113South Queen Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
1106 Arnette Avenue, Durham, NC 27707

Telephone: 717-295-1746                     e-mail:gordonneal@netscape.net

Promoting Conservation in the Media: Short Course in Media Relations for Soil and Water Supervisors, Virginia  Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, 1996.

Promoting Conservation in the Media: Media Relations for Soil and Water District Supervisors, North Carolina Division of Soil and Water Conservation, Department of Environment, Health and Natural Resources, 1997.

Fundraising for Conservation : Practical Guide to Fundraising for Soil and Water District Supervisors, North  Carolina Association of Soil and Water Conservation Districts, 1997.

Media Relations: Promoting Organizations, Causes and Issues in the Media, Sanuk-Telikon Community Action  Monograph, Telikon Electronic Publishing, Sanuk-Telikon, Winston-Salem, NC, (in production)

Precinct Action: Political Action at the Neighborhood Level, Sanuk-Telikon Community Action Monograph, Telikon  Electronic Publishing, Sanuk-Telikon, Winston-Salem NC, 1997.

Fundraising Theory: A Handbook for Independent Sector Organizations, Sanuk-Telikon Community Action  Monograph, Telikon Electronic Publishing, Sanuk-Telikon, Winston-Salem, NC, (in production)

PAPERS AND PRESENTATIONS AT ACADEMIC CONFERENCES include thirty papers, four workshops, two roundtable discussions, two exhibits, and panel responses (1987-    ) on a variety of topics, including international development, media and politics, non-profit management, and a variety of social issues, including nude dancing, the incest/pedophile subculture, civil rights issues, marriage and family, and soil and water conservation..

PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS include Southern Political Science Association, Southern Popular Culture/American Studies Associations, National Society of Fund Raising Executives (former chapter officer, national board member), Society For International Development (former chapter vice-president), Free Nation Foundation,  North Carolina Political Science Association, Intercollegiate Studies Institute, Pennsylvania German Society, others.
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