Tips and Hints
When dropping, select your ships/shuttles/lords and order them to drop and without unselecting them hold down shift and order them to safety.  As soon as any ship is done it will return to safty
As soon as possable, get the vulture speed and mine upgrade.  Then with 4-6 vultures run past your enemies defences and lay mines all through his base (miners are not hurt by mines) this can allso be done late game with defensive matrix.
Be attentive: allways wach your minerals/food supply/minimap.  If you get stuck constantly looking at the game screen you will miss a lot, and your unist might suddenly dissappear.
The spacebar is a hotkey that many people don't know about.  When you press it you will return to wherever the advisor last talked (your units being attacked, a unit being compleated, ect)
In shared basses, as soon as you get burrow send a dozen lings down the bridge, burrow them were your enemies mass units, and especially on zerg creep (the enemies won't know why nyduses keep poping up)
The verry first hot key that you should learn is "a"(attack).  Allways use it when mooving units outside of your base
If you want a Tip posted, send it/them to me
I got a picture, i got a picture (dancing)
Tips and hints
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Tanks can't attack close to themselves so counter attack with melee(units wuth no range) units
Many ladder maps have high ground above their bases gain controle of it before yout enemy does
Stim pack only works for a few seconds.  Ihave been playing SC for months and just learned that, so I though that I should poste it :-P.
Build a Webpage, you learn a lot. hehehe
Never send your units strait from your base to theirs(this will line up your units making them easier to kill), and try not to get your units caught while they are in such lines.
When playing as terran allwys hotkey your scanner
Miners, vultures, and archons are considered "floating units" and are not affected by mines