laws of the universe be annulled in behalf of a single petitioner, confessedly unworthy." -Ambrose Bierce (1842-1914)

    PRECOCIAL: birds, such as Australian Malee fowl, which hatch with their eyes open and covered with down and can survive on their own fairly quickly. See altricial.

    Where there is something to eat, there will be something to eat it. The population of predators expands in a Malthusian way till limited by lack of prey. Population of prey expands only till predator population expands (after lag-time). The ratio is said to be a good indicator that the dinosaurs (dino-aves) were warm-blooded.

    Especially for the Fair Witness: a set of responses based on general conclusions, which are built on reality seen through the distortions and filters of the needs, desires, and fears... of yourself and others. An opinion formed about someone or something or some group without the benefit of tested knowledge.

    "Old sight". A condition caused by reduced elasticity of the eye's lens over time. Eventually the cornea —and other eye muscles that change lens shape to focus— can't overcome the lens' rigidity, & the lens gets "stuck" in one focus.

    Latin: first. Primal. Primeval.

    hominid, ape; "prime animal" --top of the line!

    Proteinaceous infectious particle. A portion of a virus? Certain diseases —-including mad cow, scrapie in sheep, and the human Creutzfeldt-Jakob disease-— are believed to arise when a protein the body normally harbors folds into an abnormal shape, called a prion, and sets off a chain reaction of misfolds. When enough abnormal prions accumulate, they deposit plaque on the brain and eventually leave clumps of dead brain cells. Those are the diseases' hallmark spongy holes.

    A bacterial cell lacking a true nucleus; its DNA is usually in one long strand. See Eukaryote.

    a destructive glorification of human power. -Canadian Protestant theologian Douglas Hall.

    Popularly, a piece of evidence that conclusively establishes a fact. In scientific circles, it's A proof --one that contributes to the debate; forever subject to the rigors of peer review and replication. "Proof is derived through a convergence of evidence from numerous lines of inquiry --multiple, independent inductions, all of which point to an unmistakable conclusion." ~Michael Shermer

    Proprioceptors are tiny sensors in your muscles, tendons, joints, and inner ear. Proprioceptors detect stretching, elongation, and other changes; this information is used by your brain to create an unconscious picture of your body and its parts in 3-D space. (Close eyes, touch nose)

    to try to recruit or convert to another faith or religion. Convince of the truth or validity of something. To make a dictinction: Proselytizing intrudes and pushes to convert --Evangelizing explains a position and allows the person to decide for himself.

    Suppose you and your gang have been arrested for armed robbery. If you all stick together and stonewall the police, you each get a couple of years in prison. But if you snitch on the others, you go free while everyone else gets 20 years. And if everyone turns on everyone else, you'll all get sentences nearly as long as that. The precise options and consequences can be spelled out in a "pay-off table" that displays the sentences to be handed down for each possible combination of moves by you and your accomplices. ~Adrian Cho

    Differentiate between the psychopath, born with faulty brain "wiring", and the sociopath, whose callous behavior results from poor parenting or the influences of deviant groups like gangs. One thing that experts agree on is that psychopaths lack human empathy, thus responsibility.

    An hypothesis proposed by Stephen Jay Gould (died May, 02), that evolution proceeds in sudden jumps, more than as a steady progress.

    a recently-extinct relative of zebra & horse. The last, a mare, died in captivity in Amsterdam in 1883. The stripes evolved as protection from lions, & we saw the last of the "poorly-striped Zebras". Visible evolution! A couple thou ago, there may've been no "Zebras"!

    A hypothetical method of computing that uses the unique properties of quantum physics to solve problems. Nanotechnology could make quantum computing possible.

    are stable, nano-sized, water-soluble crystals made of a semiconductor material. At this size, materials behave differently, giving quantum dots unprecedented tunability and enabling applications to exploit its unique properties at the nanoscale. It's where nano and bio converge.
    . . Also called a semiconductor nanocrystal, it's a semiconductor crystal whose size is on the order of just a few nanometers. They contain anywhere from 100 to 1,000 electrons and range from 2 to 10 nanometers, or 10 to 50 atoms, in diameter. 2 million quantum dots could be lined up end to end and fit within the diameter of a United States penny. Because the quantum dot has discrete energy levels, much like an atom, they are sometimes called "artificial atoms".
    . . Quantum dots confine electrons, holes, or electron-hole pairs or so-called excitons to zero dimensions to a region on the order of the electrons' de Broglie wavelength. This can be contrasted to quantum wires, which are confined to a line; and quantum wells, which are confined to a planar region.
    . . Quantum dots have the ability to fluoresce at different wavelengths (produce different colors). Natural phosphors emit light only at a wavelength/color determined by nature. Quantum dots can be tuned or tailored to suit specific applications, which include use as biosensors in life sciences, wavelength converters in LEDs, next-generation components in solar cells, and superior switching devices in photonics. In all of these applications, the use of quantum dots has produced better results at lower costs.
    . . Because the quantum dot has discrete energy levels, much like an atom, they are sometimes called "artificial atoms". The energy levels can be controlled by changing the size and shape of the quantum dot, and the depth of the potential. The larger the dot, the more towards the red end of the spectrum the fluorescence is. The smaller the dot, the more towards the blue end it is.

    two particles interact once, then still maintain a connection even if separated by a vast distance. A mysterious concept. Researchers can use lab techniques to create a weird relationship between pairs of tiny particles. After that, the fate of one particle instantly affects the other; if one particle is made to take on a certain set of properties, the other instantly takes on identical or opposite properties, no matter how far away it is and without any apparent physical connection to the first particle. It does work, even tho it "can't". Albert Einstein called it spooky. It could concievably permit a kind of teleportation of *effect.

    . . CLIP: Popular accounts often present entanglement as an all-or-nothing property in which quantum particles are either entangled or not. Quantum information science has revealed that entanglement is a quantifiable physical resource, like energy, that enables information-processing tasks: some systems have a little entanglement; others have a lot. The more entanglement available, the better suited a system is to quantum information processing. Furthermore, researchers have begun to develop powerful quantitative laws of entanglement (analogous to the laws of thermodynamics governing energy), which provide a set of high-level principles for understanding the behavior of entanglement and describing how we can use it to do information processing.
    . . Most systems lose their quantum nature as their size is increased. This quantum-to-classical transition occurs because large quantum systems generally interact strongly with their environment, causing a process of decoherence, which destroys the system's quantum properties.
    . . Entangled objects behave as if they were connected with one another no matter how far apart they are--distance does not attenuate entanglement in the slightest. If something is entangled with other objects, a measurement of it simultaneously provides information about its partners. It is easy to be misled into thinking that one could use entanglement to send signals faster than the speed of light, in violation of Einstein's special relativity, but the probabilistic nature of quantum mechanics stymies such efforts.
    . . One could perform quantum cryptography with an entangled photon pair or an entangled pair of atomic nuclei or even a photon and a nucleus entangled together.
    . . Researchers have not yet agreed as to the best way of quantifying entanglement. The most successful scheme thus far is based on the notion of a standard unit of entanglement, akin to a standard unit of mass or energy.
    . . A new form of quantum entanglement - multipartite entanglement.

    means the smallest possible change in something, but has come to mean a large one. The order of the dictionary definitions has now switched, with the popular usage first and the opposite, physics usage, second.

