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"Phosphorus and Hesperus" by Evelyn de Morgan


          Toward the end of 1998, Bayani Santos, Jr. asked me to join him in his pioneering venture of publishing ManilaOUT as a magazine of news, information, and advocacy for seven million gays and lesbians in the Philippines, their family and friends, and all who care about LGBT issues, combatting homophobia, and fighting for human rights.
           For me that was exciting. Here was someone who was actually putting his money into a gay and lesbian advocacy project.
           He assigned me the responsibilities of serving as editor in chief for the first year and writing a column about the religious aspects of homophobia and human rights.
           For more than 30 years, my ministry as a priest has involved preaching the good news that God gave us the gift of sex and offers us the gift of salvation.
           Thus the column "Sex and Salvation" came into being to offer a sex-positive theology which integrates spirituality and sexuality with additional insights from my experience as a clinical psychologist.

                                                                           -- Fr. Richard R. Mickley, O.S.Ae.
                                                                              Sta. Mesa, Manila, Philippines
                                                                              30 March 2000

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