Mohawk Wolf Cub Pack, Baie D'Urfe, Quebec, Canada
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Computer Night


This material can be used to fulfill partial requirements for the Computer Badge.

Brainstorm what you can do with a computer - write main ideas on black board

Review parts of a computer, computer processor, printer, monitor , mouse, keyboard, hard/floppy drive

What is the operating system (PC or Mac/Apple)

What is the Internet, what does it do - interconnected computers, World Wide Web
          - shared documents (words, pictures and sounds) and email

What is a browser - the way to view the WWW using Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer

Parts of a browser

          - open application
          - describe the URL address (like your house address)
          - search engine - what is it
          - home page in address - this is a URL
          - back and forth buttons
          - underlined documents called hyperlinks
          - searching using a search engine

Searching for the words "Mohawk Cub Pack"
          - find

Look at our home page
Hyperlink to the Members page
Go back to the Home page
Question: Go back to the Members page - what is Kaa's first name
          - can you send him an email
          - do you see your name?

Go to the Meetings page
          - go to the points graphic - who is ahead?

Hyperlink to the Camps and Outings page
          - where will Cub Camp be held
          - link to Beaconorth - look at KubKar pictures - outside link

Go back to Mohawk page - link to the Neat Stuff page
          - what are the jungle skills
          - go to the Disney page - outside link
          - look at making Knots

Go to the Favorite Links page
          - link to the Scouts Canada site
          - link to Sir Robert Baden-Powell home page

Go to Cubs Own page - what ideas would the cubs like create on this page

Review points learned
          - WWW
          - email
          - browser
          - hyperlink

Play game where every Cub plays a part: 
          Electron at Keyboard Station
          Keyboard opens code and deciphers
          Keyboard tells Electron to go the CPU
          CPU opens code and deciphers
          CPU tells Electron to go the Hard Disk
          Hard Disk opens code and deciphers Codes
          Hard Disk gives valid file
          Hard Disk tells Electron to go the Monitor
          Hard Disk tells Electron to go the Monitor
          Monitor opens code and deciphers
          Monitor tells Electron to go the Printer
          Monitor opens code and deciphers
          Printer Prints File

Review if there is anything else you can do on the web

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Contact Us

February 19, 2001