    The physics of ultra-tiny distances & masses, as opposed (unfortunately) to classical Einsteinian Relativity. Both are "correct" in their realms. But it tells us that repeating the same experiment will give different results.

    THE elementary particle. (I know, I said it before... A-tom in Greek, means "can't cut") Quarks are confined inside a proton or a neutron, as if they were tied together by elastic strings. Just as electrons have an electrical charge and transmit their force via photons, quarks have a "color" charge and transmit their force via gluons. But one major difference is that gluons, unlike photons, interact strongly with one another.
    . . Quarks are fundamental matter particles that are constituents of neutrons and protons and other hadrons. There are six different types of quarks: Up, Down, Top, Bottom, Strange, Charm. Each quark type is called a flavor. Each of the six "flavors" of quarks can have three different "colors". There are three quarks within a proton.
    . . How do we know they are there? All our calculations depend on their existence and give the right answers for the experiments.
    . . All particles that are built of quarks belong to one of two families: Mesons consist of a single quark and a single antiquark; baryons consist of three quarks. No one has yet detected a particle consisting of two quarks, or two quarks and an antiquark, nor a single isolated quark. Protons and neutrons are the lowest energy examples of baryons. Baryons and mesons are collectively known as hadrons. There are over 200 known hadrons.
    . . Quarks and Leptons are the building blocks which build up matter, i.e., they are seen as the "elementary particles". In the present standard model, there are six "flavors" of quarks. They can successfully account for all known mesons and baryons (over 200). The most familiar baryons are the proton and neutron, which are each constructed from up and down quarks. Quarks are observed to occur only combinations of two quarks (mesons), three quarks (baryons), and the recently discovered particles with five quarks (pentaquark).
    . . The up and down quarks are the most common and least massive quarks, being the constituents of protons and neutrons and thus of most ordinary matter.
    . . When quarks are close together at extremely high energies, they act like free particles --a state called "asymptotic freedom."

    super-bright galaxies (originally from "quasi-stellar", as they thought it wasn't possible for them to be so far away.) The energy released by black holes during a quasar phase powers a strong wind that prevents further material from falling into the black hole. 2005 results explain for the first time why the quasar lifetime is such a short phase compared to the life of a galaxy.

    Quod Erat Demonstrandum (which was to be demonstrated) That which was to be proved, is proved. (also: Quantum Electro-Dynamics --the physical laws of the microscopic world.)

    Completely, wholly, entirely; to the fullest extent or degree. Not "kind of".

    emission of any energy, including the Infra-red we emit (& mosquitoes see) --not just harmful nuclear rad'n. Alpha, Beta, Gamma...
    ALPHA: (4 protons & 2 electrons) Positively charged particles emitted from the nucleus of an atom. Alpha particles are relatively large, and very heavy. Due to this strong (+) charge and large mass, an alpha particle cannot penetrate far into any material. A sheet of paper or an inch of air can usually stop most alpha particles.
    BETA PARTICLES: (electron stream) Negatively charged particles emitted from an atom. Beta particles have a mass and charge equal to that of an electron. They are very light particles (about 2,000 times less mass than a proton) and have a charge of -1. Because of their light mass and single charge, beta particles can penetrate more deeply than alpha particles. A few millimeters of aluminum will stop most beta particles.
    GAMMA RAYS: (just short of Xray) Short wavelength electromagnetic radiation --of nuclear origin-- higher in frequency and energy than visible and ultraviolet light. Gamma rays are emitted from the nucleus of an atom. These high energy photons are much more penetrating than alpha and beta particles. Emitted during transitions such as fission, radioactive disintegration and electron-position annihilation. They have much in common with X-rays.

    Radiation which removes orbital electrons from atoms, thus creating ion pairs. Alpha and beta particles are more densely ionizing than gamma-rays or X-rays of equivalent energy. Neutrons do not cause ionization directly.

    "Rama's ape". An arboreal primate; probably an ancestor of Orangutans.

    "RED TIDE":
    a densely populated algae bloom that breeds in abundance and suffocates fish by sapping the water of oxygen while also producing toxins that can paralyze fish and contaminate seafood. The algae mainly feast on urban pollution, industrial discharges, farming wastes and fertilizer run-off that are rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, and which flow into coastal waters from rivers and streams.

    RED QUEEN EFFECT (or Principle):
    A well known effect in the arms race between host and parasite. That: a species will gain the upper hand if it is able to evolve countermeasures faster than its partner. New research claims that this is not so when considering mutualistic interactions between species. When deciding who will gain most from the interaction, it pays to move slowly. The quickly evolving species then adapts to the slow evolver's needs. For an evolutionary system, continuing development is needed just in order to maintain its fitness relative to the systems it is co-evolving with. This principle was proposed by the evolutionary biologist L. van Valen (1973), and is based on the observation to Alice by the Red Queen in Lewis Carroll's "Through the Looking Glass" that "in this place it takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place."
    . . The "Red King" Effect: When the slowest runner wins the coevolutionary race.

    • Chemical: The removal of oxygen from Carbon, Hydrogen, Iron and other oxygen-"hungry" elements. A "living" atmosphere contains methane, etc.
    • Logical: To break up scientific studies into specialties, and sub-specialties, as opposed to Generalist. We need Specialists to get deep into the details of a certain study. But too much reductionism loses insights from the bigger, integrated picture. We need Generalists, as well as some of it in us all.

    (soft G) Soil with no organic matter.

    to say something a fourth time. From "iterate", meaning to repeat.

