
23 September 2000

I just started University so life is wildly hectic now. I have started to add a multipart story called "Loyalty of a Padawan". It is under Dark Stories .

28 August 2000

I've been out of town for a really long time but I am starting updates again. I've added a new story to angst called "The trials". It is under Angst .

19 July 2000

Sorry its been so long since an update. But I am back and will promptly add more stories. Here are the first of those: "Learning to love the arts" on Angst . "Fire..fire..all around" at Dark Stories/Adventure stories. "Continuing Education" at The Early Years. Angst.htm">Angst. "Hell" about Obi-Wan being a Force ghost to 18 June 2000

Added "Learning to love the arts" to
The early years.

1 June 2000

Three stories. "The first" about Chewie's death to Dark Stories and "Halloween Story" about Halloween at the temple to The Early Years.

19 May 2000

I've added another story to "The Early years". It is called "you called yourself an old man".

17 May 2000

I've finished adding the series "The Wraith". It is under Dark Stories/Adventure. Also I have added another story to the hilarious 'Malastare' tv series called "Special Sauce". It is under Anakin

11 May 2000

I've started adding the series "The Wraith". It is under Dark Stories/Adventure.

8 May 2000

I've finally finished adding all the parts to "Something borrowed something blue". It is under Romance.

1 May 2000

I've added another part to "Something borrowed, something new". It is under Romance. I've also added "Titanic: the ice cold meance" to Humor.

24 April 2000

Hi everyone. Sorry I have been so lax with updates. Work and school have been hectic lately. However I will add a lot this week. I've started adding "Something borrowed, something blue" to Romance.

20 April 2000

I've added "The Sugar Tales" to Humor.

17 April 2000

I've added 3 more stories to the malastare series. They are "All-Star", "House of Cards" and "Reflections and racing both start with and R: a birthday story". They are all under Anakin.

13 April 2000

I've added 3 more stories. 2 are under humor, they are "The test the gave Anakin off screen" and "The trials and tribulations of cooking" under Humor. Also added is "Burning in Heaven" under Romance.

9 April 2000

I've added another series today. This is a really great one which falls under the "Romance" section. It's called Missing images. It's really great so please check it out.

7 April 2000

HUGE update today. I have finished adding all the parts to the Fate series, which brings it up to 18 parts. I added "Past tense rising" by the same author which is a sequel to the "Fate" series. "Past tense rising" is an 11 parter. I've also added "Shards of Darkness" which is 8 parts and "Shipwrecked" which is 7 parts. All of these stories can be found under Dark Stories. I have also added "Sometimes you learn the hard way" to "The early years". I am also changing a couple of things on the site to make it more uniform.

6 April 2000

I've added one more part to the "Fate" series under "Dark Stories"

5 April 2000

I've added one more part to the "Fate" series and I have added "Beyond forever" to the early years.

4 April 2000

I've added a new section "Submit a story". I hope to hear from all the fanfic authors out there. I've also added two new stories. They are: Breaking the code and The great outdoors. Both are under "The Early Years".

3 April 2000

I am currently in the process of adding a really long series to the site. I will post it over the next couple of days so bear with me. It is under "Dark Stories". It is called Fate.

2 April 2000

I've a new story to the site under humor. It is Sleepover secrets

29 March 2000

I've added two new stories to Anakin. They are Prelude to destiny and Golden memories of yesteryear.

26 March, 2000

I've added two new stories to humor, really hilarious. They are Qui-Gon's Monthly report I and Qui-Gon's monthly report II.

22 March, 2000

Added "Lost light" to Dark stories

21 March, 2000

Added "In the best interest of the child"

20 March, 2000

I've been a bit delayed with updates but I should be adding one story or more per day for the next week. Today I have added a six parter to Dark Stories called The lost one

15 March, 2000

Well this isn't strictly an update but I have fixed a problem on some of the pages whereas if you are using Netscape to view the page large parts of it appear underlined. I have taken some HTML out and now it is both Netscape and Internet Explorer friendly.

13 March, 2000

I have added 1 new story to the site. It is "Mrs. Yoda" and I have added a new version of"Guess who is coming to dinner?"

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