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30 November 2003

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Some of our new families may not be aware, but every year we budget to raise around $30,000. in fundraising.  We are a non-profit, charitable organization and as such, we rely a great deal on fundraising to help subsidize our operating expenses.  As well over the past 10 years, through our fundraising efforts have been able to purchase our 15 passenger van, and a one quatrer acre of property in Windsor Park. This is the future site of our new location, however the project has been on hold for the past few years and will remain on hold until we have a large enough down payment for our building.

We do all of our fundraising by working bingos at the Fantasyland Bingo Hall.  We are guaranteed a minimum of two shifts per month.  Generally they run from 5:30 pm until midnight or 2:00 am.  We have had very committed volunteers for the past few years, but we no longer have enough to fill a shift (8 people).  If we do not fill our shifts we stand to loose our bingos and ultimately $30,000. revenue each year.

If anyone is interested in working a shift or a half shift, just notify Kathy or Paula.  You will receive $25.00 credit on your daycare fees for working a full shift.

We sevice six different community schools.  We have a schedule of school days when a whole system, either public or seperate is off.  We do not have a schedule when individual schools are off for parent teacher interviews, special field trips or special lunches.  This creates total chaos when we suddenly have ten extra school children in the afternoon for which we have not scheduled extra staff.  Also, our drivers have had to hunt through schools looking for children at noon, only to learn they are staying at school for a special lunch day.  We need to be informed of special class outings/lunches/early dismissals etc.  Whe you receive your school newsletter, please notify the daycare of such activities.

Thank you
We have received a lot of donations of toys, books, craft supplies, children's clothing and baking.  Thank you to all the families for their generosity, your donations are awways welcome and appreciated.

All children's clothing, boots, mitts, snow pants and other belongings must be clearly marked with your child's name.

Children can bring toys, books and other treasiures from home on Weednesdays only.  this is surprise box day when the children have a chance to share their item from home.  Again, all items must be clearly marked with your child's name.