    From the Latin: "to tie, bind", perhaps to the worship of a god-image. . For us: "A framework for values". A corporate structure that (1) tries to maintain its power, & (2) tries to maintain a base infrastructure for the practice of ritual that they think will enhance spirituality --or something resembling it, which is good enuf!
    A distinction: Spirituality: a constellation of (ineffable) feelings. Whereas-- Religiosity: a constellation of (orthodox) beliefs and rules.
    Philosopher Loyal Rue defines religion simply as "an integrated understanding of how things are (cosmology), and what things matter (morality)."
    . . ...characterized by two factors: worship --in other words, some system of devotion directed toward one or more omniscient and supranatural beings-- and faith in the absence of material evidence. ~David Darling, SETI Institute

    [super-sized respect?] The virtue that keeps human beings from trying to act like gods. When a group of musicians comes together and plays, and their egos ... drop away and they are simply serving the beauty of the music. ~PAUL WOODRUFF

    nose (Rhino-ceros = nose-horn)

    Ritual is "important" activity built around symbols. It's a routine that's puffed up with importance.

    (ribonucleic acid). An organic acid composed of repeating nucleotide units of adenine, guanine, cytosine, and uracil, whose ribose components are linked by phosphodiester bonds.
    . . MicroRNA, or MiRNA, seems to stifle the production of proteins exclusively --a function opposite that of its better-known relative, messenger RNA, or mRNA, which translates instructions from genes to create proteins. It's predicted that miRNAs could regulate 30% of all human genes. A lab recently discovered an miRNA that can stop a gene from producing a protein that causes lung cancer.
    . . Researchers estimate there could be anywhere from 200 to 1,000 miRNAs --the range is wide because miRNAs are so small, making them difficult to detect. Another recently discovered RNA phenomenon, called RNA interference, or RNAi, which also blocks protein function.
    . . RNAi is man-made and injected into cells (researchers suspect it also happens naturally in the body, but haven't yet defined the mechanism). "MiRNA comes from our own genes, whereas RNAi come from transposons or viruses --things we normally want to try to eliminate."
    . . The Trilogy 2020 Single Molecule Analyzer is powerful enough to allow scientists to see tiny miRNAs one molecule at a time, without having to amplify their numbers, which is necessary in older technologies such as polymerase chain reaction, or PCR. The ability to study single molecules may allow extremely accurate diagnoses.
    . . RNA is a chemical relative of DNA found in the nucleus and cytoplasm of cells. In addition to the messenger- and micro- varieties, it has several other iterations including transfer RNA and ribosomal RNA. Messenger RNAs are typically about 40 times longer than miRNAs.
    . . siRNAs (small interfering RNAs): short stretches of RNA --the genetic counterpart of DNA that actually functions in cells-- specifically designed to interfere with certain genes.

    an animal that digests its food by stages, thru several stomachs. eg: cows, sheep, antelopes, and camels.

    getting pleasure from someone else's misfortune.

    [a JKH word] Crazy-making.

    The repeated observation, recording, analysis--and repetition of that process by many other experimenters--so as to bracket in on the truth of nature. (Successively more accurate approximations.)(see scientific theory)

    SCIENTIFIC METHOD. Reality Testing --the time-proven proceedure to find out what reality is... without the contamination of the preconceptions of the tester.

    The progression: . idea (conjecture), Hypothesis, Theory, LAW.
    1. An idea is the first comprehension of a truth (or falsehood). It exists only in one mind. When stated, a conjecture.
    2. A Hypothesis is published when the idea has experimental proofs (that are still in vigorous contention).
    3. A Theory is a well-known set of proofs that have been extensively tested by a wide variety of professionals, many interrelationships have been found, and from which many predictions can be made.
    4. A Law is a rare bird, and several are called that undeservedly. We don't even have a "theory of gravity", let alone a law. When we do (GUT: Grand Unified Theory), it'll be front-page news. Newton's "three laws of motion" are wrong (call them "general statements"), now that we have Relativity. E.G.: Evolution might be called a Law, but only if it's stated in extreme generality: "Things change." (see definition), as a law of gravity would be: "Things Fall". There are still many hypotheses and theories of evolution, and several/many may be correct at once. (e.g. many things cause wind.)

    the innocent victim of a strange quantum thought experiment, has been alive and dead for nearly 70 years now. Its problems begin when it climbs into a box where a loaded gun is pointed at its head. A photon of light is then fired at a half-reflecting mirror called a beam splitter. If the photon passes through the mirror, it automatically triggers a light-sensing device, which fires the gun and shoots the cat dead. If, on the other hand, the mirror reflects the photon away, the cat lives on.
    . . The trouble is, in the quantum world both possibilities occur simultaneously. Physicists refer to this as a "superposition of states". According to orthodox quantum theory, the superposition endures until someone looks into the box to see what has happened. The observation doesn't have to be direct. The photon might be seen to have arrived at one place or another, for example, allowing someone to infer the state of the cat. But whatever form it takes, this act of observation plays a critical role: it is the physical transmission of information during an observation that causes the superposition to collapse and seal the cat's fate. Physicists call this leakage of information "decoherence".
    . . But what if there is no decoherence? What if the photon and the mirror and the gun and the cat remain completely isolated from the outside world? According to quantum mechanics, that can only mean that the cat is in a superposition of states. It is both alive and dead, and neither alive nor dead, and it remains in this peculiar condition indefinitely, until someone opens the box.
    . . Another long-standing approach is the "many-worlds" interpretation of quantum mechanics, in which the entire Universe splits in two at the instant a photon hits a half-reflecting mirror. In one universe the photon passes through and the cat dies; in the other the photon is reflected and the cat is reprieved.
    . . Does it really take the creation of an entire universe to kill one cat?

    Those who follow a set of opinions or beliefs... or a leader or authority. Followers of a particular creed in dissent from a church, thus a splinter group--split off or not. (See also the cult files)


    the doctrine emphasizing a person's capacity for self-realization through reason; rejects religion and the supernatural. Commonly, but not requisitely, a religious worldview based on atheism, naturalism, evolution, and ethical relativism.

    the study of the meaning of words; or: the language used to achieve a desired effect on people.

    See genome.

    Many things. The reproductive process. Everything from the bonding expression of emotional feelings ... to the mere insertion of one feeling organ into another. --The process (social or physical) of achieving fertilization.
    . . BISEXUAL: one who experiences attractions to and/or fantasies about people of both genders. One could be considered bisexual even if one does not act on said attractions and fantasies.
    . . POLYAMOROUS: ("many loves") one who prefers a relationship style that explicitly allows the formation of romantic and/or sexual ties with more than one other person. The umbrella of polyamory includes (but is not limited to) open relationships, polyfidelitous arrangements, swinging arrangements, non-hierarchical poly arrangements, triads, quads, and line marriages. (POLYFIDELITOUS being an additional agreement of exclusivity within whatever number of people.)

    a problematic image in the public eye. It does *not* mean any certain frequency or level of drive to engage in sex. There's far less difference between people's sex-drives than there is in their different suppressions of drive. The natural level of drive is *extremely* high, as it *is our biological prime directive --it is the suppression that is unnatural: a cultural overlay needed (to a debateable degree) for social peace. "Addiction" has more to do with Compulsive Disorder (disardor!) OR a deep need for unfulfilled (perhaps unfulfillable) affection --thus a self-esteem issue.
    . . Being a basic need/drive, like air, water, food, shelter, etc, it cannot be a clear "addiction", as one is not "addicted" to breathing!

