No Good Deed


Hal Bray



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About the Author:

Hal Bray is a new author who writes what he knows.  As a retired Infantry Lieutenant Colonel, he shares with us the mind set of men formed by their combat experiences.  As one who has managed prestigious private country clubs and dealt with their high powered members who control our nation’s economy and industry, he provides keen insight on the inner workings of politics and money in the oil industry against a backdrop of greed and corruption.

From an idyllic setting to one of chaos and panic he leads us on a rapidly accelerating chase to foil a plan that would ruin the oil industry within the United States and place our fuel destiny in the hands of the OPEC nations.

Hal Bray lives in beautiful Northern California with his wife.  His retirement from the United States Army brought him into the sphere of influence of many important people in the oil industry during the 1980's. Their lives and suggestions, along with a vivid imagination inspired this book.

After serving 22 years in the United States Infantry, with multiple tours in Vietnam, Hal used the business degree he earned while on active duty to manage golf and country clubs.  From California to Texas he came to the Gulf Coast during the final hey days of oil in the1980's.  When the bubble burst there was a lot of recriminations and wondering why and how.





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Last modified: 12/13/03