Garraputo's Home Page
My Nephew Michael's Webpage
I am an accounting major at McNeese State University that likes to play Playstation, watch sports, and play on my computer. I live in Vinton, LA, a very small town, but a nice place to live.

My favorite teams are the Dallas Cowboys, Houston Astros and the Dallas Stars. I like to watch wrestling and have for years, so if you know me, then you know to leave me the hell alone between the hours of 8 and 10 pm on Monday nights because that is when WWE RAW is on.

My family is a good bunch of people that I can depend on. I think my mom is getting senile, but I still love her to death, My brother, Dusty can be an asshole at times, but I don't know what I would do without him. My sister, Wendy means a lot to me(that doesn't mean that she isn't annoying as hell). HEY MICHAEL,
SHIGGITY SHIGGITY SHWA!!!. My nephew Michael is very fun to have around, he is more like a brother than a nephew.
Video Game Page
Metallica Page