    [shah-den-freud-uh] getting pleasure from someone else's misfortune. Can this be behind sex-oppression?

    Shame is more a public humiliation; guilt more a private, internal one. See the essay.)

    A curious take that occured to me: Sin is incongruity... not "at one" with your basic nature. ...Not of only one opinion/feeling about our actions. The greater the idealism we have, the greater & more often we feel "sin". This may lead to extremism. See the essay.)

    1: the infinitly small "object" at the center of a black hole.
    . . 2: A time (2020?) when computers surpass human intelligence, leading "instantly" to changes that we cannot now predict or even comprehend. Can we control it at all? Can we influence "godlike slaves"? ...instill Asimov's 3 laws?
    . . from : "The rise of super intelligent life, created through the improvement of human tools by the acceleration of technological progress reaching the point of infinity."
    . . ...the predictability of human technological development... past which present models of the future cease to give reliable or accurate answers, following the creation of strong artificial intelligence or the amplification of human intelligence. Futurists predict that after the Singularity, humans as they exist presently will cease to be the dominating force in scientific and technological progress, replaced with posthumans, strong AI, or both, and therefore all models of change based on past trends in human behavior will be obsolete.

    that the Earth --from poles to equator was frozen solid at one time. Snowball Earth events are much more severe than normal ice ages. They occur through a runaway process in which growing ice sheets reflect ever more sunlight back into space, resulting in further cooling and more ice. Eventually, the ice advances from the Poles virtually all the way to the Equator, trapping the planet in a deep freeze. Ended 600 Million years ago. Oceans were frozen 1.5 Km thick. Proposed by Dan Schrag & Paul Hoffman of Harvard. Temps went down to -50C. Volcanos ended it 580-570 m ago, initiating a biological explosion. See the file.

    having become respectful and empathic, rather than merely conforming.

    The study of the "programming" within the DNA molecule, especially as relates to the Biological Reproductive Imperative, & how that effects individual & societal behaviors. The concept that much of our social action is heavily influenced by our genes. It's an attempt to find the evolutionary pressures which led to the evolution of social behavior in diverse groups of animals. Of primary interest is that the species "needs" to reproduce.
    . . Evolution accomplishes that with rewards for such actions (orgasm!). Males fulfill their purpose simply by mating with as many females as possible. For females, the strategy (evolutionary, not mental) is to get a mate who's best to build a nest & feed the chicks. Then find a mate with the best genes to pass along to her offspring. In humans, all this makes for interesting soap operas and police blotters.

    The guiltless ignoring of social norms. Sometimes a predisposing brain condition; sometimes due to childhood traumas.

    Dirt plus an incredible variety and amount of life (& recent life --humus), substantially eco-balanced in itself.

    The doctrine that 'existence' --anything which would commonly be regarded as part of reality-- is construed by the self merely as part of its consciousness --perhaps not in existence otherwise. It is, by nature, untestable.
    . . The solipsist can attach no meaning to the supposition that there could be thoughts, experiences, and emotions other than his own. In short, the true solipsist understands the word 'pain', for example, to mean 'my pain' - he cannot accordingly conceive how this word is to be applied in any sense other than this exclusively egocentric one. [Doesn't this sound like sociopathy? On the other hand, sure, your own feelings are all that you know for certain, & you can take the idea that other people have them, merely on trust.]
    . . "Any resourceful schizophrenic can always maintain he can't be proven wrong. As a matter of fact, he can. [Just] beat the hell out of him and then ask why, if the world is his creation, he created it in such a way that he allows himself to have the hell beaten out of him." ~Ralph Estling
    . . Of course, if your solipsist is also a masochist, you have a problem.

    discovered in the 1800s as water waves that propagate without losing their height for miles and miles.
    . . Light has even been made to stand still. But most light packets will lose their shape when their speed is decreased --a fact that hurts their application in the telecommunication industry. The new packets, however, belong to a type of wave pattern, called a soliton, which has a robust shape that does not easily decay.

    The best I've seen, From T. Moore's "Care of The soul":
    "'Soul' is not a thing, but a quality or a dimension of experiencing life and ourselves. It has to do with depth, value, relatedness, heart, and personal substance. I do not use the word here as an object of religious belief or as something to do with immortality. When we say that someone or something has soul, we know what we mean, but it is difficult to specify exactly what that meaning is." (Perhaps the spirit leads... and the soul calls us back?" Geo "Rishar". / "... that part of the self that is least 'self-ish.'" Jon Angel)

    A revolutionary way of getting into space. Consisting of a (strong! Carbon-fiber) ribbon extending from Earth to orbit that can be ascended by mechanical means. The space elevator could ferry satellites, spaceships, and pieces of space stations into space via electric lifts clamped to the ribbon. No rockets would be required. Ultimately, the space elevator could serve as a means for human space travel. (See the file.)

    The effect on an object that passes the event horizon of a black hole; it would be infinitely stretched in one direction and infinitely squeezed in two other directions, but tears apart as competence is passed.

    The origin of species. The production of new, reproductively isolated populations. The point when varieties of a species, who have diverged due to differing environments, can no longer interbreed to fertile offspring. See also species, evolution and natural selection.
    . . Ecological speciation: Species form as certain populations adapt --through natural selection-- to a specific environment, or niche.
    . . Geographic speciation: Species from when populations are physically isolated.

    A group of individuals whose members have the same main characteristics and are able to breed among themselves to produce fertile offspring.

    an emerging class of new electronic circuits that exploit the magnetic orientation of electrons and atoms --a quantum property called "spin." An electron's spin has two possible conditions, either "up" or "down." Aligning spins in a material creates magnetism. Most materials are non-magnetic because they have equal numbers of up and down electron spins, which cancel each other. But materials such as iron, or cobalt have an unequal numbers of up and down electron spins and are magnetic.

    A person's feelings of awe in things understood, and of desire to have more things studied and better understood, so as to improve our feeling of connection with them. (See "Mystic") "Numinous" is synonymous (said the poet). Also; a bewilderment at the basic phenomenon of self-awareness.

