Gun dog training tips

The Sheriff wants the dogs to do tracking and narcotics search and not really specialize in "bite," what type of dogs should we look for and should we look at green or pre trained, pups or adults. gun dog training tips Dog health. Any insight you can offer will GREATLY be appreciated. Your information at your sight has been exceptional. Thanks Again!!!!ANSWER:I have a lot of experience in this are because this is how I began my police K9 work in 1990. gun dog training tips Dog-obedience-equipment. To begin with the sheriff needs to be very selective in who he allows to work a dog. The people he selects need to go through a screen process just like regular K9 Officers. At the minimum, the reserves need to be state certified police officers. gun dog training tips Puppy-potty-training. They should be good athletes and mature sensible thinkers. It is a rare person who would be chosen for this program that has not been a reserve officer for several years. I agree with the sheriff, in the beginning the dogs should be tracking and narcotic - not patrol dogs. A reserve officer should be forced to prove his ability as a trainer and handler in these areas before he is trusted with a biting dog. The sheriff would not consider putting a new reserve officer on his swat team, in the same breath he should not consider a reserve officer for a patrol dog handler until this individual has a couple of years of experience working dogs in narcotics and tracking. The question of the best way to start will depend on the funds available. In most cases money is short and an issue. If this is the case starting with a pup is a great way to go. A pup is going to cost about $1,200. 00 by the time its delivered and a selection tested narcotics tracking dog (one that I would be willing to work) is going to cost $3,500. 00 to $4. 500. 00. I am becoming more and more of a believer in starting tracking at a very young age. If pups are started at 8 weeks and tracked a lot - they grow up tracking. It's like we imprint the nose work into the dogs. This also goes with the narcotics work. I am a big fan of starting young. I am adamantly against using puppies (i e 6 months to 13 months) to obtain search warrants or to be used for "probable cause" to enter a vehicle.

Gun dog training tips

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