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GWF Rule Book

1. Roleplays are usually better when they are of mass quantitiy, there is exceptions. But we here at GWF believe you can not get accross a good promo with under 30 lines of writing, thats why roleplays determined too short will not count for your upcoming match.

2. The roleplaying deadline for a show is midnight on the night before the show, usually one of the staff members will post on the roleplay board to inform you of the deadline.

3. We ask you for 2 roleplays a week, exceptions may be made but usually we need one roleplay from you for each match you have. Please do not bomb bard the roleplay board as this will not count in you favour. No more than 5 Posts a week

4. Bad language is tolerated and not censored in roleplays but too much of it will become tedious for those reading it and if consider too explicit the post will be removed.

5. The one thing we do not tolerate here is RACISM, any racial slurs will result in there person who did them being totally barred from the federation.

6. Including other wrestlers in your roleplays is forbidden, without permission. Doing this is unfair and any roleplay that does this will be discarded.

7. Roleplaying about a match that is not booked is not allowed as we may have different plans for you and the match may not ever be booked. If you do feel the need to talk about a match say how much you will kick his ass IF you get the match.

8. Do not complain should you lose a match, as you may have deserved to lose or you may have did a better roleplay than your opponent but you losing could be for the good of a storyline and it will even it out in the end.

9. Most importantly be CREATIVE and have FUN!

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