    The ineffable, visceral feeling of connection with whatever you feel sustains you. ...and our place within it --a profound simplicity. Note that this is a bit broader, in that it can include those feelings spurred by a belief in even ridiculous things. It is NOT a fear of the unknown.
    ...A distinction: Spirituality: a constellation of (ineffable) feelings. Whereas-- Religiosity: a constellation of (orthodox) beliefs. A political overlay. S is R w/o the organized political heirarchy.

    an asexual reproductive cell. A form taken by certain microbes that enables them to exist in a dormant stage.

    a compromise that can obtain the agreement of the slowest, least innovative committee member /or authority of society. A lowest common denominator.

    Throughout the site, readers are not to take any statement to imply the existence or non-existence of any image or aspect of a god/God. As we think this cannot be known, we cannot state that we know, and are accordingly suspicious of any who say they do! It's similar to SD#2.
    SD#2: Nothing is positively known and final. Many things are called scientific "laws" by the public, some of which really aren't even hypotheses. The Scientific Method does not allow for final, unchangable formulations on any aspect of nature, and is thus leery of calling them Laws or Theories. A Theory, to science, is about what the public calls a Law. (see "Scientific Theory" above)

    master cells which give rise to new cells. So-called adult stem cells exist in various tissues. Then there are embryonic stem cells. These cells have the ability to produce cells that make any kind of tissue at all, and the hope is to train them to produce tissues and organs on demand. Can be used in genetic cures, as they have the ability to turn into any type of adult cell. It's derived from wasted embryos, fetuses or umbilical cords, as well as several kinds of a person's own tissue. The first two sources are not used to cure people --instead, they're thrown in the garbage.

    Greek. "Pertaining to chance", random. In statistics, stochastic models are based on random trials --deterministic models always produce the same output for a given input condition.

    (Greek philosophy. stoa=porch. Jes sittin' an' thinkin'.) Mind over matter. If you don't mind, it doesn't matter. So practice not minding.

    to make stuff up and attribute it to someone, so you can make him look bad.

    "They're classified according to whether or not the strings are required to be closed loops, and whether or not the particle spectrum includes fermions. In order to include fermions in string theory, there must be a special kind of symmetry called supersymmetry, which means for every boson (particle that transmits a force) there is a corresponding fermion (particle that makes up matter). So supersymmetry relates the particles that transmit forces to the particles that make up matter.
    . . Supersymmetric partners to to currently known particles have not been observed in particle experiments, but theorists believe this is because supersymmetric particles are too massive to be detected at current accelerators.
    . . M theory is the theory whose low energy limit is the supergravity theory in eleven dimensions. However, many people have taken to also using M theory to label the unknown theory believed to be the fundamental theory from which the known superstring theories emerge as special limits."
    . . Theoretical cosmic superstrings, which researchers described as ultra-thin tubes filled with ancient vacuum created in the early universe, can coil into galactic-sized, vibrating loops that emit gravitational waves as they decay into oblivion.

    A dome-shaped colony of bacteria, half a meter across, on a sea-shore (or what was one, historically). The oldest "fossils" (Austrailia).

    acts only inside a hadron --a proton or neutron. Within its effective range, it pulls harder on the quarks the farther apart they are. It is the strongest force known in the Universe. It is 60 times stronger than the ElectroMagnetic force when those forces act on quarks separated by the tiny distances (less than one-tenth of a trillionth of a meter) inside a nucleus. The gluon carries the strong nuclear force. ... When quarks are close together at extremely high energies, they act like free particles, a state they called "asymptotic freedom".

    A change of state, w heat input, directly from solid to gas. Verb: to sublime.

    literally: beneath the threshold. Unable to be seen... in effect: subconscious.

    This is correct, I suppose, but it's sufficient to say that I hate, hate, hate it! Donno why.

    The phenomenon by which, near absolute zero, a conductor conducts charge with zero resistance.

    In "Jurassic Park" time, Earth had two --one called Laurasia that eventually split into Europe, Asia, and North America, and another called Gondwana that became Australia, Africa, Antarctica, and South America. Both supercontinents split apart from an even larger land mass, Pangea ("all-earth") --some 150 million years ago, during the late Jurassic period.

    The phenomenon by which, near absolute zero, a fluid can flow with zero viscosity. Its causes are associated with superconductivity. Helium-4 is cooled down to just two degrees above absolute zero (2 degrees Kelvin or -271 degrees Celsius), where it becomes a frictionless superfluid. To stay a superfluid, liquid helium-4 must be kept at about 2 degrees Kelvin, a temperature range offered in commercially-available instruments called cryostats.
    . . Helium-3 must be kept much colder (about one-thousandth of a degree above absolute zero) in complicated refrigerators.

    Two types of stars generate supernovas. The first type, called a type 1a supernova is produced by a star's burned-out core. This stellar relic, called a white dwarf, siphons hydrogen from a companion star, thereby making it 1.4 times more massive than Sol [called the Chandrasekhar limit]. This excess bulk leads to explosive burning of carbon and other chemical elements that make up the white dwarf.
    . . A star that is more than eight times as massive as Sol generates type 2. When the star runs out of nuclear fuel, the core collapses. Then the surrounding layers crash onto the core and bounce back, ripping apart the outer layers.

    The religion of feeble minds. Edmund Burke
    The general root of superstition is that men observe when things hit, and not what they miss, and commit to memory the one, and forget the other. (Bacon)
  • A baseless belief in something you're afraid might be true. Maybe a weak person will do something in his life differently... just in case. This is the very definition of hypocrite.
  • To observe a simple reality in a complex system, and think you see a complex system in a simple reality --and assign an intention and motivation to the thing. JKH

    (SUSY), an extension of the standard model of particle physics, which says that every known particle has a SUSY partner. No SUSY partners have yet been detected.

    The willingness to withhold questions about truth, accuracy, or probability in something presented as either fact or fiction.

    Managing our practices to the point where no resources decline. Or... Can we continue to do what we're doing, if we continue to do what we're doing?
    . . Sustainable development meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. (United Nations, 1987) Think of it as extending the Golden Rule through time, so that you do unto future generations, as you would have them do unto you.

    A living thing in a symbiotic relationship. See below.

    See also Endo-. A cooperative system of two or more dissimilar organisms, with a benefit for each. E.G.: Bees and flowering plants... Crocodiles with their "toothpick" birds. Seed-bearing trees and the birds that eat them, then scatter the seeds. (and some seeds need to be "digested" before they can germinate.) See Commensalism, Parasitism.

    A symbol is a manufactured distancing from the real thing. A safer substitute. (like a euphemism)

    a small gap separating neurons. A billionth the size of a rice grain.

    a complex of signs and symptoms presenting a clinical picture of a disease or disorder. How many? The London Dysmorphology Database contains information on 2,860 non-chromosomal, multiple congenital anomaly syndromes.

