Great Gaming Midis (07-09-2003)

Here is some more great music.....

1.Prostheses Shop 

=>From Escape from Monkey Island. The music in this game is mainly atmospheric. And in the prosthese shop you had to solve a weird puzzle which took a long time and this music felt good.

2.Save Them      Still more Fighting      FFVI Fights

=> Final fantasy is not all about emotional tunes. It also ahd a lot of uptempo fighting music. Here are some.

3.Innocent Sea

=> Just like the name it just flows slowly forwards and backwards.


=> Powerful music. Another of those medeival style tunes for rpgs.

5.Overworld theme 

=> From Lufia 2. A calm midi that has a good melody going.

6.Punchout        Mario Theme        Contra theme

=> Punchout a boxingame was one of the best games on the nintendo. This here is the main theme. The bridge is when you get knocked down to the floor in the ring. Contra of course is the infamous game where you run around shooting people with blood pumping music in the background.  More Contra Music

Super Mario for the NES is considered by many to be composer Koji Kondo's first true masterpiece. The music and sound design of Super Mario sets a new high-water mark. Constantly shifting tone to match the action onscreen, Kondo's sound design achieves a new kind of synthesis with the gameplay. Try playing the game with the sound off, and you'll quickly miss those music and sound cues--for example, the exact timing of your immunity power-up wearing off. With the Super Mario Bros. soundtrack, video game sound design begins to move in a new direction, away from cinematic conventions and toward something altogether new. - Gamespot

7.OP Call

=> Why take 4 and a half minutes for something you can say in 40 seconds.

8.Chrono Trigger

=> A rising tune. It plays in the game whenever the character decides to do something absouletly heroic or stupid you can look at it either way. But it gives you a feeling of importance.

9.Final fight

=>From FF2. It starts well with a good base melody and keeps it going. Energetic.

10. Cids Theme      

=>From Final Fantasy VII. A great theme for a good character in the game. A great change in the mood of the song about halfway through.

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