    2+2 = 5, so to speak. Because of greater efficiency--or of stimulation--the interaction of two things so that the result is greater than the total of their individual result. This is the "sneaky bomb" of earth-threatening change.

    Individuals in whom one sense triggers another. Their senses are connected, so as well as seeing a painting, the work also triggers sounds. They make up only about 1 to 2% of the population.

    Tact is the interface between suppression and honesty.(JKH) ...even as far as the expression of feedback with obvious anger in the foreground, but with obvious love in the background.

    "study of burial". The science that studies the process of decay and fossilization.

    the science of classifying organisms into groups by structure, origin, common ancestor, etc. see LINNAEUS

    The study of continental- plate motion. 'quakes, volcanoes, mountain-building.

    A suggestion of design or ultimate purpose in nature. The assertion that existence has a purposeful plan. Considered taboo, scientifically. A cause that precedes effect (impossible).
    . . The Greek term telos means "end" or "cut-off point". Also: goal to which some activity is directed, or the purpose. In philosophy, the science or doctrine that attempts to explain the universe in terms of ends or final causes. Teleology is based on the proposition that the universe has design and purpose. The term "teleological explanation", then, can be used to refer to either of two distinct things:  (1) elucidating why something has the (material and formal) properties it exhibits by pointing to the purposes it is designed to serve, or (2) inferring the purposes something serves by examining the properties (material and formal) it exhibits. We can give no adequate account of the objects we call "chairs" without taking into consideration what they are for.
    . . Monotheistic Creationism, which holds the existence of an external deity who has designed the world, represents Dualistic Teleology.  In Christian theology, teleology represents a basic argument for the existence of God, in that the order and efficiency of the natural world seem not to be accidental. If the world design is intelligent, an ultimate Designer must exist. This is the so-called argument by design that was used by theologians right up until Darwin's day.
    . . Again: In philosophy, term applied to any system attempting to explain a series of events in terms of ends, goals, or purposes. It is opposed to mechanism, the theory that all events may be explained by mechanical principles of causation. Aristotle argued that all nature reflects the purposes of an immanent final cause. Frequently, teleologists have identified purpose in the universe with God's will. The teleological argument for the existence of God holds that order in the world could not be accidental and that since there is design there must be a designer. A more recent evolutionary view finds purpose in the higher levels of organic life but holds that it is not necessarily based in any transcendent being.
    . . Science in general is very hostile to teleology, because of its metaphysical and theological implications.

    The end of a chromosome --like the aglet at the end of a shoelace. As they unravel, you age like an alarm clock!

    One principle/dogma/doctrine within a creed. See CREED.

    See Socio-Biology. The need to dominate an area, to show one has won over other males, & have the best chance at mating.

    A steroid hormone --mostly male-- that influences growth & sexual behavior. It does not directly cause aggression, but lowers the threshold for it. It can crystallize when dry. . C19H28O2 . It's produced primarily in the testes --perhaps from sugar (I donno): sucrose is C12H22O11. Grape sugars are ketone alcohols of the formula C6H12O6

    Theism is "a positive assertion that god does exist". [Arthur C. Clarke, in 3001: "Theists believe there's not more than one god; Deists believe there's not less than one god."]

    the attempt to explain or defend the perfect benevolence of god despite the apparent presence of evil in the world. ~W. Sumner Davis

    An uncommon individual who, though possessing finite abilities, has been called by God himself, who, though possessing infinite abilities, requires the assistance of a theologian in explaining Himself to the rest of us.

    the field of physics that studies the flow of energy from one place to another.
    . . "Zeroth" law: Thermodynamic equilibrium. When two systems contact, energy will be exchanged between them unless they're already in equilibrium. Entropy --all objects "run down", tend toward an equal energy state.
    . . First Law: the total energy of the system plus the environment is constant. Often simply stated as: energy is conserved.
    . . Second law: systems tend towards greater disorder unless you feed the system energy from an outside source. TANSTAAFL
    . . 3rd Law: All processes cease as temperature approaches absolute zero. (diminishing returns)

    A two-legged carnivore. [why end in "foot"?]

    logical imagination, rather than physical; used for investigation. e.g.: any "A" rather than "B".
    . . Galileo showed that all bodies fall at the same speed with a brilliant thought experiment that started by destroying the then reigning Aristotelian account. The latter holds that heavy bodies fall faster than light ones (H > L). But a heavy ball and light ball can be attached together to form a compound object (H+L); the combo, supposedly, must fall faster than the heavy ball alone. Yet the compound object must also fall slower, since the light part will act as a drag on the heavy part. Now we have a contradiction that sheds light.
    . . In a thought experiment, there are no new data involved, nor is the conclusion derived from old data, nor is it some sort of logical truth. They can achieve their aim without being physically executed.

    Tidal. They happen roughly twice a day, every day, everywhere. not to be confused with tsunamis (earthquake-generated) & storm surges (hurricane/storm low-air-pressure dome of water, perhaps 100 km wide & 1-5 meters deep).

    Soil health. Optimally, a self-balanced set of micro-organisms and a good mix of particle sizes (loam).

    TO BE:
    together, seen as a verb, as is: am, is, are, were, was. Try hard to minimize their use. (Don't be doing that.) In writing, search for uses of "-ing", & rephrase half of them. (Just be doing it. ~Nike)


    an uncomfortable word because of conflicting meanings. . Meaning #One: to permit to exist --a thing, a happening, or a behavior. But usually, the topic thing is beyond our rights to decide about. History has many examples, however, of powers that took it upon themselves not to permit others to exist. Saint Bartholomew's Day, Rwanda, & the Nazis...
    . . Meaning #Two: to be comfortable with a person of differing belief. Very different thing.

    artificially forcing an unnatural cessation of change. Change is stabilizing; immobility is not. (Try to sit on an immobile bicycle!) Change happens; it's a natural drive.

    From 1982. An organism in which a foreign DNA gene (a transgene) is incorporated into its genome early in development. The transgene is present in both somatic and germ cells, is expressed in one or more tissues, and is inherited by offspring in a Mendelian fashion. The addition, removal, or changing of genes to suit our purposes. Having chromosomes into which one or more heterologous genes have been incorporated either artificially or naturally.

    (obvious) a graphline, past & extrapolated.

    having three sets of chromosomes instead of the normal two (diploid) and is, therefore, sterile. Extremely rare; the species must reproduce only by cloning, like the King's Holly plant.

    The isotope of hydrogen having an atomic mass number of 3.

    A cloud of small bodies that co-orbit at the same distance as a planet --L4 is 60° preceding and L5 is 60° following. Because there are perturbations from other planets, bodies at the L1, L2 and L3 points will wander away over time: only the L4 and L5 points are stable. A HILL SPHERE is less a sphere than a ring. It is at the distance where all Trojan areas are found. The 5 flattened-oval regions center on the LaGrange-points.
    . . Perturbations by other planets, principally Saturn, cause the Trojans to oscillate about the Lagrangian points in an arc about 45-80° from Jupiter with a period of 150-200 years. Most do not move in the plane of the planet's orbit, but rather in orbits inclined by up to 40°.
    . . Amazingly, the Jupiter Trojan clouds have about as many objects in total as the main planetisimal belt. Number at L4 point = 1128 --at the L5 point = 921. Ttl: 2049.
    . . Neptune's Trojan clouds are probably more populated than the Jupiter Trojan clouds [!!] but because of Neptune's extreme distance from the Sun, the Neptune Trojans are harder to detect.
    . . JKH: It seems to me that L4 would have to be slightly inside Jupiter's [or any planet's] orbit, & L5 slightly further, in order to achieve a balance. Ah-ha!--I found this: "Their on-sky density would be greatest roughly five degrees sunward of the L4 position."
    . . All four of the known Neptune Trojans reside in the planet's leading Lagrangian point. They are all about the same shade of pale red, suggesting that they share a similar origin and history.
    . . There are also three known Mars Trojans, but searches have so far failed to uncover any similar objects in the orbits of any of the other planets.
    . . An Earth-trojan search was done. A survey of the region near Earth's L4 (morning) Lagrange Point was conducted in May and July/August 2000, and two interesting asteroids were found, NEA 2000 PM8 and our provisionally named CFZ001. CFZ001 cannot be excluded from being an Earth Trojan. This object, of R magnitude 22, was easily detected.

    Essentially, or effectively... "truth" has meant the explanation that's sufficient for the time or purpose. e.g.: at one time the world was flat. It worked. Newton's three Laws worked for everything they used them for... then. Recently, the atom was a "little solar system". "Sufficient" isn't good enough any more. The unschooled define "Truth" as "what-I-want-to-be-true"! Very different than "Faith" (see above). * *

    One who believes things that have no proof (because he wants it to be true), and believes harder when shown disproof! He's the pseudo-intellectual version of a musclehead, who, when something is caught, stuck, knotted or bound, pushes harder. See Bubba.

    An axiom. What we take for obvious --is either a well-said truth, or a lie so sacred that it has never dared be questioned.

    Trusted Source of Affection --a person. Not the same as a mate. It means more than "is s/he someone I trust to exceed the minimum average over the long term". It's: "is s/he someone I can go to *at *any *time for a bit of affection". Many married people do not feel their mate is a trusted (steady, dependable) source of their MDAR.

    land area where tree growth is inhibited by low temperatures and a short growing season. In the Arctic, the tundra is dominated by permafrost, a layer of permanently frozen subsoil. The only vegetation that can grow in such conditions are grasses, mosses and lichens. Forests of spruce trees and shrubs neighbor these tundra areas, and the boundary where they meet is called the treeline.

    A person can't distinguish between human and virtual (computer) agents. A "conversation" (typed, originally) in which the real human can't decide if the other party is a human or a computer. But a critic of the test said, "It's like saying you want to make a flying machine, so you produce something that is indistinguishable from a bird. On the other hand, an airplane achieves flight but it doesn't need to flap its wings."

    Exists everywhere.

    Radiation between violet and the "softest" X-rays. Just past the purple end of human visibility. Carcinogenic, and causes cataracts. It's what the Ozone stopped.

    Reaching a publicized conclusion without timely peer review, thus "out on a limb". This is bad form, & very unscientific, often resulting in "laughing-stock" status.

    In the simplest term, it means "Only". . Almost opposite of diverse. "Uni-", a part of hundreds of other words, means ONE. One of a kind. Do not destroy all those other words by using "unique" to mean "unusual". . There are no degrees of unique --either something is or it isn't the only one of its kind. (This is a good test of dictionaries.) . . You need to know the language not to sound the fool, or to be a pro Fair Witness (See definition).

    The fabric of the Universe is "flat". This is confusing at first. To astronomers, flat means that the usual rules of geometry are observed - light not being bent by gravity travels in straight lines, not curves. But since Albert Einstein proposed that the Universe may be "curved", the debate has been open.
    . . Scientific opinion has moved towards a flat Universe and the latest data confirm this with greater certainty than ever before. The prediction is that the Universe will continue its steady expansion, which started at the Big Bang, and will not collapse into a "Big Crunch".
    . . If the density of the universe is less than the "critical density" which is proportional to the square of the Hubble constant, then the universe will expand forever. If the density of the universe is greater than the "critical density", then gravity will eventually win and the universe will collapse back on itself, the so called "Big Crunch". However, the results of the WMAP mission and observations of distant supernova have suggested that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating which implies the existence of a form of matter with a strong negative pressure. Thus, there is a direct link between the geometry of the universe and its fate.
    . . If the universe were open, the brightest microwave background fluctuations (or "spots") would be about half a degree across. If the universe were flat, the spots would be about 1 degree across. While if the universe were closed, the brightest spots would be about 1.5 degrees across.
    . . Recent measurements (c. 2001) by a number of ground-based and balloon-based experiments, including MAT/TOCO, Boomerang, Maxima, and DASI, have shown that the brightest spots are about 1 degree across. We now know that the universe is flat with only a 2% margin of error.

    hoofed animal.

    A religious movement which features a lack of dogma, a belief in the inherent goodness of people, and the obligation for each member to seek out and develop his or her own system of beliefs and ethics.

    Quantum physics tells us that, contrary to appearances, empty space is a bubbling brew of "virtual" subatomic particles that are constantly being created and destroyed. The fleeting particles endow every cubic centimeter of space with a certain energy that, according to general relativity, produces an anti-gravitational force that pushes space apart.

    The (hopefully) *only factor in a scientific experiment that is allowed to change, thus making it attributable to the result.

    1891. (besides veterinary care): to submit a theory to expert/peer testing, appraisal or correction : EVALUATE

    A viscious circle of repression vs expression. Each redoubles the "effort" after the other cycle, till the breakdown of society, if no milder revolt occurs. The inevitable result of repression is the opposite of its purpose. The foolish call repression "morality", which it is not. It is merely fear.

    the supposedly-undebatable good. But the authoritarian virtuous has inflicted the greatest harm.

    organic substances needed in small quantities for health and growth. They must be obtained from food, as they cannot be produced by the body. (tho D is produced indirectly, w sunlight. Does that make sunlight a vitamin? Nah.)

    animals that bear their young live, not hatched from eggs. see oviparous.

    B.F. Skinner's fiction novel, akin to Callenbach's "Ecotopia".

    an area of land where all of the water that is under it or drains from it... goes into the same collective area or channel.

    (1880-1930) the German geologist and meteorologist, proposed the theory of continental drift in his 1915 book, On the Origin of Continents and Oceans. He proposed the existence of the supercontinent Pangaea, and named it. ...froze to death while heading an expedition crossing the Greenland ice cap.

    the dying ember of a star --originally like Sol-- that has finally spent its nuclear fuel. It's tiny, not much bigger than Earth, but extremely dense, because gravity has squeezed its atoms so close together that all their electrons move freely throughout the whole core of the star. Because electrons are fermions, Pauli's exclusion principle prevents gravity from compressing the star any further. It shrinks only to the point where the electrons fill up the available quantum states as compactly as possible. Only if the star is so massive and its gravity so strong that electrons and protons merge into neutrons can the star shrink any further. Even a neutron star has its limits, because neutrons are also fermions, and the size of a neutron star, like that of a white dwarf, is determined by a contest between quantum theory and gravity. ~ , Ivan Semeniuk

    prefix for a project that accumulates input from many people, adding and modifying other inputs. Most famously, the web's open-source Wiki-encyclopedia. See the site.)

    Weakly Interacting Massive Particles. Truly dark matter, thought to be made of invisible particles --yet to be detected. Most of the mass in the universe is likely attributable to WIMPs, researchers suspect. See Dark Matter.

    "Wing-In-Ground" (WIG):
    An effect that refers to the reduction in drag experienced by an aircraft as it approaches a height approximately twice a wingspan's length off the ground or other level surface such as the sea. A plane can fly as low as half a meter off the surface, hitting speeds of up to 300 km per hour and can carry up to 4 tons on takeoff. "It's as safe as ships, & five or six times faster. And it can carry much more weight than ordinary planes while costing half as much and using half as much fuel. This cuts back at least one third on fuel consumption."

    The essence of wisdom is to remain suspicious of what you want to be true. It begins with doubt. ~JKH

    The study of the diffraction pattern of X-rays that pass through a pure crystal of a substance. It can discern atomic arrangements; eg: DNA.

    a miniscule amount of force produced as a planetisimal absorbs energy from the Sun and re-radiates it into space as heat. Radiation produces a thrust.

    A profound response to the ordinary. "Devine Ordinariness".
    An offshoot of Buddhism (Nepal/India), filtered thru Chinese Taoism, that further evolved in Japan. While other forms accreted local gods and demons and such, ZEN freed itself of all imagination. One of the central teachings of Buddhism is that all things are interconnected --hence a connection To Gaia.
    Lotsa numbered concepts... "Three Worlds", "Three Treasures", "Four Noble Truths", "Five Precepts", and "Eightfold Path", "Ten Directions".
    Buddha is a title--"the Enlightened One"--mostly referring to Siddhartha Gautama.
    . . See also George Boeree's basic Buddhist dictionary.

    BUDDHIST TERMS (not necessarily ZEN):

    a title --meaning "the Enlightened One"-- while most of us hear it as referring to this particular Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama).

    Many meanings. Mostly, it's the teachings of the Buddha himself. Also: a most-basic truth.

    A Sanscrit word whose literal meaning is "crowd or host", but is usually translated as "community." Originally the disciples of the Buddha, but the term expanded to cover any Buddhist monk or nun.

    Japanese Zen word. Wandering on, without thought of return. That "haiku-event" feeling that you don't need to define.

    Vibrational energy that molecules retain even at the absolute zero of temperature. There is much nonsense written about this -- seemingly by UFO types --but for an authoritative description (Cal State Physics Dept), see this file.


    The study of animals, but it's pronounced ZO, to rhyme w SO. Yah, I said it wrong too.

    they start in animals, usually chickens, and cross the species barrier to cause unique human infections.

    Small or microscopic animals which live in enormous numbers in the sea or lakes. they feed on phytoplankton (plant plankton) or other zooplankton and are of economic importance as food for fish.

    Fertilised ovum or ovule.
    Terms for the Fair Witness.

    A verbal description of the FW's official mental recording of an event.

    Second-Order Linguistic terms for the FW.
    • METAPHOR: "The world is a stage."
    • SIMILE: . . . "This is like that."
    • ANALOGY: A relationship not between the things, so much as between two or more attributes of them. . . In Logic: if they agree in one or more aspects, they'll likely agree on more.)
    • ALLEGORY: (A presentation of a metaphoric meaning that's implied but not stated.)


    The words below are technically discernable but generally beyond distinction.

    • APHORISM: Literally, a definition or distinction. a short, pithy statement of wide interest. A sophisticated statement comprising the maximun wisdom in the fewest possible words. Extra points for being wise and wry.
    • AXIOM/TRUISM: (a statement of self-evident truth),
    • MAXIM: (an axiom of the greatest authority... or: a proverbial saying) that contains advice & admonition.
    • EPIGRAM: (a bright, witty thought; terse and ingenious)
    • PARABLE: (a short story from which a moral or spiritual truth is taught)
    • FABLE: . (gives a useful truth).
    • SAYING: A more widely-known & "down-home" short piece of wisdom.

    . . Original fun definitions (I also put these in )

    A confidently given but doubtful "fact", considering the source. (from the Cheers character)

    The feeling toward something despised.
    . . e.g., I hold Microsoft in despicion.

    A feeling of lost energy for a project.
    . . "I was hot for this, but what you said dethused me!"

    the Lawyer's Heaven. (May my ex's lawyer rest in peace... soon!)

    As relates to footage. An amount of digital data. e.g., I'd download it, but the megabytage is too high.

    to be good, moral, nice. Backformation of "depraved". A person is born praved, til corrupted by society.

    to energize a child past the point of controlability. "I almost had him quieted, when his uncle rambunctualized him!"

    The way that one looks when one scrutinizes something. e.g., He looked at me scrutaneously.

    . . Clips from :
    . . Potable: adjective meaning "drinkable", rhymes with "floatable"
    . . Not perogative, prerogative. Not preemptory, peremptory. The old pre-/per- problem. Do not confuse this word with "preemptive".
    . . Respite does not rhyme with despite; it's res'-pit.
    . . If things are not going your way, do not lose your tact --that would be tactless-- but take a different tack.
    . . "I have a ways to go" should be "I have a way to go." The article "a" does not fit well with a plural.

    . . FORT means a strong point; FORTE (for-tay') means LOUD!!
    . . "EXOTIC" means foreign, & "UNIQUE" means it's the only one of its kind. See entries above & See the "Language" essay.)

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